Dateline: 15 January 2023

Presque Isle State Park. Cold but sunny Sunday. Peacefully driving the van along the outer loop road by Misery Bay.
“Hot damn! It’s an eagle! Quick, pull over!” [*]
Execute the “two second don’t hit pedestrians or bicyclists” check before pulling over onto the shoulder/multi-use trail. Take shots out the window as best possible. Jump out (execute the “one second don’t get run over by passing car” check) and keep shooting.
Run 1:

Run 2:

From here, looked like it flew off to the tall trees along the Ridge Trail – known Bald Eagle “hang out” spot.
Doesn’t get much better than Bald Eagle/hunting. #nature
[Photo Editor’s note: tough conditions due to distance, lighting, etc. = not the best shots ever. Still, fun to see.]
[* Editor’s note: “Hot damn” appears to be a literary embellishment. Seems unlikely anyone says “hot damn.”]
Perhaps ‘cold feet’ would be better than ‘hot damn…’
Wonderful pictures. Classic eagle action!
It’s always good to see when a bird gets lunch!