On The Beach (3)

It’s more Oceanside Harbor Beach in Oceanside, California:

California Brown Pelican
Willet in surf
Willet in surf II
Willet in surf III
Whimbrel w/ sand reflection
Willet in surf IV
More Whimbrel w/ sand reflection
Willet in surf V
Whimbrel IV
Long-billed Dowitcher x2 (foreground) + Willet
Willet in surf VI
Whimbrel V
Dowitchers + Willet II
Willet in surf VII
Whimbrel VI
Juvenile Willet against jetty rocks
Long-billed Dowitchers III
Whimbrel shaking off water
Dowitchers in flight
Whimbrel VIII
Juvenile Willet II
Whimbrel IX
Whimbrel X
Juvenile Willet III

Erie update: weather yesterday (Saturday) very cold, cloudy, and unsettled, w/ periods of rain and even snow. Hard freeze overnight. Cold but sunny this Sunday morning. Notable bird activity at Presque Isle State Park yesterday included both Great Black-backed Gull and Lesser Black-blacked Gull @ Beach 11. Pictures forthcoming. #happy_birding

Spring Finch

Generally bad/wintery weather this Saturday morning here in Erie County, Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, spring is here, as with these cute shots of male (red) and female (streaked/brown) House Finch, taken on a cold but sunny Friday afternoon in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

On The Beach (2)

Back to the beach at Oceanside Harbor on the morning of 4 March 2025.

Royal Terns, misc. gulls, & beachgoers
Royal Tern
Probably California Gull (1st/2nd winter plumage)
California Gull (breeding adult plumage)
Western Gull or California Gull
Another view of Royal Tern in flight
More gull in flight
Long-billed Dowitchers in flight
Royal Tern (non-breeding/juvenile plumage)
Elegant Tern
Double-crested Cormorants
More Tern in flight
Probably Western Gull
Probably Ring-billed Gull
Jetty, gulls, terns, & unidentified shorebird on far left
More California Gull in flight
California Gull w/ surf
Probably Royal Tern
Royal Terns (mostly) on beach
More gull
Gulls and terns in flight
Western Gull w/ receding surf reflection
Gulls and terns in flight II
Probably Ring-billed Gull, w/ receding surf reflection

Finally, more shots of terns (mostly Royal Tern) on and off the beach:


Celebrating the 2025 vernal equinox with flowers and wild birds at The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. See this special report for lots and lots more flowers.

Western Sunflame
Fields of flowers w/ golf carts
White-crowned Sparrow
Western Sunflame II
Probably female Anna’s Hummingbird
Western Sunflame III
More flowers
Western Sunflame IV
White-crowned Sparrow II
Western Sunflame V
More Anna’s
Flowers & folks
Western Sunflame VI
Western Sunflame VII
Western Sunflame VIII

Bonus “bird wars” on the same date + location, it’s Red-tailed Hawk vs. American Crow:

Happy spring!

Little Buddy (2)

Continuing on with the “3-hour tour” of Buddy Todd Park on 6 March 2025 in Oceanside, California. Challenging lighting on some of these shots, but still great to see Cassin’s Kingbird w/ an acorn or berry:

Even better, a great sighting (and BirdingPI.com “first ever”) of Nuttall’s Woodpecker, both male and female, generally limited in range to the greater California area. Of course, where better to spot woodpeckers than neighborhood adjacent power poles?


Males have characteristic red patch, which females lack.

Following medley alternates Cassin’s Kingbird, male Nuttall’s Woodpecker, & female Nuttall’s Woodpecker:

[Editor’s note to staff: going forward, changing “Nuttall’s Woodpecker” (which is an awful name) to ‘Western Wood Annihilator.’]

Torrey Pines

Dateline: 4 March 2025

Today, reporting from Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve on the Pacific coast between Del Mar and La Jolla, outside San Diego, California. Access is on the south end of the beach (which is north of the bluffs/upper portion of the reserve):

View south @ Torrey Pines Beach (south end)

Fun to see a beautiful Say’s Phoebe on the riprap:

View north @ Torrey Pines Beach south
Floating Brown Pelican
View north w/ surf

From the beach parking lot, it’s either a robust hike to the top, or a short drive w/ limited parking. (If planning to drive up, get an early start – park staff closes the road once the upper parking is full.)

View south from ‘upper’ Torrey Pines

“Upper” Torrey Pines features a great visitors’ center, a small network of generally flat trails, spectacular views, botanic gardens, etc., and several longer/steeper trails that drop back down to the beach. With thick coastal chaparral, the birding is “more heard than seen.” However, it’s a great spot for local species like the amazing, infrequently-seen Wrentit. Managed to get one and only one usable photo:

View east-ish

Also a lucky, “out in the open” sighting of a couple beautiful California Towhee:

View north-ish
Torrey Pines & Pacific Ocean
Torrey Pines (Pinus torreyana) @ Torrey Pines Natural Reserve
View south with Common Raven
Another view up the coast
Del Mar, CA & Torrey Pines Beach north
Rusty brown patch under tail

Weekend Update (w/ Mallard)

Weekend weather in Erie County, Pennsylvania – warm, very windy, on/off thunderstorms/rain, turning much colder Sunday night with light snow overnight and snow on the grass Monday morning. (Not done with winter quite yet.) Bird activity as generally expected – ducks and other waterfowl, uptick in Turkey Vulture and Wild Turkey activity, plenty of Robins, Red-winged Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, etc., + the local return of species like Common Grackle and Brown Creeper. Here, featuring a St. Patrick’s Day-appropriate male Mallard exhibiting preening/bathing behavior off Leo’s Landing @ Presque Isle State Park:

Thunderstorms over head of Presque Isle Bay
Leo’s Landing on Sunday @ break in clouds
Another view of head of Presque Isle Bay from Leo’s Landing

Seemingly rather abruptly, outer Lake Erie’s now mostly fully unfrozen, except for residual ice/ice dunes along the beach, e.g., as here near Stull Interpretive Center:

Residual ice @ outer Lake Erie

On The Beach (1)

The real #1 reason for birding @ coastal southern California is biodiversity (e.g., many different biomes in close proximity) + climate. A big part of that is the beach, here at Oceanside Harbor Beach the Tuesday before last, just after sunrise.

Mouth of San Luis Rey River (foreground) + Pacific Ocean + Oceanside Pier

As a BirdingPI.com favourite, so great to see a Whimbrel relatively close up:


Lots of Great-tailed Grackle activity around the marina and beach:

Great-tailed Grackle (female)
Western Gull (second winter plumage)
Western Gull (adult)
Grackle II
Whimbrel II
Western Gulls
Herring Gull
Whimbrel III
Oceanside Harbor Beach
Willet in surf
Western/mixed Gulls
Willet II
Willets in flight
Willets IV
More gulls
Willets V
Willets VI
Willets VII
Even more gulls
Cavorting Willets

Willet ID note – distinctive black outer wings w/ broad white stripe:

Willets IX
Willets X
Willet XI
Oceanside Pier & Pacific Ocean
Willet XII
Willet XIII
Grackle III
Willet XIV
Western Gull
Willet XV
Grackle IV
Willet XVI
Final Whimbrel for today

Not Quite As Big An Event

3/4 moon from earlier in the week

While not nearly as momentous as last year’s total solar eclipse, still great to see the total lunar eclipse here in Erie County, Pennsylvania early Friday morning.

Almost full moon Thursday evening

Following shots taken from 1AM EDT to about 3AM EDT. Thankfully the weather was clear, and for being outside, not as chilly as expected for late winter here in the northeast.

Start of noticeable visual effects @ 600mm uncropped
600mm cropped

A bit later, w/ a more pronounced eclipse effect:

600mm uncropped
600mm cropped
Overexposure to show eclipse progression

The eclipse progresses to totality:

Following shots at or close to totality. Closest views @ 600mm cropped, then 600mm uncropped, + wide angle @ 100mm, all handheld generally w/ 1/20 sec – 1/60 sec exposures.

Sorry, no pictures after totality – after all that + two hours in the cold, time to get back to bed!

Next full lunar eclipse viewable in the US: 3 March 2026. See you next year!

Hazy near-full moon early Saturday morning