From a rainy morning after last weekend’s snow/cold, some rather nice shots of mostly American Robin in full ‘foraging behavior’ mode x Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora)(i.e., rose hips):
‘Bonus birds:’
All photographs @ Millcreek Twp, PA (“Gateway to Presque Isle”).
After the snow + deep cold last weekend, weather in Erie County, PA turned rainy and unseasonably ‘warm,’ w/ melty conditions on the lake + snow’s mostly melted. Based on quick mid-week observations at South Pier and East Ave boat launch, looks like much of the duck population has dispersed, e.g., to outer Lake Erie. These shots ‘part 2’ from South Pier last Sunday under very cold conditions:
Following shot mixed ducks – Common Goldeneye (far right + just left/down of that); Redhead (bottom right); Ring-necked Duck (upper right of middle); Greater Scaup (left of middle), etc.:
Following shots Ruddy Duck + Greater Scaup (upper right + upper left):
Common Goldeneye:
Finally, still lots of Canada Geese passing through:
Weather as of this Saturday morning = overcast/wet but no active precipitation. Stay tuned for plenty of gloomy/wet content from Presque Isle State Park! (Spoiler alert: there may be beavers!)
Lots of photos from last weekend at South Pier, Erie, PA, under cold/snowy/overcast conditions. Background with tents on ice = ice fishing on Misery Bay @ Presque Isle State Park.
Normally a ‘cooperative’ bird at short range is a happy occasion, but not after standing around on South Pier in the extreme cold (e.g., wind chill) for 1/2 hour+. (So bad the camera equipment eventually stopped working.) Nevertheless, enough time for a few shots of this lovely American Tree Sparrow before completely losing feeling in the extremities:
Finally posting some photos of Presque Isle State Park’s ‘resident’/famous/amazingly camouflaged Eastern Screech-Owl, in its burrow/nest just up from the west Fisher Drive bridge, in conjunction with the announcement of’s 2024 Presque Isle beach/Gull Point cleanup initiative.
Considering the current state of the Presque Isle beaches …
… details of the initiative will be forthcoming, say, sometime in June or July. Stay tuned!
[Editor’s note: “Give a screech, clean a beach.” Rolls right off the tongue.]
A very cold and snowy Saturday in Erie County, PA. Nevertheless, great content from Presque Isle State Park forthcoming, including a special guest owl! Meanwhile, here’s a recent, wintery PFIF (Peregrine Falcon in flight) @ South Pier:
Last Sunday, Presque Isle State Park remained closed at the main gate due to downed power lines, etc. Conditions: hazy/partial sunshine, extremely windy and amazingly cold (e.g., windchill @ -18 deg C). These shots looking mostly east/north from a very brief stop at “Beach Zero” (beach access before the park entrance) = much “photography staff suffering & complaining:”
A beautiful Great Black-backed Gull enjoying the wind:
More gulls also enjoying the wind and surf conditions, mostly Herring Gull:
More winter content from Presque Isle State Park, this past Monday morning under sunny but extremely cold conditions (e.g., -12 deg C). Great to catch a beautiful male Northern Cardinal in the open, x lovely Tundra Swans, + icicles. (ID tip: the Cardinal is red.)