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Attentive readers may recall the ‘mystery shorebird‘ seen flying along the edge of Presque Isle Bay towards Leo’s Landing:

(Although blurry, in the shot above the boxy-looking thing in the lower left is a duck blind, and the vegetation, etc. next to it is the far end of Leo’s Landing.) It seemed to maybe land somewhere along the narrow strip of rough beach just east of ‘Vista 3 Parking Lot,’ past the little (and snowed in) boat ramp, but first, more American Pipit activity:

Slowly/carefully continuing around the bend, very surprised to finally fully see the bird in question, a beautiful (and rare for this time of year) Wilson’s Snipe. Wow. Lucky to get a few decent photographs before it flew off again.

Proposed new non-honorific name: American Russet-tailed Snipe. Sorry, Wilson.

Pipit, Wilson’s Snipe, & copious ducks was already a ‘big win,’ but Leo’s Landing beckoned, heavy snow notwithstanding:

And the reason, Tundra Swans, seen here at a distance just at the edge of the snow field:

(In the shot above, the black structure + tree at the far-left side of the horizon is South Pier.) Here’s another view of a snowed-in main access to Leo’s Landing, with Feather Platform (the viewing platform) on the left:

Another long-distance shot of Tundra Swan & Canada Geese off the Leo’s Landing sandbar:

Finally for today, lots of ducks. On this particular day, an unusual number of Northern Shoveler, including the three in this shot – it’s the three ducks across the middle of the photo starting w/ a male Northern Shoveler (white breast) on the far right. (There are two males and a female on the left.)

Misc. waterfowl including American Coot, American Widgeon, Redhead, Mallard, Gadwall, and Northern Shoveler:

Coots on the right, plus a pair of Lesser Scaup in flight mode:

Another view of Northern Shoveler, including one of the males (far right) in profile showing the ‘shovel’-shaped bill:

More Scaup in ‘takeoff mode’ + Coots + Canada Geese:

Coming soon, more Tundra Swan! More Wilson’s Snipe! #more_bird