Really a lot of Yellow Warbler activity at Presque Isle State Park this year. Seen up to 6-7 individuals in one location, and multiple instances of 2 or 3 in flight/chase mode.
These shots at various locations over the past week or so. And yes, more Yellow Warbler content’s on the way!
Wonders never cease – shots of “wild” Ruby-throated Hummingbird that aren’t totally awful! (Wild = not at a feeder.) And a male to boot, with visible gorget. (Gorget = hummingbird throat feathers, esp. iridescent throat feathers.)
Photographs taken recently at Headwaters Park, Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”), early evening.
Another beautiful weekend at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. After the rain Saturday morning: cool, humid, mostly cloudy; lovely, lingering scent of honeysuckle on the Pine Tree Trail (Common Yellowthroat, Bay-breasted Warbler, etc.; report forthcoming); Sunday: sunny, cool, slightly windy, beautiful day.
Long Pond Trail – east trailhead
After just a fleeting glimpse the other day at Asbury Woods, personnel were dispatched for spending Sunday scouring the Long Pond Trail ‘hinterlands.’ Mission: Scarlet Tanager!
First up, by the east trailhead, another “first of 2023” sighting, Northern Parula! Not the best shots ever for showing distinctive colouring, but still excellent to see:
Yellow Warbler
In that same area, another “first of 2023,” awful photographs of Blackpoll Warbler (m)(!):
Part of the southwest side of Long Pond is defined by a roughly NW-to-SE sand ridge; hence the stand of mature forest in this spot. Pond on the one side, swamp on the other, tall trees and brush in between = bird goodness.
Long Pond TrailTrees on Long Pond TrailLong Pond
Warbler nest near Boat Landing #5:
Brown-headed Cowbird (m)Looking towards west trailhead, Long Pond TrailWest end Long Pond Trail = floodedLooking back southeast along Long Pond sand ridgeNE view of Long Pond from west end of Long Pond sand ridge
Several shady shots of Red-eyed Vireo:
House WrenSome sort of SparrowTree Swallow ITree Swallow IITree Swallow IIIGHIF (Green Heron in flight)Yellow Warbler II’s springtime “go to” spot for the amazingly red Scarlet Tanager = Long Pond Trail:
Lots and lots of birds on the Pine Tree Trail (& vicinity), from last Saturday.
Three of lovely Black-and-white Warbler:
Based on the buffy eye-ring and non-contrasting tail, possibly Swainson’s Thrush:
Partially blocked shot, but still great to get a decent photograph of Ovenbird:
Gray Catbird!
Also very nice to see Cedar Waxwing back in town:
Eastern Towhee (m)
World’s worst hummingbird photo, but included here to show a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Most (all?) sightings previously have been, coincidentally, females.
Colourful blob
Presque Isle honeysuckle season is in full swing:
Two of the always amazing Great Crested Flycatcher:
Palm Warbler
Four of the implausibly-coloured/beautiful male Magnolia Warbler:
More Swainson’s Thrush?
Surprised the out-of-town summer tourists are back already:
Controversial and engaging content of Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) along the Sidewalk Trail:
Cute rabbit on Sidewalk TrailRabbit scratching itselfRabbit playfully rolling in grassRabbit peacefully eating grassMore scratchingRabbit hopping along Sidewalk TrailMore cute hoppingStill more cute hopping
Erie/Presque Isle weather news: unsettled Friday – windy, humid, partially cloudy; light, highly localized rain starting around noon. Saturday: thunderstorms Friday night followed by periodic heavy rain Saturday morning; very rainy. Good for the grass, not good for birding.
Presque Isle trail news: before Saturday, Marsh Trail remained very muddy but passable without wet feet.
Erie County bird news: recent “first for 2023” sightings of Red-headed Woodpecker (in woods adjacent Gull Point) and Scarlet Tanager (Asbury Woods)(no pictures). Here, very happy to finally see a Bay-breasted Warbler high in the trees on Ridge Trail:
Bay-breasted Warbler IBay-breasted Warbler II
Very cool sighting of a Lincoln’s Sparrow recently along Sidewalk Trail:
Lincoln’s Sparrow ILincoln’s Sparrow II
ID tips: gray face, well-formed eye ring, fine streaking on breast, hint of ‘buffy wash’ on neck and breast.
“Bonus” warbler content; shots taken recently along Ridge Trail and Sidewalk Trail, Presque Isle State Park:
American Redstart (f)Magnolia Warbler (m)Magnolia Warbler (m) – take offChestnut-sided Warbler (m)Magnolia Warbler (f) IMagnolia Warbler (f) IIShady Black-throated Blue Warbler (m)Magnolia Warbler (m) IIIAmerican Redstart (m)