Beautiful morning Wednesday in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). Sunny, w/ temps maybe around 4 deg C, no snow = lots of non-gull/waterfowl/GBH bird activity.

Plenty of European Starling out and about:

Beautiful male House Finch:

Bonus House Finch video:
This is at a long distance through a screen of trees/branches = bad photos, but doesn’t matter – still an amazing Cooper’s Hawk! First BirdingPI.com sighting in 2023 and a happy occurrence generally. ID tip: note the red eyes, and very dark top-of-head that confers a capped look.

Would have been very hard to spot in this location at this distance, but this bird had been in flight just previously – and clearly too small to be a Red-tailed Hawk.
Wrapping it up with White-breasted Nuthatch!

Coming up soon, Eastern Bluebird from this same morning, plus Coots at lunch, plus more gull, plus more GBH! Also ducks! #more_bird!