CIF, Ice, & Water

No field operations yesterday due to weather conditions. (Rain followed by hard cold = slippery trail conditions = recipe for disaster.) Weather in Erie County, Pennsylvania today: snowy, approx. -11 deg C. Before going back to Gull Point the other weekend (or otherwise), here’s a spotlight on American Coot, featuring recent shots in flight, on ice, and on the water:

Coots on ice & water off Beach No. 11

Like Wild Turkey, American Coot are fine flyers, but it doesn’t seem to be the preferred means of locomotion (e.g., much more likely to see a Coot swimming than flying):

CIF off South Pier
Coots, Tundra Swans, & gulls
American Coot (l) + female Lesser Scaup (r)
Coot array
In flight duo
Featuring Tundra Swans
CIF w/ Redheads
Coots foraging on outer Thompson Bay
In the air, on the water
Another Coot lineup
Coot in air, Coot in water
More Tundra Swans
Mixed waterfowl
Coots on ice by Coast Guard Station
CIF, Coot in water, w/ Redheads
Lineup II
Final CIF