One, Maybe 2, Ducks

Coldest morning yet this season in Erie County, Pennsylvania today, w/ temps at sunrise approximately -20 deg C (-3 deg F). Sunny though, at least for now (clouds/probably lake-effect snow later), like yesterday, shown here at a very quick, frigid stop at South Pier:

A few ducks

Ice conditions rapidly changing with the cold. Here’s a view of the west end of the Presque Isle Bay entrance channel, showing Presque Isle Bay on left and Misery Bay on right, w/ west end of North Pier (on right, foreground) + Perry Monument (horizon on right):

Waterfowl congregating on the unfrozen portion of the channel between North Pier and South Pier, in approximate order of population: Redhead, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, American Coot, Red-breasted Merganser, Canada Goose, Bufflehead, Ring-necked Duck, Canvasback, & Long-tailed Duck. This is South Pier, looking east, with North Pier on the left:

Another view of the unfrozen portion of entrance channel; North Pier and Coast Guard Station on left, enclosed pond @ South Pier on right, North Pier light @ horizon right:

North Pier Light w/ gulls in far background

Stay warm!


Back to Gull Point at Presque Isle State Park from the Sunday before last:

Distant gull @ outer Gull Point

Still lots of nice shots of Purple Sandpiper in the hopper, foraging along a bay-side beach w/ unfrozen water line:

Gulls on float ice, outer Lake Erie

Additionally, also moving along with beautiful Snow Bunting @ outer Gull Point:

Quite a large flock (relatively speaking) of the Snow Bunting, maybe 48+. Alternating between foraging among the sandy/snowy dunes & in-flight (see below):

Wild Animals (?)

[Editor’s note: After “considerable debate,” management decided to allow ‘bonus posts’ of photographs of staff pets, despite it being mostly a ‘nature/bird website.’ Because, # wild animals?]

Following shots of domesticated Dog (Canis familiaris) in the cold/snow today @ Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

CIF, Ice, & Water

No field operations yesterday due to weather conditions. (Rain followed by hard cold = slippery trail conditions = recipe for disaster.) Weather in Erie County, Pennsylvania today: snowy, approx. -11 deg C. Before going back to Gull Point the other weekend (or otherwise), here’s a spotlight on American Coot, featuring recent shots in flight, on ice, and on the water:

Coots on ice & water off Beach No. 11

Like Wild Turkey, American Coot are fine flyers, but it doesn’t seem to be the preferred means of locomotion (e.g., much more likely to see a Coot swimming than flying):

CIF off South Pier
Coots, Tundra Swans, & gulls
American Coot (l) + female Lesser Scaup (r)
Coot array
In flight duo
Featuring Tundra Swans
CIF w/ Redheads
Coots foraging on outer Thompson Bay
In the air, on the water
Another Coot lineup
Coot in air, Coot in water
More Tundra Swans
Mixed waterfowl
Coots on ice by Coast Guard Station
CIF, Coot in water, w/ Redheads
Lineup II
Final CIF

Thank You, Owen Wilson

After seemingly a long drought of Snowy Owl in Erie County, Pennsylvania, the staff was rather distraught (moderately bummed at least) to miss the individual reported in eBird as having been seen at Gull Point before Thanksgiving. But like Owen Wilson’s character in The Big Year (great, low-key movie), just keep persevering, and the perseverance eventually pays off around New Year’s. (Here, missed it by 19 days.)

Wrong movie

As of this past Friday, there were multiple reports in eBird of another Snowy Owl sighted at Gull Point. As of Saturday, it was cold, overcast, and rainy. Despite the conditions, considering missing the earlier owl, it was time to draw straws for outside winter suffering:

Gull Point @ outside winter suffering
Herring Gulls on ice
Redhead ducks over outer Lake Erie

Seemed like a bad idea, but even bad ideas pay off sometimes, with a ‘first ever’ of Snowy Owl at Gull Point, initially sighted at the NE point along the outer beach:

Uncropped @ 400mm
Wow! (cropped @ 400mm)
Snowy Owl w/ face turned away

Fairly soon, it flew along the beach southwards:

To land further down the point:

After walking to the old observation platform, a slightly closer view:

View from observation platform, uncropped @ 400mm
Cropped @ 400mm

After that, even with spirits buoyed by owls, it was time to head back to Budny Beach before hypothermia set in. Here’s a ‘fast/wet hike back bonus’ of Tundra Swans and Canada Geese @ outer Lake Erie:

Coming up soon, switching bird colours from white to blue!

Landing Zone

Weekend/recent conditions in Erie County, PA highly variable, with much of Presque Isle Bay unfrozen due to recent slightly warmer temperatures. (Weather this Saturday morning: rain.) Likely to change next week, with temperatures expected to plummet.

Ducks + North Pier Light

Taking a break from Gull Point coverage with ducks, and lots of ’em. There are so many things to enjoy in observing (dare we say, watching?) bird behavior – Bald Eagles dive fishing, woodpeckers pecking wood, gulls fighting over fish, hummingbirds feeding on wildflowers, etc. Surely towards the top of the list, though, is waterfowl aerobraking for landing. Never gets old, either generally observationally or, more specifically, photographically. [Editor’s note: four “-ally” for the win!] These recent shots @ South Pier:

Lots of Redhead & Scaup ducks

Following is mostly a mix of Redhead & Lesser Scaup ducks w/ some American Coots in the water, maybe a Ring-necked Duck or two:

ID note – in following shot, male Redhead lower left, two ducks to the right of it = female Redheads:

Nice sequence of Redheads landing in the channel between North Pier (background) & South Pier:

Male Mallard coming in for a steep landing @ Coast Guard Station:


Mixed ducks

Closing it out with an aerial shot of Lesser Scaup (4 ducks lower right) and 1 Common Goldeneye (upper left):


Reviewing the memory cards from this past Sunday at Presque Isle State Park revealed “way too many” shots of the Purple Sandpiper spotted bay-side Gull Point. But an unusual bird and non-flighty subject = photographically irresistible. Most of the following feature foraging behavior:

More To The Point

Back to Presque Isle State Park from this past Sunday afternoon, with ‘part 1’ of’s first expedition to Gull Point of the year. Facilitated by light ground snow and above-freezing temperatures.

Budny Beach, view east-ish towards Gull Point

Gull Point in January ‘goal #1:’ scout for overwintering Yellow-rumped Warblers. Gull Point in January ‘goal #2:’ Snow Buntings. More on the latter later. On the former, there might have been a ‘flash of something yellow’ in one of the large bayberry bush thickets along the inland trail (i.e., outer official trail), but no confirmed sightings. Plenty of Downy Woodpecker activity, however:

Tundra Swans flying overhead, heading east

By ‘big bend,’ next up was the beach access @ outer Thompson Bay, following the unfrozen water along the beach edge in the hope of maybe seeing a duck or two. (Winter PI ‘birding hint:’ always check out open water.) Instead, a very surprising ‘special guest’ appearance by an amazing/unusual Purple Sandpiper, shown here in an iPhone photo as the ‘dark blob’ center middle by the snow:

Purple Sandpiper @ bay-side Gull Point beach

Very fortunately, this Sandpiper was busy foraging in the shallow water, and seemed unconcerned w/ human/photographer presence. Please enjoy the followings shots w/ the better camera gear @ 600mm cropped:

Coming up soon, more Purple Sandpiper, + a nice time at outer Gull Point!

Big Ducks

“Big” as in a big post, featuring everyone’s favourite waterfowl, ducks! This is part 2 of Weekend Update, from Sunday afternoon at Presque Isle State Park, moving on from the Bald Eagle, past the poorly parked ice fisherfolk at Horseshoe Bay, to North Pier!

North Pier (right) looking west towards PI Bay; South Pier on left
North Pier (left) looking east

Only problem w/ North Pier photography this time of year is shooting against the sun, but still some nice shots, even if oftentimes backlit, like these landing Lesser Scaups:

Birds frequently congregate against the bottom of the pilings @ North/South Pier, so one bird photography ‘trick’ is to carefully approach the edge (e.g., avoid falling in) for looking over the side = might get some relatively closeup shots, like this male Red-breasted Merganser:

Redheads II
Redheads III
Red-breasted Merganser (m) w/ fish lunch

These are landing Redheads w/ Lesser Scaup in the water:

Merganser w/ fish II
Ring-necked Ducks
Male & female Red-breasted Mergansers
Red-breasted Merganser (3 on left) + Scaups (3 upper right)
Male (fore) & female (rear) Red-breasted Mergansers
Redheads IV
Merganser w/ fish III

Following are all Redheads in flight landing in mixed ducks:

Male & female Mergansers III

Ice Fishing, etc.

Presque Isle Bay, view looking east

Today it’s ‘weekend update‘ part 1. Conditions Saturday in Erie County, Pennsylvania: cold, snowy, gloomy; mostly hung out at the local McDonald’s drinking black coffee. Sunday, partially sunny and just-above-freezing “warm,” great day for hiking out to Gull Point for the first time this year. Much more on that later. But first, in chronological order @ Presque Isle State Park, a GBH ice fishing at the edge of Marina Lake:

Unfortunately, the GBH here seemed distracted by human presence (even if fairly distant), so it was soon time to leave this fine laddie or lassie in peace.

Nearby, perched in a tree by Long Pond, a beautiful mature Bald Eagle:

Bald Eagle, view from park road

Hiked around past boat landing #4 to get slightly closer, w/ these very nice, if “challengingly lit,” photographs:

GBH on Long Pond

Trail & parking conditions at Presque Isle: generally good, frozen, w/ light ground snow cover; roads icy. Lots of traffic (for winter) w/ folks ice fishing esp. at Misery Bay and Horeshoe Bay.

Full moonrise, Sunday afternoon

Coming up soon, more from Sunday @ Presque Isle State Park, w/ ducks! Here’s a preview of female Red-breasted Merganser at North Pier: