Mostly Blue & Red

With this week’s extreme cold, it’s time for a bit of colour, with “pre-extreme cold,” winter birds in Millcreek Twp, Pennsylvania (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). First up, on the last rainy/warmer day, the first Eastern Bluebirds of the year!

Eastern Bluebird (m)

Nice view of a male House Finch’s typical red rump:

Finch I
Foraging female Northern Cardinal
Two male Eastern Bluebirds
Black-capped Chickadee
Finch II
Foraging Cardinal II
Two Bluebirds II
Foraging Cardinal III
Chickadee II
Foraging Cardinal IV
Two Bluebirds III
Chickadee III
Two Bluebirds IV
Chickadee IV
Two Bluebirds V
Male Northern Cardinal
Two Bluebirds VI
House Sparrow (f?) in snow
Female Eastern Bluebird (l) + male (r)
Male Cardinal in snow
Final two Bluebirds