Coldest morning yet this season in Erie County, Pennsylvania today, w/ temps at sunrise approximately -20 deg C (-3 deg F). Sunny though, at least for now (clouds/probably lake-effect snow later), like yesterday, shown here at a very quick, frigid stop at South Pier:

Ice conditions rapidly changing with the cold. Here’s a view of the west end of the Presque Isle Bay entrance channel, showing Presque Isle Bay on left and Misery Bay on right, w/ west end of North Pier (on right, foreground) + Perry Monument (horizon on right):

Waterfowl congregating on the unfrozen portion of the channel between North Pier and South Pier, in approximate order of population: Redhead, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, American Coot, Red-breasted Merganser, Canada Goose, Bufflehead, Ring-necked Duck, Canvasback, & Long-tailed Duck. This is South Pier, looking east, with North Pier on the left:

Another view of the unfrozen portion of entrance channel; North Pier and Coast Guard Station on left, enclosed pond @ South Pier on right, North Pier light @ horizon right:

Stay warm!