Amazing Yellow Warbler behavioral activity this past weekend at Presque Isle State Park.

A male and two juveniles along the Gull Point Trail, in a tree right on the beach (just east of Budny Beach proper).

After landing near the male, the juveniles engaged in what looked like “chicks in nest” feeding behavior: flapping/hopping about, beaks wide open for food.

The prompted the male to catch an insect for feeding one of the juveniles.

Process repeated multiple times; also viewed similar activity with other Yellow Warblers off the Pine Tree Trail on this same day.

The juveniles/fledglings seemed fully grown (?) and capable of flying about.

Unsure if this was hunting training, or just transitional behavior until the juveniles are older and fully independent. Either way, amazing to witness.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend!

[Photo Editor’s note: Tough lighting conditions early morning backlit against a white sky. Exposure was less than ideal; shots above have the brightness turned up for seeing detail.]