Weekend Update

Dateline: late August-early September, 2022

The western Pennsylvania Wild Turkey migration is off to a strong start – huge flocks taking to the sky:

Wild Turkey

Ha! A bird funny. Obviously those are Canada Geese.

Appears the squirrels might be meddling again.

Obey the squirrel

More seriously, on the entomological side, lots of Monarch Butterfly at Presque Isle State Park this past weekend:

Flutterby example

Active waterfowl/shorebird migration: see yesterday’s post re. swans; also (not shown) Canada Goose, Double-breasted Cormorant, & Blue-winged Teal. … Following perhaps juvenile or female Mallard Duck:

Focus on one duck

Also female/immature Common Merganser, off Budny Beach:

Uncommonly lovely

Please enjoy peaceful surf floating:

Duck surf

As usual, plenty of Wood Duck on the Thompson Circle swamp/pond (southern side):

Wooden decoy

Some misc bird, first – male Downy Woodpecker:

Upside down you’re turning me

Found a snack:

Spidey sense

Gray Catbird!

Bears repeating: Gray Catbird!

Probably an Eastern Wood-pewee:


The very yellow American Goldfinch (m) @ Headwaters Park, Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Lemon tree

Everyone’s favorite red-headed woodpecker, a duo of Red-headed Woodpecker:

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Millcreek Twp

Back to Pine Tree Trail with a mystery bird. Could be immature Common Yellowthroat?

Does not compute

Tomorrow, back to Bentley Nature Preserve in western New York State – there will be birds!

[Editor’s Note: bad bird humor is against BirdingPI.com policy. The management apologies for the leading content above, which is obviously European Starling. Example of real Wild Turkey:

Turkey of a post