More @ The Pier

South Pier: the City of Erie’s best spot for (i) eating lunch in your car in a parking lot with a view; (ii) hanging out in your car for other, unknown reasons; (iii) pier fishing; (iv) littering; (v) smoking/vaping/etc.; (vi) watching the happenings at North Pier; (vii) boat watching; and (viii) birding and other nature observation. Plus, chemical toilets!

“Shot of the day:” head-on Common Loon

Moving on to “recent South Pier news,” it’s repairs to North Pier w/ giant crane (Coast Guard Station on left):

Not unexpectedly (see any Osprey nest), the Osprey were very intrigued with this new neighbourhood high spot:

Even more exciting news, great sighting of a Common Raven (!):

Spotted Sandpiper

“Mashup” of Common Loon & mostly Caspian Tern:

Common Loon w/ snack
Caspian Terns
American Pixie Gull (center)

American Coot

3 thoughts on “More @ The Pier

  1. Paul Edwards

    Did the Ospreys think they could build a nest in that new ‘tree?’
    Loved the Loon pics.

    Would a loon,
    in the month of June,
    look at the moon,
    and croon?
    If so, it would be a boon!

    1. admin1 Post author

      Very rare to hear loon call at PI it seems. We do have some pictures of one in flight (poorly exposed) that will be posted someday.

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