The Birds And A Bee

Finally back from today’s Presque Isle field operations. LOTS of bird activity, including a Gull Point rarity and tons of new warbler activity. More on that in tomorrow’s post. Here, it’s (probably) Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) on Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis), in Erie County:

And a fascinating sequence (in chronological order) of Common Grackle (m & f) exhibiting (presumably) mating behavior, from earlier this week on the west beach at Leo’s Landing:

Drink recipe for Mating Behavior On The Beach (non-alcoholic):

2 oz orange juice

2 oz cranberry juice

1 oz peach nectar


Plain sparkling water or club soda

Directions: mix juices and peach nectar in large glass/tumbler. Add sufficient ice to chill. Fill rest of glass with soda water.

Meanwhile, At South Pier

A lot of debate in the break room about how best to present this recent happenstance at South Pier, Erie, PA (“Erie’s favorite pier!”) Perhaps the story of Elmo the Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger), who despite the other squirrels’ warnings just had to see South Pier for himself. Or maybe not. Anyway, considering the lack of cover + local hawk population (e.g., Red-tailed Hawk seen regularly at this location – see below), not a safe place for rodents.

A happy ending, however – “Elmo” made it back safely into the underbrush:

[Editor’s note: a Red-tailed Hawk would have a very different sense of a ‘happy ending’ to this tail (pun intended). Just sayin’.]

Edit: A Red-tailed Hawk @ South Pier, the next day or thereabouts.

Mostly @ Leo’s (II)

By popular demand, a couple quickly-edited photographs of beautiful Yellow Warbler (m) early yesterday morning @ Leo’s Landing, Presque Isle State Park:

Greeting the sunrise
Morning warbler

Plenty more Yellow Warbler to come, but for now, back to last Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, starting with more shots of Spotted Sandpiper @ Leo’s Landing:

Following also at Leo’s Landing:

Palm Warbler
Probably House Sparrow (f?)
Another view of Palm Warbler
Beautiful White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow @ singing
Baltimore Oriole (m)
More White-crowned Sparrow
More Oriole
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Checking in on nests by Long Pond:

Osprey on nest near Long Pond
Long Pond eagles’ nests w/ Bald Eagle

Finally, along the Sidewalk Trail:

Early Veery
Probably Hermit Thrush
Yellow-rumped Warbler
House Wren w/ gnats in web
Palm Warbler
Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Palm Warbler, rear takeoff view
More butterfly

Mostly @ Leo’s (I)

Happy May Day! Early reports from field staff this morning indicate a substantial increase in Yellow Warbler activity at Presque Isle State Park = happy times. More on this in the days ahead.

Meanwhile, more shots of spring migration, etc. from this past Saturday, mostly at Leo’s Landing:

Savannah Sparrow

Great to see the first Blue-gray Gnatcatcher of the year:

Alternating with Caspian Tern:

More Savannah Sparrow

Nice gull size comparison, Ring-billed (right), American Pixie (middle left), & Herring (left):

GBH on sandbar w/ Ring-billed Gull
Misc. bird
Probably female or immature Pine Warbler
More sand bar
Palm Warbler
Canada Geese, etc.

Great to see Spotted Sandpiper, also “new for 2024:”

Another ‘first of 2024’ sighting @ Baltimore Oriole (m):

Yellow-rumped Warbler @ Sidewalk Trail
Goose statue

A. Robin: TNG

Relatively rare to run across an active nest; not sure where all those amazing shots (e.g., of baby birds) originate on teh internets. (Generally assuming folks are climbing trees, or running drones, or in helicopters, or giant ladders, or shrub diving, perhaps trained monkeys + GoProTM cameras.) Here, @ Presque Isle State Park, happenstance proximity this last Sunday to American Robin + very young chicks. Per policy, “Upon encountering an active nest, quickly take a few shots if safely possible then calmly and speedily evacuate the area.”

Bonus Canada Goose nesting in a tree stump


Dateline: 26-28 April 2024

Despite periods of considerable rain, looks like spring “high season” kicked into gear over the weekend, with warm/humid conditions and a substantial uptick (anecdotally) in warbler, etc. activity. “New for 2024” sightings at Presque Isle State Park included Gray Catbird, Yellow Warbler, Spotted Sandpiper, Baltimore Oriole, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, even an early Veery. Here’s a nice sequence of alternating Pine Warbler (appropriately enough @ Pine Tree Beach picnic area) & Palm Warbler @ Long Pond Trail:

Pine Warbler in pine tree
Palm Warbler not in palm tree

Pine Warbler usually not seen this low to the ground for this long (10-15 minutes) = good for bird photography.

Bonus Chipping Sparrow

@ Asbury (& Friend)

Recent misc. shots at Asbury Woods x female Northern Cardinal @ Presque Isle State Park:

Eastern Phoebe
Northern Cardinal (f)
Blue Jay I
Eastern Phoebe II
Flowering tree (species unknown)
Black-capped Chickadee I
Blue Jay II
More Black-capped Chickadee
Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Blue Jay III
More butterfly

Coots, etc.

Despite a bit of wind/chill, beautiful sunny day yesterday in Erie County, PA. Turned rainy/windy/thunderstorms overnight, remaining unsettled this morning; good luck to everyone heading out for birds/nature. Recent sightings of note: Common Raven (!) @ South Pier; & Palm Warbler @ interior Gull Point Trail, Pine Warbler @ Pine Tree Beach picnic area & Pine Tree Trail, & Piping Plover @ outer Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park. More on all that later. In the meantime, nice recent shots of American Coot, etc. at South Pier:

American Coot
Red-winged Blackbird w/ North Pier Light
GBH, lower right
Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron
American Robin

An Even Bigger Event

Another year gone, & once again the birthday anniversary of “He Who Must Not Be Named,” pro-slavery advocate & generally awful human. Glad to see they finally changed the name, as suggested, to National Birding & Bird Conservation Society. [<– irony]

And with that out of the way, time for something even more amazing than a total solar eclipse: a classic Canada Goose kerfuffle! (“Kerfuffle” = exhibiting seasonal mating aggressiveness/territoriality behavior.) These recent shots on a cloudy day @ Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve, Mentor, OH. Please enjoy responsibly.


Despite cloudy/cold conditions (+ hint snow) last Sunday, it’s reasonably nice ‘Swallow trifecta’ content from State Game Lands Number 109 outside Waterford Twp, PA, in southern Erie County. Swallow trifecta: Northern Rough-winged (brown), Tree (blue/white), & Barn (blue/russet).

Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
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Stay tuned for tomorrow’s special post of amazing bird photos! (Really. Well, maybe.)