A special report from BirdingPI.com staff stationed last week near the Interstate 10 Chevron station on the west side of Wilcox, Arizona. “Only BirdingPI.com brings you coverage of the Wilcox, Arizona Chevron station!”

Wilcox, AZ: located in southeastern Arizona in a high desert plain, w/ the Dragoon Mountains to the southwest and the Chiricahua Mountains to the southeast, approx. 80 km (50 miles) from the border w/ New Mexico. Convenient to famous seasonal migration (e.g., Sandhill Crane) ‘hotspots’ Wilcox Playa and Whitewater Draw (for example). Also great for regional species like the amazing Chihuahuan Raven:

Also great for beautiful Brewer’s Blackbirds:

Males, as above, are glossy black w/ green and blue metallic highlights in the sun; bright eye. Females, as below, drab brown/gray w/ dark eye. Best identified, perhaps, as being in proximity to males (+ call).

Great to see a beautiful male Pyrrhuloxia at this location:

Relative to similar looking female Northern Cardinal, Pyrrhuloxia have a yellow bill + the upper and lower beak mandibles meet at an angle (“jagged line”), vs. straight in Cardinal.
More male Brewer’s Blackbird:

Lots of shots of lots of Chihuahuan Ravens. Relative to Common Raven, similar looking but smaller, best identified based on location and call. (These were positively identified by call using Merlin.)

More Brewer’s Blackbirds:

Finally, even more Chihuahuan Raven:

On an unrelated nature topic, just a reminder that the total lunar eclipse is tonight. Noticeable visual effects start around 1AM EDT Friday. Forecast for Erie, Pennsylvania calls for clear skies!
Love the shot of the raven sitting on the Yucca!
A classic scene for Wilcox area for sure!