No. 1

Well, the power’s out on this Wednesday rainy/stormy evening here at HQ. (Public utility electrical power, to be clear.) Before running out of candles and/or battery charge on the laptop or iPhone (acting as WiFi ‘hotspot’), and in case things don’t improve by morning, might as well finalize tomorrow’s post. So, with a drumroll please, at No. 1 (of the Top 10 list of birdy things to do at Presque Isle State Park on a slow autumn day), it’s Quality time with PI’s resident Eastern Screech-Owl!

Presque Isle State Park’s resident Eastern Screech-Owl can be enjoyed, at a distance, from the main park road just west of Fisher Drive bridge where the two bike trails converge.

Finally, very fascinating reading on the right way to enjoy wild birds. Yet another reason to support the amazing Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

3 thoughts on “No. 1

  1. Paul Edwards

    I have been posting comments regularly for months and months in these comment boxes but didn’t know that I had to push “post comment” bar to get it sent!!!! JK (live and learn!)

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