Beautiful weather in Erie County, PA on Friday, Monday, & Tuesday – mostly sunny with unseasonably mild temps (e.g., high of 21 deg C / 70 deg F on Monday). Saturday & Sunday: mostly overcast and chilly. Other than localized mud (e.g., B Trail, west end of Long Pond Trail, portions of Gull Point Trail), conditions at Presque Isle State Park generally good. ‘Interior’ bird activity remains very minimal; plenty of gull and waterfowl activity on the lake and bay, e.g., ducks:
Green-winged Teal (f)Red-breasted MergansersGreen-winged Teal (m)Ring-necked DucksMore Green-winged TealAnother view of Red-breasted MerganserThe ‘green’ in “Green-winged”More R-bMIFAnother flight viewHigh above Presque IsleTeals @ Leo’s LandingGood view of Merganser wing patternMale & female TealMore wing patternDetailMore Ring-necked DucksDIF @ Leo’s LandingFemale TealMale TealHeading over the bayRed-breasted Mergansers on Lake ErieGoodbye
Wednesday forecast calls for ‘plummeting’ temperatures + cooler the rest of the week. Good luck and happy birding!
A beautiful, sunny, mild Friday, March 1st 2024 in Erie County, PA. Saturday morning: overcast with light rain. While waiting on the weather, here’s another in’s occasional series of Erie winter/late winter birds. First up, the lovely and improbably-coloured Red-bellied Woodpecker:
And an extra-cute Tufted Titmouse exhibiting woodpecker-like foraging behavior:
And beautiful male Red-winged Blackbird on a Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) tree:
Happy March! Just two-and-a-half weeks until the first day of Spring 2024. In the meantime, plenty of volatile and occasionally-wintery weather in Erie County, PA, e.g., Tuesday into Wednesday unusually mild, transitioning into thunderstorms overnight Tuesday, then warm w/ hazy sunshine Wednesday morning followed by strong winds, increasing clouds & light rain, a daytime drop in temperature by 17 deg C (30 deg F), & wind/light snow/bitter cold overnight into Thursday.
Sunlight on Lake Erie @ East Ave
Erie forecast calls for warmer temps Friday-Sunday with a mix of clouds and sun. Looking forward to lots of bird activity (hopefully). Until then, misc. bird from the recent past, mostly at Presque Isle State Park:
American Robin in light rainGoose reflection IHerring Gull @ Pine Tree BeachNorthern Cardinal along Canoe Portage TrailGoose reflection IIHerring Gull @ Marina LakeRed-breasted Merganser (m) on Lake ErieRear view trioMIFLandingGBH @ Thompson Circle swamp/pondR-bG cahoots
First two, then three Great Black-backed Gulls @ Beach No. 11:
(See previous post for video w/ vocalizations. Relatively uncommon to hear Great Black-backed Gulls; these were quite noisy, in their low-key way.)
Celebrating the leap year with (i) a new ‘Special Report’ @ GBH/Beach & Air, & (ii) random nature content. Sadly, no video of/on the moon, just recent moon shots + bird video from Presque Isle State Park:
3/4 moon at sunriseMale Northern Cardinal @ Leo’s Landing3/4 moon at nightGBH @ Thompson BayAlmost full moon
Following is Great Black-backed Gull (x2) at Beach No. 11. Hard to discern in the background noise, but these gulls were unusually vocal for GB-bG – it’s kind of a low “Uh!” sound that can be heard towards the start of the clip:
This is about as “Erie winter” as it gets – under cold/overcast conditions, a lovely Ring-billed Gull perched and preening on a rusty pylon at East Ave boat launch:
It can be hit-or-miss, but a cold, late-morning hour last Saturday at Scott Park in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) yielded numerous trees and several nice birds.
Random trees in Scott ParkNorthern CardinalFox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
Amazing juvenile Cooper’s Hawk:
Another Northern CardinalFemale Northern Cardinal’s first pictures of Golden-crowned Kinglet this year (this is the 3rd sighting in February):
Scott Park is 108 acres of mixed recreational facilities + natural woodland & can be accessed at the corner of W. 6th St. and Lowell Ave. About a 5 minute drive from the entrance to Presque Isle State Park. Watch out for mountain bikers and loose dogs.
Mixed bag over the weekend at Presque Isle State Park: brutally cold (w/ wind chill) Saturday, warmer Sunday but very little ‘interior’ bird activity. (In other locations in Millcreek Twp – “Gateway to Presque Isle” – 3rd sighting this year of Golden-crowned Kinglet, and 1st of Turkey Vulture!) Nevertheless, plenty of Presque Isle gull and waterfowl activity, e.g., representative recent shots of lovely Canada Goose in flight x bathing:
AAS WARNING: This post contains arachnid-related content. Viewer discretion is advised.
Muddy B Trail
With “no snow” and “not too cold” weather, it was time to dispatch a team to wander aimlessly aroundscour the woods at Presque Isle State Park, in search of exotic birds. Generally in the area around Pine Tree Trail, B Trail, and Dead Pond Trail. Results: 1 Black-capped Chickadee, 1 Tufted Titmouse, 1 ACIF (American Crow in flight), 1 woodpecker-like bird (perhaps Hairy Woodpecker), several Canada Geese in the distance, at least 2 White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), & 7 of everyone’s least-favourite (or perhaps favourite?) parasitic arachnid, the tick.
Cute Tufted TitmouseA walk in the woodsCute Black-capped ChickadeeBird?
This particular outing netted some fine samples of Brown Dog Tick & Black-legged Tick a.k.a. Deer Tick. Tick collection helpful hint #1: walk through tall grass. Hint #2: a small, sealed container of alcohol solution works well for transporting samples inertly. Hint #3: collecting tick samples is not a recommended Presque Isle ‘fun activity.’
Cute Black-legged Tick (Ixodes scapularis)a.k.a. Deer TickTick countryCute Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) Still in the woodsAnother view of cute Deer TickBird?Deer Tick buddiesWay in the weeds @ Presque isle State Park
Seems too early for the yearly “Beware the bite!” PSA, but stay safe!
[Editor’s note to staff: please revisit the multiple instances of “cute” in this post before publication.]