Falcon Crest

As promised, more pictures of this lovely Peregrine Falcon, 31 December 2021, Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park, Erie, Pennsylvania. See “Gull Point! Part Deux” for the narrative and other pics.

Falcon preening, I
Falcon preening, II
Falcon / log
Feather fluff with view of Lake Erie
Falcon portrait
More Falcon preening
Falcon portrait, II
More preening
Falcon portrait, III
Falcon portrait, IV
Falcon portrait, V
Off down the beach

Following shots taken from the observation platform (long distance):

Something looks interesting

Note the feathers and bloody bones at the end of the log. Might have been a gull. Origin unknown, but presumably this falcon or another.

Getting closer
Perch II, further along the beach
Perch, III
Beach exit – heading west