Weekend (Insect) Update

Dateline: 17-18 September 2022

Thunderstorms currently in Erie this Monday AM; greater NW PA weather over the weekend was as predicted – lovely. Mild, humid, partially sunny on Saturday, sunny, warm, and summer-like on Sunday.

BirdingPI.com dispatched multiple teams both back to the hinterlands (see previous post) and out to Presque Isle State Park – specifically, Gull Point. Fairly subdued for bird sightings; still lots of birds to see. … While waiting for the editorial board to review the bird photo logs, time for some rather nice shots of insects, esp. butterflies, along the Gull Point outer old trail.

Two photos of Clouded Sulphur butterfly (aka Common Sulphur)(Colias philodice):

Two shots of Cabbage White butterfly (Pieris rapae):

This might be Pearl Crescent butterfly (Phyciodes tharos)(actual size: < 2 cm):

Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly (Cupido comyntas)(actual size < 2 cm):

One of the duskywing butterflies, likely Horace’s Duskywing (Erynnis horatius)(again, very small):

A Bumblebee (perhaps Bombus rufocinctus) on goldenrod:

Last but not least, a Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippusin) in the shade:

Next time, a special BirdingPI.com bird of the week!