Birds/Random Nature (IV)

Part 4 of weekend+ content, with more to come!

First up, from last week at East Ave boat launch, happy to see Bonaparte’s Gulls back in the area:

Non-breeding plumage – black bill and black ‘smudge’ behind the ear.

Back to Presque Isle State Park along the Pine Tree Trail on Saturday:

West trailhead
Black-capped Chickadee

In the ‘random nature’ category, an interesting finding of a partial Woodchuck/Groundhog (Marmota monax) skull. Following shot lower mandible; two elongate teeth in the upper right are the lower incisors:

Upper mandible on left; curved teeth at bottom left are the upper incisors:

See the excellent book Anatomy of the Woodchuck for detailed reading on this topic.

Song Sparrow

Following rather dramatic shot probably two Eastern Phoebe (first sighting this spring):

Eastern Phoebe

More ‘random nature,’ blobby fungus on a fallen tree, probably Northern Cinnabar Polypore (Pycnoporus cinnabarinus):

American Tree Sparrow munching on invasive Common Reed aka Phragmites:


Moving on to Dead Pond Trail (east end) just before the thunderstorms:

Song Sparrow
Hairy Woodpecker (m)
Tufted Titmouse

Lots of Brown Creeper activity over the weekend, e.g.:

Brown Creeper

More Brown Creeper shots to follow, also some uncommon sightings along the Pine Tree Trail on Sunday!

Bonus Great Egret video, by Long Pond. (Sound level lowered due to road and wind noise.) Lots of heat shimmer on display, but still fun to see.


Happy to see Golden-crowned Kinglet back in Erie. These shots from Saturday afternoon along the Dead Pond Trail, under cloudy conditions:

Behavioral note: Kinglets move quickly, flitting from branch to branch. Sometimes, they’ll also flutter in place or hang upside down for foraging for insects/other food = the ‘upside down’ shots above.

Birds Of The Weekend (II)

Dateline: 1 April 2023

Clouds over Presque Isle

It’s all about the weather. Clear, humid, relatively warm (20 deg C?; 65+ deg F) Saturday morning. Wind picked up + clouds/thunderstorms by 1:30PM, with a substantial temp drop down to approximately 7.2 deg C (45 deg F). Cold enough for mixed snow in the evening + below freezing Sunday morning. Sunday: clear, moderate wind, cold – maybe a high temp of 3.3 deg C (37-38 deg F).

Following video – thunderstorms north of Thompson Bay swamp/pond (looking towards Budny Beach); conditions deteriorated rapidly after this:

Until the weather turned, beautiful morning Saturday for birding. Tons of activity along the Pine Tree Trail, esp. “new spring arrivals.” See previous post for “bird of the weekend” (Merlin). Here, ‘runner up’ lovely Golden-crowned Kinglet. Lots of Kinglet activity, and lots of great Kinglet shots coming up later in the week. Preview:

‘Second runner up,’ the always amazing Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker. Multiple individuals sighted along the Pine Tree Trail both Saturday and Sunday:

Back With Merlin

Dateline: 1-2 April 2023

A dramatic and rather excellent weekend out at Presque Isle State Park. Early migratory activity picking up a bit, lots of “first spring/2023” – Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Osprey, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, Belted Kingfisher, at least one each of wren and flycatcher (species TBD), etc.

Here, the “bird of the weekend,” the always amazing Merlin! [Squire’s Birding Guide to Pennsylvania, 2ed (1978): “Birding Rule 20(bis): Merlin trumps as ‘best bird’ of any outing.”] All shots off the Pine Tree Trail.

ID tip: tail tip appears square

Coming up soon, lots more weekend content, featuring weather/lightning video! Wow. Also birds. #more_bird

They’re Baa-ack (NSFW/ticks)

Dateline: 1 April 2023

It’s the yearly PSA re. everyone’s least favorite cling-on, the tick. With spring, they’re back at Presque Isle State Park. ( has catalogued at least four different species of tick at the park.) Be on the lookout, especially after passing through brush or long grass; back at home = clothes in the laundry + self-inspection.

Following recorded today after a pleasant time on the Pine Tree Trail. Not an April Fool’s joke.

Species: who cares? They’re all awful

More information here: (no affiliation).

Spring Into Ducks’s ongoing series of “birds likely seen at Presque Isle State Park early spring” continues, with ducks!

Ring-necked Ducks @ Long Pond
Mallard (f)

Backlit female Mallard over Long Pond:

Following’s not a great shot, but including to show pretty Bufflehead (m) colouring in the sunlight:

Bufflehead in flight
Hooded Merganser @ Thompson Bay
Canvasback takeoff
Canvasback flight

Following probably Hooded Merganser female:

Hooded Merganser male (r; bottom) and female (l; top):

Hooded Merganser (f) @ backlit

Ring-necked Ducks on Niagara Pond:

Bonus video, complete with genuine Presque Isle road traffic! (Do not be startled by sudden passing cars.) Audio replaced due to wind and road noise.

Heavy rain and wind most of the day Friday. This Saturday morning, sunny, but another storm’s expected in the afternoon. Time to get out while the sun’s out!

Maybe One Snake (NSFW)

Bonus post of recent shots of the first snake of the year at Presque Isle State Park, the beautiful Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis)! By the water crossover at Thompson Bay swamp/ponds. Snakes are great!

Killdeer (II)

KIF (Killdeer in flight) with “sparkly background,'” from this past Sunday at North Pier, Presque Isle State Park:

Erie, PA weather Thursday: sunny, cold. Friday: warmer but gloomy/overcast; forecast for Saturday: high likelihood of afternoon rain; Sunday forecast: sunny with highs barely above freezing. Not expecting much migratory activity yet, but wishing everyone a nice weekend nevertheless! #enjoy_nature #more_bird

Bonus Loon/Etc.

Winter weather Wednesday, with wind, wet snow, etc. (3+ cm snow, high temps Wed-Thurs a bit above 0 deg C.) Nevertheless, plenty of ‘seasonal’ bird activity – European Starling, Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, American Robin, etc.

Icicles over Lake Erie/Thursday

Of note, unusual amount of Common Loon activity both on Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay. Following shots are poorly lit (long distance + fog/gloomy conditions), but fun to see breeding adult plumage:

More icicles

Back to ‘spring,’ first Great Egret of the year spotted at Presque Isle State Park today! (Marsh by the road across from Long Pond.) Lots of heat shimmer due to the sunshine = blurry photo, but still nice to see these beautiful birds back in town. Video clips to follow.

The greatest Egret

Coming up soon, snakes! Really! Well, maybe one snake.

[Editor’s note: 6x alliteration for the win!]