Little Buddy

Dateline: 6 March 2025

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. A trip to Buddy Todd Park last week in Oceanside, California. Top reason to visit California for birding (& fun fact!): more species include ‘California’ in the name than any other US state, @ seven including California Quail, California Condor, California Gull, etc. (Fun fact: #2 is Hawaii at five.)

Buddy Todd Park

Anyway, kicking off content from’s recent “late winter get out of Erie County week” the best way possible, with a beautiful male Allen’s Hummingbird:

Buddy Todd Park – a hilltop oasis in suburban northern San Diego County. Lots of trees, lots of grass, & a perimeter that includes natural coastal chaparral hillside. Plenty of Dark-eyed Junco, goldfinch, & Western Bluebird activity, not to mention Yellow-rumped Warbler:

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Species note: this is the “Audubon’s” sub-species of Yellow-rumped Warbler, w/ distinctive yellow throat. Yellow-rumped Warblers at Presque Isle State Park, on the other hand, are typically “Myrtle” sub-species w/ white throat.

Western Bluebird (female or immature)
Warbler II
Lesser Goldfinch
Western Bluebird (male)
Warbler III
Black Phoebe
Mountain Chickadee
Lesser Goldfinch II
Mountain Chickadee II
Warbler IV
More Allen’s Hummingbird
Dark-eyed Junco

Species note: this is the “Oregon” sub-species of Dark-eyed Junco (note the contrasting dark hood), found mostly in western US.

Western Bluebird III
Warbler V
Western Bluebird IV
Dark-eyed Junco II
Western Bluebird V
Western Bluebird VI
Warbler VI
Western Bluebird VIII
White-crowned Sparrow
Western Bluebird VII

View north-ish from the park, w/ nearby neighborhood, San Luis Rey River, and USMC Camp Pendleton in the distance:

[Editor’s note: thought we were getting rid of honorific bird names. (Regardless of who “Allen” is/was, “Allen’s Hummingbird” is an awful name.) Please use “Western Sunflame” going forward.]

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