Dateline: 1-2 October 2022
Once again, time to celebrate the one bird constant at Presque Isle State Park: gulls. All year long, gulls!
First, the weekend update. Weather Friday: partly cloudy, windy, pleasant. Saturday: cloudy, very windy. Sunday: cloudy, extremely windy. Monday: sunny, lightly windy, nice day. High temps around 15-16 deg C.
Trail notes from the team:
- Pine Tree Trail: good condition.
- Sidewalk Trail: good condition.
- Long Pond fishing access: good condition.
- Long Pond Trail, east: good condition.
- Long Pond Trail, west: muddy but passable with boots.
- Dead Pond Trail: muddy/wet in spots east of B Trail.
- A Trail: good condition.
- Gull Point inner old trail: surprisingly, good condition (lake level is low).
- Gull Point outer old trail: muddy in spots, easily passable.

Ring-billed Gulls (probably non-breeding adults):

Very cool size comparison shot with the trio on the right:

Here’s a crop. Herring Gull (mature) in the rear, Herring Gull (juvenile) on the left, and Ring-billed Gull on the right. The former looks like a giant!

More Ring-billed Gull on the beach and in the air:

Tomorrow: butterflies? More gulls? Interesting birds other than gulls? Stay tuned this week!