Rabbit Ears

He reached the top of the bank in a single, powerful leap. Hazel followed; and together they slipped away, running easily down through the wood, where the first primroses were beginning to bloom.

Adams, Richard. Watership Down. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., 17th printing, 1975.

For Mr. Hunter, 4th grade.


Usually down in the shrubbery (“heard not seen”), it was great for a couple recent, uncommon appearances of Common Yellowthroat along the Gull Point Trail, close to the trailhead at Bundy Beach:

Common Yellowthroat (m)

On one occasion, a male (see above), on the other, two of what were females and/or juveniles:

Common Yellowthroat (f or juvenile)

Lots and lots more shots of both:

7/7 (II)

Part II of 7/7 content from Presque Isle State Park along the Gull Point Trail:

Short-billed Dowitcher
View towards Budny Beach from Gull Point ‘beach trail’

(Trail note: fastest route to outer Gull Point is along the beach, which requires diverting through the brush in a couple spots, as above.)

Osprey w/ clouds
Another view of Dowitcher
Backlit Osprey

Nice shots of an older chick Spotted Sandpiper:

At this same spot, an older juvenile Spotted Sandpiper:

Plus more chick Spotted Sandpiper:

American Goldfinch (f)

7/7 (I)

More from Presque Isle State Park, back to the Gull Point Trail on 7 July, including plenty of pleasant shots of Short-billed Dowitcher:

And lovely Blue-gray Gnatcatcher off Budny Beach:

View towards Gull Point from Budny Beach

Shady Warbling Vireo
Bank Swallow in flight
Barn Swallow in flight
GBH @ outer Gull Point
Killdeer in flight
Song Sparrow on Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) I
Trio of Caspian Tern
Song Sparrow on Common Mullein II
Caspian Tern in flight
More Caspian Tern in flight

Coming up soon, special portraiture of Common Yellowthroat!

Marsh-a, Marsh-a, Marsh-a

Marsh Wren

Plenty of Marsh Wren at Presque Isle State Park, but hard to photograph due to (i) inaccessible swamp habitat, &/or (ii) hunkered down in the cattails/reeds. Typical shots:

Bad Wren photo 1
Bad Wren photo 2

Here, lucked upon a very vocal/loud individual (audio clip below) in cattails fairly close to the Long Pond Trail. Strategy: carefully bushwhack along a slight deer trail to the edge of the marsh, then wait. Fortunately, after 5-10 minutes and lots of rustling, it popped up briefly into open sight:

Edit: further to received feedback, here’s audio (recorded using the Merlin app) of this bird (also Song Sparrow in background):

Misc. @ S. Pier

Beautiful morning at Gull Point yesterday – highlights included Tricolored Heron (different than the one last time), Whimbrel, Short-billed Dowitcher, & lots of swallow, blackbird, and European Starling activity. While waiting on photo editing, it’s shots from June @ South Pier, Erie, PA:

GBH on North Pier
Common Grackle
Ring-billed Gull

More Common Grackle & R-b Gull except where noted:

Canada Geese (l) & Pekin (domestic Mallard)(r)
Red-winged Blackbird (f or juvenile)

7/4 (Part IV)

Final epic coverage from July 4th at Presque Isle State Park, along the Gull Point Trail, including lots of lovely AAIF (American Avocet in flight) – because it’s not every day there’s flying Avocet! (Maybe Florida somewhere.)

Whimbrel (bottom middle)
Whimbrel (l) & Willets (r)
Orange Sulphur butterfly (Colias eurytheme)
Eastern Kingbird
Starry Rosinweed (Silphium asteriscus)
Least Sandpiper I
Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile = no spots)
Least Sandpiper II
Molting Yellow Warbler

Fascinating to see a skeleton of what’s probably Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus):

Gar skeleton on beach

Could also be Spotted Gar or similar.

Green Heron I
Green Heron departing
Possibly Willow Flycatcher
Brown Thrasher

Finally, a special supplement featuring juvenile & adult Killdeer:

Juvenile Killdeer
Adult Kildeer feather detail
Juvenile Killdeer II
Adult Kildeer feather detail II
Juvenile Killdeer III
Adult Kildeer feather detail III
Killdeer (adult)
Juvenile Killdeer IV
Adult Killdeer (detail)

Behold, The Catbird!

It’s the most beautiful bird at Presque Isle State Park, the amazing Gray Catbird! (This post brought to you by the American Gray Catbird! Appreciation Society, NW Pennsylvania Chapter.)

This individual (+ another nearby Catbird!) was quite vocal and persistent right along the ‘inner’ Gull Point Trail near the trailhead. Couldn’t tell if it was a juvenile crying for food, or an adult exhibiting nesting season aggressiveness.

7/4 (Part III)

More July 4th content from Presque Isle State Park @ Gull Point. (Post includes some previously posted preview photos.)

Balancing act

‘Bird of the day,’ an amazing American Avocet:

American Avocet in flight

Beautiful Short-billed Dowitcher in flight & foraging in the lagoon:

Long distance shot – 3x Willet
2x Willet detail
American Avocet
Avocet (l) + Willet (r)
Avocet detail I
Avocet detail II

American Avocet & Willet in flight:

Plus a surprise Whimbrel!

Whimbrel (l) & Avocet (r)

Waiting For Godwit

Dateline: 30 June 2024

Taking a break from July 4th coverage to return to the previous Sunday afternoon at Gull Point, with great/rare sightings of both Marbled Godwit (a BirdingPI.com ‘first ever’ at this location) & beautiful Tricolored Heron. All shots long distance @ 400mm from the observation platforms.

Tricolored Heron + environmental context
Tricolored Heron
Marbled Godwit (l) w/ gull + environmental context

Alternating shots of Tricolored Heron & Godwit:

Successfully fishing

Finally, the Marbled Godwit took flight, seemingly departing Gull Point for points south:

Heading south?

According to reports, previous day there might have been as many as 4+ Marbled Godwits at Gull Point (e.g., after the heavy rain), but it was great to see even one, as here.