Nesting Season

Fun to see a female Baltimore Oriole gathering nesting material (cattail fluff). These shots taken fairly recently by the Long Pond Trail east trailhead, Presque Isle State Park.

Back On Point

Dateline: 14 May 2023

Double ice crystal halos (e.g., ‘sun dog’)

Finally got someone back out to Gull Point @ Presque Isle State Park. Lots of complaining about the ‘long’ hike – “But there’s sand!”

Pine Tree Trail, Dead Pond Trail, Sidewalk Trail, etc. are easy – pick somewhere to stand and the birds flock around like Mary flippin’ Poppins. Gull Point takes effort – no pain, no (birding) gain.

Song Sparrow/greeting the sun
Windy Sunday
Gull Point – looking generally west towards main PI, from the observation platform

Following’s a crop @ 800mm of the SW mudflat (approximately at the center of the picture above). Quality is awful, but it’s posted to show (i) Dunlin (x2 on right); and (ii) a gull at Gull Point! (Wow!)

Another awful crop @ 800mm, showing Dunlin and other shorebirds (Sanderling probably) in flight:

Still another awful crop, of what’s probably Sanderling:

Lots of Spotted Sandpiper out-and-about:

Spotted Sandpiper in flight
Eastern Kingbird

Blurry shots of what’s probably Cooper’s Hawk passing overhead on its way (apparently) to the ‘mainland:’

Very cool to see a pair of Yellowlegs! Based on the slightly upturned bill (see shot below), calling it as Greater Yellowlegs:

Spotted Sandpiper I
Spotted Sandpiper II
More morning sun

Lots of Killdeer activity:

Barn Swallow

A Killdeer nesting near the roped access trail to the observation platform:

Killdeer on nest

The parent Killdeer temporarily left for its “lure predators away by pretending to have a broken wing” behavior:

Killdeer off nest

Killdeer chicks and egg:

[Editor’s Note: Field Policy No. 12(b): “Upon encountering an active ground-level nest, vacate the area immediately in a calm and orderly manner. Quick photographs are permissible if possible without further disturbance.”]

On the back bay along the “outer old trail,” a pair of Lesser Scaups:

Chicken dance I
Chicken dance II

Following’s a bad crop @ 800mm, but including it here to show the purple iridescence. Normally hard to see w/o good lighting/right angle. ID tip: generally, male Lesser Scaup = purple iridescence; male Greater Scaup = green iridescence.

Special guest appearance of attractive mushrooms:

Possibly Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus or similar)

[Editor’s Note: management apologizes for use of the phrase “Mary flippin’ Poppins” in this post. Appropriate individuals have been referred to anger management training.]

Red, Red Rose

Always a springtime favourite, a lovely Rose-breasted Grosbeak (m), the “Elegant Trogan of Erie.” [Editor’s Note: ???] Shots taken a couple weeks ago in a tree at the Budny Beach east parking area, Presque Isle State Park.

Bonus shots of a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak along the Pine Tree Trail:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (f) I
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (f) II


Always a treat to see’s ‘official second favourite warbler,’ the lovely Black-throated Blue Warbler. Gorgeous blue/black/white colouration. All shots recently on the Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park.

Black-throated Blue Warbler (m)

Couldn’t ID the following bird in the field, but a dozen or two minutes of intensive research revealed it as a female Black-throated Blue Warbler. Another “first time anywhere” sighting. ID tip: white ‘wing square’ is distinctive.

Black-throated Blue Warbler (f)

More shots of the male Black-throated Blue Warbler:

@ Pine Tree Trail

Dateline: 14 May 2023

Just a quick ‘photo essay’ of birds seen on the Pine Tree Trail on Sunday, Presque Isle State Park. More or less just before noon.

Yellow Warbler (f)

Multiple Great Crested Flycatcher seen in the last week or two:

Great Crested Flycatcher are great, wow.

Gray Catbird!
American Redstart (m)

The “bird of the day,” the always cute and amazing (and uncommonly seen at Presque Isle) Wilson’s Warbler:

Loves Wilson

Chipping Sparrow
Magnolia Warbler (m)
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Pine Tree Trail, yay!

More Wilson’s Warbler!

[Editor’s Note: after this post, officially done with Castaway jokes. Bleh.]


Canada Goose (babies)

Been remiss in delaying this year’s obligatory “goose babies” post. (Sans Ryan Gosling jokes.) Rough spring in Erie, with frequent cold snaps – back in April, saw at least two abandoned nests. Now, plenty of little ones at Presque Isle and elsewhere. (These closeup shots along the Long Pond trail.)

Goose family on Marina Lake

Family with juveniles (close to adult plumage) in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

We’re taking a walk!

Same location/day, another family or two with younger, post-chick adolescents:

We’re taking a walk too!

Migration Update

Dateline: 13-14 May 2023

Spectacular weekend at Presque Isle State Park. Friday weather: sunny, mild; Saturday: foggy morning, then mostly clear, warm, humid; Sunday: clear, very windy, cooler; Monday: cool, sunny. Trails have benefited from the run of dry weather; all in good condition except the ‘usual suspects’ (Gull Point ‘inner old’ and ‘middle old’ trails; Long Pond west end; Duck Pond; B Trail; etc.)

Windy Sunday morning – looking west towards Budny Beach

Finally got a team back to Gull Point on Sunday; full report to follow. Not ideal conditions with the wind, but fascinating/notable Blue Jay migratory activity – cumulatively, hundreds of Blue Jays spotted over the Gull Point Trail area, flying generally west to east against the stiff NE wind. Speculating they were intending to head north into Canada, but having difficultly from the weather.

44 Blue Jays over Gull Point area
Another view – 44 Blue Jays
Blue Jay migration – detail
Blue Jay migration – detail II

Example Blue Jay in flight:

Following don’t do it justice, but still fun/interesting:

Elsewhere, not enough data yet for substantive comments on shorebird migration. (Based on recent sightings of Spotted Sandpiper, Yellowlegs, Dunlin, etc., seems normal so far.) Vireo and flycatcher activity seems normal. For warblers, no sightings yet of ‘usuals’ Bay-breasted Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Northern Parula, etc. Normal levels of Magnolia, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, & Chestnut-sided Warbler activity. Always plenty of Yellow Warbler activity at Presque Isle, but seems like more than usual this year – Yellow Warblers everywhere!

Yellow Warbler (m)

Warbler shots above taken adjacent the swamp/pond north of Pine Tree Trail:

Shots above: SE and SW views of Pine Tree Trail swamp/pond (Pine Tree Trail is past the screen of trees), taken adjacent the main park road by Sunset Point. (This view previously inaccessible until recent brush removal.)

American Redstart always a Presque Isle spring/summer regular, but more activity this year than past. (Multiple males and females spotted at both Presque Isle and Scott Park.) Photographs of a male by Beach No. 11 parking area:

Also more Baltimore Oriole, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Eastern Towhee, & Gray Catbird! activity this year.

Coming up soon, more Pine Tree Trail, and Gull Point! Also, Wild Turkeys on full display!

[Editor’s Note: characterizations of bird activity are anecdotal and based on field reports from an informal (non-scientific) birding perspective.]

(Another) PI Bird Alert

Dateline: 13 May 2023

Another day on the Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park, another “first time anywhere” sighting – this time an amazing Blue-winged Warbler (m) on Saturday! (Literally amazed. Again.)

Blue-winged Warbler (m), Pine Tree Trail

ID tips: overall yellow; distinctive black “eye line;” white wing bars. Blue wings (ahem). Distinctive ‘trilling’ call, almost insect-like; see All About Birds.

[Photo Editor’s Note: Difficult shooting conditions under foggy morning skies in thick vegetation. Very lucky to get the “ok” shots above. Following are more typical examples; in each shot, subject is approximately @ very center:

After an informal poll of staff, Pine Tree Trail rated as #1 “interior trail” at Presque Isle State Park. (#1 trail overall: Gull Point Trail. Of course.)