Rule #2 Rule No. #2 of successful nature photography: check (and re-check) the camera settings. (Rule No. #1: remember the batteries and memory cards.) Here’s a “Horned Grebe in flight” shot @ 1/60 sec when it should have been 1/2500 second:

Blurry Grebe

OTOH, still possible to luck out with a few pretty cool “Grebe in motion” shots. (Rule No. #3: stay calm & keep shooting.)

Anecdotally at Presque Isle, grebes usually seen floating and not flying; these were startled by a passing boat in the channel between North & South Piers.

Bonus shots:

Gulls @ East Ave boat launch

Two of Red-breasted Merganser in flight on cloudy day:

Gulls taking flight at North Pier Light

Red-breasted Merganser landing at East Ave boat launch + gulls:

Finally, Common Loon usually seen individually or in pairs. Here’s a very interesting flotilla of 10+ congregated off the east end of South Pier:

[Editor’s note: ‘OTOH’ = on the other hand.]

1 thought on “Rule #2

  1. Paul Edwards & Jomamma

    This team member is thankful for the tip to check camera settings. Now he knows why all his pictures are like the blurry Grebe!

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