More Update, More Bird

It’s the rest from Sunday at Presque Isle State Park, mostly at Beach 11 & off Budny Beach:

Adult Bald Eagle @ outer PI Bay entrance channel
Ring-billed Gull over outer Lake Erie
Gull Point observation platforms, view from Beach 11
Bald Eagle II

Following shot, foreground is outer Thompson Bay (frozen), then outer Gull Point, then outer PI Bay entrance channel (unfrozen), then ‘mainland’ (e.g., east Lawrence Park, PA):

Outer Gull Point

Fairly iconic, Bald Eagle @ North Pier Light:

Outer PI Bay entrance channel (i.e., east of North Pier/South Pier) w/ Great Black-backed Gull (@ center):

Here’s an enlargement of that same gull; note the pink legs = Great Black-backed Gull (not Lesser):

Unknown objects on the horizon (although they were moving west-to-east); perhaps a ship:

Tundra Swans on ice
Red-tailed Hawk @ Beach 11 w/ Land Lighthouse in background
More intrepid explorers @ outer Gull Point tree line
Mostly Scaup
Red-breasted Mergansers @ outer Lake Erie

This Herring Gull (@ center) was splashing in and out of the water for fishing; the Lesser Scaups on either side seemed quite offended:

The splash
Mergansers II
2 male Red-breasted Mergansers landing
Distant Mergansers III