Snow/birds II

After a slight break in the weather Wednesday, Erie Snowpocalypse 2024 continued apace today (Thursday) with blizzard conditions. Difference between normal “lake-effect snow” and “blizzard conditions” = lower temps + heavy wind gusts w/ blowing snow. Yay!

All shots American Robin (as above), European Starling @ Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)(as immediately below), & female Northern Cardinal (as second below).

Happy Fall II

It’s day 5 of Snowpocalypse 2024 here in north Erie County, Pennsylvania. Travel restrictions remain in effect in the City of Erie due to ongoing plowing; all schools closed. In good news, temps seem relatively mild today + periodic sunshine.

Falling snowflakes I
Snow crystals
Falling snowflakes II

Here’s part 2 of recent, pre-snow fall birds in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

American Robin I
Dark-eyed Junco
Robins II
Robin III
Blue Jay
House Finches (f)
Northern Cardinal (m) I
Tufted Titmouse
Robin IV
Junco II
Robin V
Junco III
Robin VI
Titmouse II
Robin launch w/ berry
Junco IV
Junco on ground
Cardinal II
House Finch (m)
Northern Cardinal (f) w/ fall colour

In The Rain

More photos from a rainy Thanksgiving morning at Presque Isle State Park.

Ducks (Common Merganser & Bufflehead) on Presque Isle Bay
Mallards (m – foreground, f – background)

A Merganser (Red-breasted female?) scooches off in the rain:

2 Mallards
European Starling, profile, on power line
Common Merganser in rain
Mute Swan on Horseshoe Bay
Common Merganser (foreground) + Buffleheads in flight (background)
Mallards III
Mergansers in rain II
Mute Swan II
Buffleheads landing on Presque Isle Bay

In the following shot of South Pier as seen from North Pier, note East Ave boat launch in the background:

Gulls on South Pier
Buffleheads landing II, w/ Mergansers
South Pier, east end
Mixed ducks
Gulls on South Pier III
American Coots @ entrance channel to PI Bay
Gulls at Beach No. 11
Outer Lake Erie

Recently, In Erie Co., PA

Caught a slight break in the weather in Millcreek Twp. (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) yesterday afternoon with localized clear skies and sun. (Thankfully, the snowplows finally returned…) Weather this morning: snow. field operations canceled for day 3 due to road restrictions/conditions.

Snow falling

While waiting on forthcoming snow/ice pictures (?), here’s misc. photos from the last few weeks in Erie County, mostly Presque Isle State Park & South Pier:

American Tree Sparrow

ID note on American Tree Sparrow: dark eyeline like Chipping Sparrow, but note the distinctive yellow lower beak mandible.

American Pixie Gull in flight

Two Tundra Swans on Presque Isle Bay, first shot is cropped/enlarged, second is not @ 600mm:

Double-crested Cormorant

Following shot is American Coot & Ruddy Duck at head of Presque Isle Bay. Ruddy Ducks are at far right, fourth from right, and second from left, etc. Coots are the dark ones.

American Pixie Gull, floating
Canada Geese @ Thompson Bay
Herring Gull, probably, in flight
Floating II
Either Mallards or American Black Ducks
Gull II
Floating III
GBH @ Thompson Bay swamp/pond
Vocalizing Ring-billed Gull
Floating IV

Following shot is at Beach No. 11 w/ Great Black-backed Gull second from right, + misc. gulls:

Gull III

These were really far away and are hard to see in the picture, but it’s Northern Pintail ducks on Long Pond + misc. Mallards/American Black Ducks. The Pintail males have the white chest + a band of connecting white up the rear side of the head:

Extreme enlargement (Pintail males at left, bottom center, and right):

Howling II
Belted Kingfisher
American Tree Sparrow II
Bald Eagles by Big Pond
Howling III
Seems like a bad idea…

Happy Fall?

You know it’s bad in Erie, PA when they just stop plowing. Figure at least 70 cm (28 inches) of snow from early Friday morning to Saturday morning. Perhaps the largest single-day snowfall in 5 years. Interstate 90 and PA Route 5 (main state highway along Lake Erie parallel to I90) both closed. Heavy snow expected through Tuesday morning.

Snow, Saturday morning, black-&-white

Heard a few Black-capped Chickadees this morning, otherwise minimal bird activity. Not unexpectedly. And with that, time to head back a couple weeks, pre-snow, for beautiful fall birds in Millcreek Twp (“Home of Snowpocalypse 2024”).

All photos American Robin (as above) unless otherwise noted.

Dark-eyed Junco
Blue Jay w/ acorn
House Finch (m)
Junco II
Jay II
Junco III
Tufted Titmouse
Jay IV
Northern Cardinal (m)

[Editor’s note: Still lots of internal debate on “Snowpocalypse” or “Snowmageddon.” If any interested readers have a preference, please submit via the Comments box. Thank you.]

Snow-covered trees & Xmas lights

Turkeys Day

Friday weather today in Erie County, Pennsylvania: heavy snow and lots of it. All field operations canceled.

Just enough time yesterday morning for a quick outing to Presque Isle State Park before getting the tofu log into the oven. With substantial rain, the park was largely deserted other than duck hunters and the poor folks by the main entrance suffering through Erie’s annual ‘Turkey Trot’ 5k/10k. And for birds, what else for the Thanksgiving holiday than cooperative Wild Turkeys by Presque Isle Light House? (Truly a happy coincidence.)

Coming soon, more turkeys, featuring WTIF! (Really!)

Happy Turkey Day

What better way to celebrate the US Thanksgiving holiday than with pictures, maybe, of Wild Turkey? Unfortunately, as suggested by these real, unadulterated iPhone pictures, the local Wild Turkeys appear to be using some sort of electronic jamming system, or perhaps hypnotic transmission, to thwart hunters/photographers. Or something like that.

Wild Turkeys?
Probably not Wild Turkey
Wild Turkeys?
Wild Turkeys

All kidding aside, here’s some lucky/nice shots from last Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, in a lull in the rain along the Long Pond Trail. (‘Lucky’ = ok weather + brief flurry of bird activity.)

Northern Cardinal (f)
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Mallards in flight, distant

With winter coming, great to see Winter Wren:

Kinglet II
Female Mallard in flight
Winter Wren II
Kinglet in flight
Wren III
Cardinal II
Kinglet IV
White-breasted Nuthatch, profile
Kinglet V
Nuthatch II
Kinglet VI
Kinglet VII
Wren IV
Kinglet XIII
Wren V
Kinglet IX
Wren VI
Final Kinglet

Wishing everyone in the US a Happy Thanksgiving!

Weekend Update

Weather-wise, quite awful this past weekend in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Overcast both days, with on/off rain Saturday (mostly “on”) and fairly heavy wind and rain Sunday until mid-afternoon. Trail conditions: very wet with localized flooding/puddling, even in “normally mostly dry” spots. (Forecast for this Friday & into the near future: snow & rain.)

Canada Geese at Leo’s Landing

Overall, fairly subdued bird activity at Presque Isle State Park, but still some nice sightings. Also “Rule 13 of bird photography:” when all else fails, there’s always plants. (Or landscapes.) All shots here from Sunday under rainy conditions.

Wet berries – probably Asiatic Bittersweet (C. orbiculatus)
Mixed gulls at Leo’s Landing
Horned Grebes on Presque Isle Bay
More wet berries – probably hawthorn (species unknown)
Tundra Swans on Long Pond

A few overcast/gloomy shots of a Mallard takeoff on Long Pond:

Finally, a somewhat random stop at the Beach No. 8 parking lot to check out outer lake/surf conditions. (‘Random’ meaning relative to other possible spots to check out lake conditions, of which there are many.) Otherwise devoid of human/bird activity, and despite heavy wind/blowing rain conditions, surprised to see a flock (10+) of cute Snow Bunting, here mostly shown below or on the split-rail wooden fence that borders the multiuse/bike trail:

Eventually the Snow Buntings flew towards the beach and then east, caught in the wind:

Snow Bunting in flight (left w/ tree in background)

Tomorrow, there will be Turkeys! Sort of.