Weekend Update, Pt. 2

Dateline: 9-10 July 2022

Surf’s up, Budny Beach

Per previous reports, Saturday at Presque Isle State Park was extremely windy with significant surf on Lake Erie. Sunday, lightly breezy, humid, dry, and warm. Lovely weekend for birding.

Gull Point Trail trailhead

In other Presque Isle trail news, the Gull Point inner old trail (from the trailhead at Budny Beach east parking to the beach) is mostly dry enough for passage without special footwear; still very muddy in spots – boots recommended. Also extremely overgrown. Recent sightings: Wood Duck, blackbirds, robin, warblers, American Woodcock (confirmed sighting on Sunday!), Eastern Kingbird, etc.

Immature/juvenile Yellow Warbler may present an eyering. Based on that and the yellow throat and belly, following believed to be Yellow Warbler:


Head of Thompson Bay, from the Gull Point inner old trail:

Bay view

Saturday early AM, amazing number of Eastern Kingbird around Thompson Bay (e.g., the area in the shot immediately above). These were sitting/flying about the old power lines:

And, an ‘up close’ example from off the Sidewalk Trail later, for reference:


Always gulls:

What gull is this?

Busy year for American Goldfinch. This male along the Gull Point outer old trail, by Thompson Bay. More goldfinch to come later in the week.

Lemon drop

Out to the Gull Point mud flats finally. Brief GBH appearance:

Take off

No major sightings of shore birds, other than Spotted Sandpiper. Plus the usual Killdeer, geese, gulls, sparrows, swallows, blackbirds, etc. Of note, however, Mute Swan and Caspian Tern, in this long shot from the observation platform:


Also of note, mixed flock of Mallard and American Black Duck (as confirmed via forensic enlargement):

Duck parade

Better shot of a Caspian Tern, from the observation platform:

It’s your tern

Heading back to Budny Beach, more Turkey Vulture:

T. Vulture, pt. 2

The big sighting, of course, was Marsh Wren by the marsh. See https://birdingpi.com/pi-bird-alert-4/

Quick stop by the Sidewalk Trail east end swamp. Brown Thrasher in preen mode:

Brown Thrasher

With what appears to be a juvenile Brown Thrasher (on the left):


Finally, another dragonfly by the swamp. Probably juvenile Blue Dasher:

De-dash mode

Tomorrow, more yellow birds!