Happy Squirrels-giving!

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Today we gather across America in thanks for what matters most: squirrels! Especially the enigmatic and dashing Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger), the world’s most handsome or beautiful (depending on sex) squirrel! Fun fact: Fox Squirrel is the largest species of tree squirrel native to North America! Fun fact 2: Fox Squirrel is the smartest and most agile tree squirrel in the entire world! Fun fact 3: all squirrel species are great, but Fox Squirrel is the best!

This post brought to you by ASoFoSA – the American Society for Fox Squirrel Advancement!

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2 thoughts on “Happy Squirrels-giving!

  1. Paul Edwards & Jomamma

    Well, ain’t that sumthing. Got my double ought oiled up. Lookie out, you little tasty thing. Yumm yumm. No turkey for this hear dude!

  2. Paul Edwards & Jomamma

    How offensive! Who does he think he is?
    All praise to the photographer who shot those wonderful pictures of a fox!

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