Countdown To Spring

Less than a week to spring! To celebrate, it’s misc. “pre-spring” birds, mostly at Presque Isle State Park:

Currently lots of Song Sparrow activity in many locations on Presque Isle and Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) more generally. Also lots of Red-winged Blackbird activity:

Following is all Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, & the most ‘springy’ of pre-spring birds, beautiful American Robin:

Bonus Herring Gull @ Lake Erie:

Coming up soon, wet squirrels & amazing Red-tailed Hawks! (Not together, but separately.)

Getting Ready

Less than a month until The Big Event! The Big Event = first total solar eclipse in Erie County, PA in over 150 years! (Last ‘ring of fire’/partial solar eclipse was in 1994.) Here at, we’re stocking up on essential gear, in no particular order: (i) eclipse glasses [WARNING: do not look at the sun!]; (ii) orange GorillaTM tape or duct tape for quick fabrication of telescope light filter boxes, etc.; & (iii) lens filters, e.g., a ‘solar filter’ a.k.a. neutral density filter:

Preview, a nice shot yesterday on a sunny Monday of… the sun @ 1200mm handheld w/ sunspots:

More sun w/ sunspots on Tuesday:

Same pixel dimensions, but @ 600mm handheld:

It being Erie, always a potential for bad weather. With that in mind, to avoid complete disappointment, here are’s ‘helpful’ instructions for “Do It Yourself Solar Eclipse Photograph:

1) On a sunny day, take a picture of the sun. To avoid blindness, utilize safe methodology!

2) Copy the picture to desktop, then open with Microsoft Paint or another drawing program, e.g., right click on the file and “Open with” Paint.

3) Expand the work area to 2x size:

4) Using the circle tool, draw a circle slightly larger than the sun and move to the ‘blank’ part of the work area:

5) Fill the circle with black:

6) Using the rectangular selection tool, move the circle to artistically partially cover the sun, then resize to remove the unneeded workspace. Voila! Eclipse photos!

On tomorrow’s post, the only thing more amazing than ‘forthcoming total solar eclipse:” Canada Geese!

Weekend Update (I)

More crazy weekend weather here in Erie County, PA: rain Saturday (all field activities cancelled), & snow/wind/cold Sunday – temps around freezing, so maybe only 5 cm accumulation in interior/southern Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). Fascinating conditions Sunday at Presque Isle State Park: overcast with an occasional ‘almost break of sun,’ windy, no accumulation but localized on/off snow squalls. In summary:

OTOH, a hint of spring:

Plenty of nice duck activity on Presque Isle Bay:

Conditions on the outer beaches were brutal w/ the windchill and blowing/icy snow. Nevertheless, great to see an amazing Great Black-backed Gull enjoying the wind:

Following are more Lesser Scaup x Great Black-backed Gull:

And Bufflehead x more GB-bG:

[Photo Editor’s note: in the shot above, that’s blowing snow, not fog.]

Presque Isle trail conditions: locally muddy.

Stayed tuned for’s next post, featuring a very special astronomical update!

Gloomy Point

Overcast and gloomy a week ago Sunday along the Gull Point Trail @ Presque Isle State Park, although dry conditions + some interesting/fun bird activity. Too early to expect much on the outer mud flats, but great to see four Killdeer, first sighting this year:

More Killdeer below, + additional shady photography:

Chickadee shots from around the ‘big bend‘ area, where the official outer Gull Point Trail turns from generally N/S-ish to E/W-ish:

On the back bay (outer Thompson Bay), Bufflehead (in the water) + Lesser Scaup in ‘landing mode:’

ID tip for Lesser Scaup: underside of wing has bright white strip about halfway down, then gray. (Greater Scaup: white the entire length.)

View of back bay beach access on the west side of the seasonal “Forbidden Zone.” (‘Forbidden Zone:’ the portion of Gull Point closed from 1 April – 31 October for bird nesting.)

Following is an easterly view of outer Gull Point (w/ observation platforms) from the bay side:

Several shots of Bufflehead ducks:

More Bufflehead:

More beautiful Killdeer @ outer Gull Point:

Lastly, view generally west from the outer/northside beach back towards Budny Beach:

March/Misc. Bird

It’s another assortment of recent winter birds in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”), featuring (in order) American Robin, male Downy Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, & male House Finch:

Plus a special bonus section of nice shots of beautiful male Bufflehead ducks in the sun @ Long Pond:

March Eagles

Checking in with amazing Bald Eagles at Presque Isle State Park, mostly at Leo’s Landing and Long Pond. (ID tip – white head = adult, & dark head/plumage = juvenile.)

Following is the pair of Bald Eagle nests on the north side of Long Pond:

Here’s a perched adult on the left, near the nests, & the shot after that = very cool to see one of the Eagles “on nest:”

Hoping for baby Eagles in the spring!

2 Critters

Wrong ‘critters’

Recent shots of two species of Erie County, PA small mammal, Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) & Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus). First, the former @ Scott Park, exhibiting interesting foraging behavior, perhaps for nutrient ingestion or sweet flavour due to sap flow. (Some vines in Scott Park are starting to bud.) – the only website bringing you squirrels licking branches!