Winter Blue Jays

Quick, cloudy/cold mid-day stop at McClelland Park the other day = a nice encounter with another great Erie County ‘winter bird:’ noisy Blue Jays!

Location note: McClelland Park is a square, 60-acre park on the east side of Erie, w/ a large dog park, playground, and walking trails through a tract of suburban/unimproved (i.e., natural) scrub woodland.

On A Thin, Yellow Line

Enjoying recent sunshine/dodging traffic along the main entrance road at Presque Isle State Park, featuring a nice look/comparison of male and female American Robin:

Following five shots, male on left (also above) & female (or possibly immature male) on right, male w/ darker face and redder/rustier breast, female with lighter face and white streaking on breast.


Mostly clear overnight in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Cloudy this Saturday morning; current forecast suggests snow starting later this afternoon.

3/4 moon @ evening of 7 February 2025

Got the team heading out momentarily to Presque Isle State Park for some cloudy/gloomy/cold bird photography; expectations are low. Elsewhere in Erie from the recent past, it’s eight shots of always amazing Common Raven @ Lawrence Park Twp:


It’s a sunny but annoyingly cold Friday today in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Weekend forecast calls for snow, cold, etc.; field operations currently “TBD.” But however the weekend plays out, here’s some guaranteed nice bird content, closing out 12 January 2025 @ Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park:

Unless otherwise noted, all shots Purple Sandpiper (above) or Snow Bunting (below).

Male Downy Woodpecker
Float ice on outer Lake Erie

Coming up soon, Blue Jays, a Hairy Woodpecker, Common Raven, & more! #more_bird

Back In The House

Recent shots of beautiful House Sparrow @ Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”), w/ a hint of falling snow:

Males (as above) have distinctive black chin & breast w/ gray crown and brown behind the eyes. Females/immature, as below, overall more brownish/beige:

Mostly ATS x Deer

More from a sunny, cold Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, w/ American Tree Sparrow x White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), the former by Marina Lake across the road from the access to Boat Landing #4 on Long Pond, the latter on the NE side of Long Pond as seen from B.L. #4:

Downy Woodpecker (m)

Doe Ice

What better to do in Erie County, Pennsylvania on a sunny Saturday than go to the beach at Presque Isle State Park? These shots from yesterday at Saw Mill Beach & Budny Beach; @ -7 deg C (19 deg F) + substantial windchill = beautiful day, but really rather awful to be outside. Relevant shots White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) foraging for grass in the dunes:

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[Editor’s note: “Doe Ice.” Next level punnery genius.]