Weekend Update, Part 2 (26 Sept 2021)

Storms overnight Saturday, but clear and sunny Sunday morning with light wind. Gull Point was extremely quiet, perhaps due to the recent bad weather. No geese or cormorants even. Somewhat quiet overall in the interior, but plenty of interesting bird, etc. activity. Gulls, Geese (in the distance), individual Cormorants (in the distance), Bald Eagles, Sparrows, Robins, Herons, Crows, etc.

Monarch, Gull Point old trail
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Gull Point old trail
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Gull Point old trail
Solitary Sandpiper, Gull Point Trail
Sandpiper, Gull Point Trail
Juvenile Blackpoll Warbler?
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Budny Beach
Nuthatch, Budny Beach
Starling, near Budny Beach
Yellow-rumped Warbler, near Thompson Bay
Yellow-rumped Warbler, near Thompson Bay
Nashville Warbler, near Thompson Bay
Cormorant, Graveyard Pond Trail