Interesting DIF

It’s day 4 of the current ‘winter weather event’ here in Erie County, PA. Conditions at Presque Isle State Park yesterday: awful, w/ very cold temps, gusty wind, & on/off lake-effect snow. Here’s Long Pond a week ago yesterday, looking towards the maintenance yard:

And ‘after,’ a similar view yesterday:

Before, boat landing #4 a week ago yesterday:

And yesterday, the ‘after‘ shot:

Anyway, time to move on to interesting ducks in flight (DIF) and ducks not in flight, from last Saturday @ Long Pond. First up, nice view of female or immature Hooded Merganser; note the distinctive merganser beak & sharp contrast between neck & breast:

From a distance, at the center of each shot, American Black Duck; note the overall dark colour & olive-toned bill compared to the neighboring Mallards:

Mallards in flight

Three shots of mixed ducks. Birds on far left and upper right = Gadwall; note the distinctive wing patches of white with black and dark brown:

Wing patch, detail

Other birds (e.g., pair @ lower center left) are American Black Ducks:

Here’s two shots of a Duclair duck (w/ white breast patch) w/ wild female Mallard, w/ male and female Mallards in background:

Duclair duck is another type of domesticated Mallard (same scientific name/species), bred for fairly larger size. (See previous posts w/ the white Pekin also @ Long Pond.)

Mallards in flight:

Mixed waterfowl, e.g., Tundra Swan (right), Mallards (center), & Gadwall (left):

Duck @ center rear = male Northern Pintail:

Northern Pintail @ upper left:

Extreme crop/closeup of the Pintail; note the dark-brown head + distinctive white stripe extending from upper breast to rear of head:

Pintail closeup

Finally, it’s Mallards & American Black Ducks in ‘takeoff mode’ & flight:

Return Of ‘Hawk Shots’

It’s day 2 of the current ‘snow event’ here in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Probably a solid 30 cm (1 foot) of snow, maybe more, in the last 30 hours. Temps expected to drop into the -6 deg C range (low 20s F) next week + remain cold. Bird activity very subdued yesterday, but here’s some lovely Red-tailed Hawk from a week ago in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

More Big, White Birds

Bad weather yesterday (New Year’s Day) at Presque Isle State Park – cold and rainy/snowy. Nevertheless, lots of great bird activity for early winter, including Common Raven, Peregrine Falcon, & Golden-crowned Kinglet. More on all that later. Here, it’s more shots of Tundra Swan from the other day over Long Pond:

Here’s a fun example of bad photo editing :), or maybe it’s like a scrolling video game:


The Great

Wishing everyone on the Gregorian calendar a very Happy New Year and a great forthcoming 2025! Celebrating the holiday here with recent shots of Great Black-backed Gulls at Beach No. 11 @ Presque Isle State Park.

Unusually, there were at least seven Great Black-backed Gulls along the waterline, e.g., 5 are shown in the lovely shot above, along w/ Herring and Ring-billed Gulls. (More typically it’s one or two, frequently way out on the water or perched on a buoy.)

ID tips: black wings, very large (larger than Herring Gull), and light pink legs.

This shot is just American Coots & Ring-billed Gulls:

Dark bird with outstretched wings could be juvenile Herring Gull:

Mixed gulls including Ring-billed Gulls and Herring Gulls:

[Editor’s note: “In 2024, ornithologists split the Herring Gull, found across much of the Northern Hemisphere, into four species: American Herring Gull, European Herring Gull, Mongolian Gull, and Vega Gull. The American Herring Gull breeds in Canada and the United States and spends the nonbreeding season as far south as Central America.” Good to know!]

Big, White Birds

No better way to close out 2024 than with Tundra Swan takeoff/flight pictures from this past Saturday at Presque Isle State Park. Following mostly in chronological order, @ Long Pond:

Finally, can’t have a Long Pond post without Mallards – a male (left) and female (right) in flight:

Summer Return/2

Highly variable conditions in Erie County, PA over the weekend – unusually warm + hazy sunshine Saturday, rain Sunday. Conditions this Monday morning: “wintery mix.” While waiting on photo editing from Saturday (‘stay tuned’ for Tundra Swans in flight – yay!), it’s more from this past August, this time back at wonderful Madera Canyon outside Green Valley, Arizona:

Cooper’s Hawk / obscured by branches

Among other species, Madera Canyon is great for Mexican Jay, Bridled Titmouse, & Acorn Woodpecker:

Mexican Jay
Bridled Titmouse
Acorn Woodpecker
Jay 2
Red-tailed Hawk in flight
Jay w/ acorn
Titmouse 2
More Acorn Woodpecker
Titmouse 3
Jay 4
R-tHIF 2
Titmouse 4
Western Kingbird
Titmouse V

Summer Return

Part 1 of “finally getting through some old memory cards” from this past August, here at Leo’s Landing @ Presque Isle State Park; all photos preening/bathing immature male Mallard unless otherwise indicated:

Caspian Tern I
Tern shaking off water
Tern III
Female Mallard on beach

More Stuffers

The weather rollercoaster (see-saw? yo-yo?) continues this weekend in Erie County, PA, with unseasonal temperatures (e.g., high yesterday of approximately 7.8 deg C = 46 deg F) and most of the snow melted. While waiting on new content from recent field operations, these shots ‘part 2’ of Christmas Day at Presque Isle State Park.

GBH on a frozen portion of Long Pond
Black-capped Chickadee heart Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)
GBH on Long Pond
Chickadee II
Chickadee III
Hooded Merganser @ Misery Bay
Chickadee IV
Mostly American Coot on ice @ Misery Bay
Chickadee V
Probably Ring-necked Duck @ North Pier
More Coots, etc.
Duck II
Birds by Perry Monument
Female Scaup @ North Pier
Gulls II
More Hooded Merganser (male – l, r; female – center)
Downy Woodpecker

Stocking Stuffers?

Guess it’d be difficult to fit a GBH into a stocking. Kinglet, maybe. Purely in a metaphorical sense, of course. All shots from Christmas Day at Long Pond @ Presque Isle State Park.

GBH @ Long Pond
Golden-crowned Kinglet
White Pekin (domestic escapee Mallard)
Long Pond

With Long Pond partially unfrozen, lots and lots of GBH activity, including this individual fishing by Fisher Drive bridge:

Tufted Titmouse
Kinglet II
Kinglet III
Kinglet IV
Kinglet, back view