
It’s more Tropical Kingbird at Sweetwater Wetlands (Tucson, AZ) back in August.

Tropical Kingbird

ID note relative to the more common Western Kingbird: similar looking, but Tropical Kingbird = yellow further up the chest (see above), + lacks white side tail feathers which would be seen in flight on a Western Kingbird.

Lacks white side tail feathers

Looks like dragonflies are a desired food source. (Plenty of “Eastern Kingbird vs. dragonfly” activity at Presque Isle State Park in the summer.)

Food tree

A successful catch, but perhaps stealing another bird’s food is easier:

Uh oh
‘Squawk’ I
More “squawking
“I want your tasty morsel.”
Too late – down the hatch

Another Kingbird view I
View II
Kingbird (with branch shadow on face)(III)

Coming up soon, Western Kingbird! Plus unusual/fun bird activity at Presque Isle State Park! Also grackles!

1 thought on “#more_(king)bird

  1. Paul Edwards & Jomamma

    Loved the tasty meal shot. The squawking bird should get a life and shouldn’t be trying to get someone elses food!

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