Yellow Bells

Green Kingfisher (f) along Santa Cruz River

Sadly, time once again to depart the BIRDS field station for returning to Presque Isle State Park and the forthcoming fall warbler/etc. migration. Lots of great ‘desert’ bird activity this year; “new for” sightings included Mountain Bluebird, White-faced Ibis, Neotropic Cormorant, Hermit Warbler, Cassin’s Sparrow, & Green Kingfisher (!), even a quick fly-by of Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. Relative to past years, special mention to lots of great Gray Hawk activity, plus extended viewings of Yellow-headed Blackbird & Five-striped Sparrow:

High in a tree @ California Gulch, a backlit Five-striped Sparrow

Plenty more Arizona content forthcoming; in the meantime, very special shots of lovely Broad-billed Hummingbird & Verdin at a Yellow Bells (a.k.a. Esperanza, a.k.a. Yellow Trumpetbush) plant (Tecoma stans) at Tohono Chul Park: