Weekend Update (Pt 1)

Dateline: 24-26 February 2023

Erie, PA weekend weather: highly variable, with clouds, cold, wind, sun, rain, snow, hail, etc. All Presque Isle State Park trails in typical condition, e.g., mostly decent except where typically flooded, e.g., B Trail. BirdingPI.com expedition to Gull Point on Sunday curtailed due to heavy wind; these shots from the ‘interior’ Friday-Sunday.

In bird news, first Killdeer of the year spotted off Feather Platform (Leo’s Landing)(!):

Killdeer x2 with duck season detritus
Killdeer @ landing
Mass gulls flight I/Leo’s Landing
Mass gulls flight II
N/S piers; back bay egress
Mallards off Long Pond
Cute Mallard video 1
Cute Mallard video 2
Ring-necked Ducks @ Long Pond

Ring-necked Ducks in takeoff + flight:

On the beach @ Thompson Bay

Huge flock of American Crow (40+) passing over Gull Point Trailhead (this is just the tail end):

Budny Beach @ Sunday:

Finally, Gull activity at Beach No. 11.

Coming up soon, more GBH! More Northern Cardinal! More weekend content featuring Tundra Swan, etc.!

Birds Of Millcreek Twp

Dateline: February 2023

A selection of recent, nice shots from Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Bird ID: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: Northern Cardinal (m); 2, 4, 6: European Starling; 8: American Robin in Staghorn Sumac; 10: Bald Eagle

A Gull Unlike The Others

Unsettled weather over the weekend – very cold with brief-but-heavy snow Saturday morning, warmer with partial clearing in the afternoon. Cold, cloudy, and windy Sunday morning, sunny/windy by mid-afternoon. Stay tuned for the weekend update, featuring birds. In the meantime, recent shots off Beach No. 11, Presque Isle State Park, featuring “mixed gulls.”

Bonus video:

Dinner Time (NSFW)

Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”): local Red-tailed Hawk caught a critter (rat?) for dinner. Sorry, critter. Not the best quality content due to distance and lighting conditions, but #food_chain

American Beauty

Wishing everyone a ‘happy Friday’ and pleasant weekend with a bonus post of American Crow content! (Lots of Crow activity in the greater Erie, PA area every day.) Weekend weather’s slated to be variable but not awful (hopefully).

Still Winter

Dateline: 22-23 February 2023

Back to winter weather Wednesday, with snow later in the morning then rain in the afternoon/evening. Enough cold temps overnight for significant icing on trees, shrubbery, and lawns.

European Starling in snow
Icy branch
Icy Starlings
Icy American Robin
Icy House Finch (m)
Icy Northern Cardinal (m)
Icy American Robin redux

Quick stop at East Ave boat launch for gulls!


The third and final entry in coverage of recent Bald Eagle activity off Long Pond, Presque Isle State Park. After the other two eagles departed, this third eagle perched where the other was previously, then flew off west. Lighting wasn’t ideal for the BIF (bird in flight) shots, but still fun to see.