Dateline: 21-22 May 2022
Besides being the Gull Point trailhead, the Budny Beach (Beach No. 10) east parking lot is pretty good for birding – partial grass field, surrounded by trees and brush, swamp on one side and the beach on the other. Go early and/or avoid the summer rush days. (“Summer” at Presque Isle = any day over 80 deg F and sunny.)
Some recent shots, starting with lovely male and female American Goldfinch. Happy to finally get a couple ok pictures this season of this lovely bird.

Surprised to see Eastern Bluebird, on both Saturday and Sunday at this location:

Rather confused by this bird at first, which has been sighted several times now in the area. (This bird or others like it.) Based on the yellow-orange chest markings and yellow-orange side tail color, with a black/gray head, thinking this is an immature American Redstart:

No question on this one – not a great shot (due to the shade), but always happy to see the lovely Black-throated Blue Warbler:

Another non-mystery, a male Magnolia Warbler:

And back where it started, not enough lemon-yellow birds in the world: