Hot Spot

Black Scoter in flight – artist’s rendition

The hot spot this weekend (figuratively speaking) was North Pier/South Pier, all centered around a small patch of open water at the east end of South Pier. Shot immediately above is the view from North Pier (@ Presque Isle State Park) towards South Pier; open water is at very center of shot. With nowhere else to go at this location, waterfowl activity was quite concentrated + things flying in/out.

Saturday afternoon, a brief appearance from a “first sighting ever” (!), a beautiful male Black Scoter. Key field markings: black colour & distinctive orange knob at base of bill. Shot above, it’s flying in with Redheads. Following wide-angle shot, Scoter is left of center:

More distant views of Black Scoter w/ mixed waterfowl:

It took flight at one point, soon returning to the same spot:

More Black Scoter, etc.:

Finally, along with a lot of other ducks, the Scoter startled and left the scene:

Then Sunday afternoon, at this same location, great sighting of more Surf Scoters! Males black w/ knobby black/white/orange bills, females dark brown w/ two white spots on face:

Species seen at this location Sat/Sun: Canada Goose, American Coot, Redhead, Bufflehead, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup, Horned Grebe, Ruddy Duck, Surf Scoter, Black Scoter, Long-tailed Duck, Common Goldeneye, Ring-necked Duck, Common Merganser, Tundra Swan, Red-breasted Merganser, maybe a Mallard or two!

#More_duck (Part 4)

Misc. duck east of South Pier

Continuing on with recent waterfowl coverage at South Pier, Erie, Pennsylvania, from the last couple/few weeks. Following shots are female Bufflehead (in flight) x Lesser Scaup (takeoff mode):

Redheads, Ring-necked Ducks, American Coots, & Common Goldeneyes
Red-breasted Merganser shakes off the water
Another shot of BIF
Scaups in flight
Common Goldeneye (m) preening
Misc. duck adjacent North Pier
More Scaup in flight
Final Red-breasted Merganser

Coming up soon, reporting from yesterday at Presque Isle State Park, including a “first ever” (!), & carcasses and carnivorous Coots!

Almost A Miracle

Dateline: 22 February 2025

Well, it’s Saturday morning here in Erie County, Pennsylvania and – gasp! — it’s actually sunny! After seemingly a week of constant snowfall, almost a miracle. (Temps low but not super low.) Time for a quick, “partially almost real-time” post for staff to get out to Presque Isle State Park ASAP!

Saturday morning 1/4 moon at sunrise
Sunny Saturday Starling
Sunny Saturday Starling II

Random Cardinal picture

Good as place as any for finishing up McClelland Park the other day, esp. fun shots of cute Red-bellied Woodpecker:

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Cardinal (m)
R-b Woodpecker II
White-breasted Nuthatch
R-b Woodpecker III
Northern Cardinal II
R-b Woodpecker IV
Cardinal foraging

#More_duck (lunchtime)

Wishing everyone a “Happy Friday.” Unless you’re in Australia (for example), in which case “Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!” It’s lunchtime here in Erie County, Pennsylvania, and looks like seafood’s on the menu:

Unless indicated otherwise, all shots female (or immature) Red-breasted Merganser, as above and immediately below, including a tasty crustacean, @ South Pier.

Lesser Scaup
Common Goldeneye (f)
Female Common Goldeneye II
Mixed ducks by North Pier

(Shot above mostly Redhead, Mallard, & Lesser Scaup ducks.)

Pocket of duck activity @ outer Lake Erie
West end of North Pier

(Shot above mostly Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Canvasback, & Lesser Scaup ducks w/ an American Coot or two.)

Gull Point

Snowy Saturday 3

It’s the third or fourth day today of a mid-week “deep freeze” here in Erie County, Pennsylvania, with snowy conditions and temps around -9 degrees C. In bird news, the PI Bay entrance channel between North Pier and South Pier re-froze as of yesterday; still lots of duck activity in flight between open pockets of water @ outer Lake Erie and unfrozen portions of outer Misery Bay. More South Pier/duck pictures forthcoming, but here’s the final installment of snowy photography from this past Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, with a brief/cold stop at Thompson Bay/ Beach 11:

Frozen Thompson Bay & Gull Point
Common Goldeneye flying in snow
Lake Erie w/ ice, GBH, ducks, & Hammermill smoke stacks
Thompson Bay, view north towards Gull Point Trail & outer Lake Erie
Tundra Swans, etc. in snow
Snowy Mallards
Swans & misc. duck
Snowy Mallards II
Swans & misc. duck II
Snowy American Crown in flight
Swans & misc. duck III
Canvasback ducks flying in snow
Canvasback II
Canvasback III
Canvasback IV
Canvasback V
Swans & misc. duck IV
Final view of Thompson Bay & Gull Point

Shot above (+ similar shot at top of post) is from Beach 11, looking east-ish towards outer Thompson Bay (foreground) + Gull Point (horizon). The tree line is ‘inner’ Gull Point, with outer Gull Point (mud flats, dunes, observation platforms, etc.) on the right horizon and mostly obscured by snow.

More Tales From A Snowy Saturday

In today’s post, more snowy/gloomy bird photography this past Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, moving on to North Pier. Following’s the view southeast from North Pier, with the east end of South Pier on the right and the Hammermill smoke stacks middle horizon; East Ave Boat Launch would be on the right horizon:

Mostly Lesser Scaup in snow
Scaup landing I
Scaup landing II
Mixed waterfowl
Buffleheads w/ snow and ice pattern on South Pier

Male Common Goldeneye landing in snowfall:

View west towards Presque Isle Bay
Lesser Scaup landing
Mixed waterfowl II
Buffleheads w/ ice pattern II
Mixed waterfowl III
Buffleheads w/ ice pattern III
Another Goldeneye landing
Another landing II
Female Red-breasted Merganser in snow
Mixed waterfowl at end of South Pier
Merganser in snow II
A ship in the gloom
Merganser in snow III
Line of Lesser Scaups @ North Pier

Coming up soon, more snow, more cold!

Tales From A Snowy Saturday

Recent weather in Erie County, Pennsylvania = wintery. Rain, snow, more snow, wind, cold, even worse cold, etc. These shots from Presque Isle State Park this past Saturday morning, w/ snow and very dark/gloomy lighting conditions:

This about sums it up
Duck Pond

The GBH below is in the shot above, left of center below the horizon.

GBH ice fishing
Long Pond

Unless otherwise indicated, following shots are American Tree Sparrow @ snowy conditions, by Long Pond – maybe a flock of 20+:

Lots of ducks assembled in this interesting spot of open water on Long Pond. These include Hooded Merganser, Ring-necked Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, Lesser Scaup, Mallard, & American Black Duck:

Mixed ducks
Mallards (male – left; female – right)
American Black Ducks
GBH on Long Pond
Another view of mixed ducks

Unfortunately, even though’s staff photographer was by the road (& thereby fairly far away from this pocket of duck activity), startled fairly quickly:

Ring-necked Ducks (foreground) & American Black Ducks (rear)
Misc. duck (foreground) + American Black Ducks (rear)
Another view of American Black Ducks
Lesser Scaups I
Lesser Scaups (left) + Mallards (rights)
Lesser Scaups II

#More_duck (Part 2)

No field operations yesterday (Sunday) due to inclement weather (rain then heavy snow), except for random “snowy forest” meandering in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”), for fresh air/outside suffering:

Lost in the forest I
Lost in the forest II

While waiting on photo editing of snowy/gloomy Presque Isle content from Saturday, it’s more ducks at South Pier, Erie, Pennsylvania:

Flyby near North Pier Light
Scaups landing in Redheads
Common Goldeneye compliance check: no alcohol (good), no life jacket (bad)
Scaups and Redheads II

Male (right) and female (left) Ring-necked Ducks in flight:

Lesser Scaups in flight

Can’t get enough Common Goldeneye (males):

North Pier Light II
Male Mallard landing I
Male Mallard landing II
Ducks over Gull Point

Finally, a nice sequence of female/immature Red-breasted Merganser in flight/escape/takeoff mode:

Coming up soon, yes, more duck!

#More_duck (Part 1)

“Interior” bird activity at Presque Isle State Park remains highly localized/sporadic, but there’s lots and lots of waterfowl action wherever there’s open water, e.g., as in these recent shots, in the entrance channel to Presque Isle Bay, between North Pier and South Pier. (So much activity, this outing resulted in 500+ digital photographs in the span of about 1/2 hour! Yikes – it’s a lot of photo editing.)

Common Goldeneye (m) flying in front of Coast Guard Station building
Redheads (e.g.: male, bottom) & Lesser Scaups (top middle)
Redheads & Scaups II
Redheads & Scaups III
Male Redhead
Redheads & Scaups IV
Male Redhead II
Redheads & Scaups in water
Canada Geese in ‘run away mode’ @ Lampe Campground
Male Ring-necked Ducks (right) & female Lesser Scaup (left)
Scaups landing

Always fun to see cute Common Goldeneye flying and landing; these are males:

Male @ middle, females left and right:

Female Common Goldeneye landing:

Finally, more shots of a male Redhead and several Lesser Scaups:

Water conditions at Presque Isle Bay remain highly variable, e.g., head of Presque Isle Bay mostly completely frozen yesterday (Saturday), but PI Bay entrance channel into outer Misery Bay completely unfrozen. Rain overnight last night = likely more open water today (Sunday). However, temps are expected to plunge later in the week. Best places for duck viewing: North Pier & South Pier, also Perry Monument (sometimes), but check places like Thompson Bay, Long Pond, Marina Lake, & head of PI Bay for spots of open water.

Gull On A Pole

Due to bandwidth/other issues, there are many draft/unpublished posts in the database. Since everyone’s busy today anyway with snowy Presque Isle State Park field operations (snowy photographs forthcoming), it’s time for the draft post grab bag! Without further ado, from an indeterminate time/date/location in the past…

It’s a Herring Gull. On a pole.

Must be reading