The ‘Witcher

Dateline: 24 July 2022; Weekend Update (2)

Dowitcher and European Starling

Never know what will show up at Gull Point. (High likelihood: gulls and geese.) Several individual Dowitcher spotted earlier this season. Sunday, however, a flock of 10+ fairly close to the observation platform trail. Really amazing to see. Partly hazy/cloudy photography conditions.

Dowitcher and Killdeer

Following video clips may seem sped up, but no, they’re really moving that quickly.

Upset he can’t visit Gull Point more often

[Editor’s note: Probably all Short-billed Dowitcher. No vocalizations to confirm, however.]

[Photo Editor’s note: Due to budget constraints, this blog/website is not conducive to large video files, hence the short video snippets.]

Weekend Update (1)

Dateline: 23-24 July 2022

Waning quarter

Another epic weekend update. And this just the misc stuff — stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 later this week, especially exciting videography from Gull Point on Sunday! (Really.)

Weather in Erie: Saturday – warm, humid, alternating clouds and sun, couple drops of rain. Sunday – rain early AM/overnight; very warm and humid, partly sunny by mid-morning, but obvious T-storms towards the north/Canada. Heavy rain over Presque Isle by 11:30am, otherwise very localized. Dry in south Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) until 6pm or so, followed by brief-but-severe wind/rain/t-storms. Periodic rain/thunder/lightning overnight, still very warm/humid. Milder by Monday morning.

Trails locally wet/muddy due to recent rain. Gull Point inner old trail re-flooded and impassible without wet feet.

Moving on to nature content. First, Millcreek Twp. Very cool sighting of a Viceroy butterfly:

Limenitis archippus

Similar to a Monarch, but lacks significant white spots on the top of the head/thorax. Note also the cross-stripe indicated in the excerpt below, lacking in Monarch:

Next up, cute/noisy Chipping Sparrow:

Probably juvenile male House Sparrow:

Next up, Presque Isle, Dead Pond Trail. A deer in the brush:

Deer Prudence

[Editor’s note: A picture of a deer at Presque Isle… Wow.]

Beautiful Common Yellowthroat (female or immature):

Yellowthroat vocalizations

Matthew McConaughey’s favorite bird (?):

Rare breed
Long branch
Gratuitous product placement

Great to see a Pickerel Frog, right along the trail:

Pickerel Frog (Lithobates palustris)

Gull Point on Sunday. Enough of a ‘sun/dry window’ to tempt the foolhardy. Almost made it back to Bundy Beach before the rain hit, but not quite; good thing for warm temps and waterproof-ish gear.

Rain on the way, view west towards Budny Beach

Song Sparrow along the Gull Point Trail:

Red-winged Blackbird (f):

Eastern Kingbird:

Lovely out at Gull Point itself; devoid of other birders/humans. Gulls, geese, Caspian Tern, swallows, Mute Swan, Spotted Sandpiper, Killdeer, blackbirds, Eastern Kingbird, etc. Tall Pond Lilies are in bloom; always nice to see:

Big “first sighting this season” news was Bank Swallow:

These shots dashed off and rather poor quality; good enough for ‘get the idea.’ Note the brown upper side, white lower side, and most distinctively (vs. female Tree Swallow, or Northern Rough-winged Swallow), a sharp dark band around the lower neck. See arrow here:

Surprise appearance of Common Merganser:

Juvenile or non-breeding Spotted Sandpiper:

Other big news at Gull Point: an amazing flock of 10+ Dowitcher, in the wet area right by the roped-off trail to the observation platform. Pics and video tomorrow!

On the quick/pre-rain hike back to Budny Beach, Spotted Sandpiper x surf:

[Photo Editor’s note: Photo at top of Viceroy butterfly was ‘shopped to remove extraneous/objectionable content.]

Green Heron Summer

Dateline: 17 July 2022

Green Heron summer continues — with what else? — more lovely Green Heron! From the swampy pond at the east end of the Sidewalk Trail. (This individual – or related – spotted two weekends in a row at this spot – and not overly skittish.)

Localized, heavy rain’s put a damper on the Presque Isle outdoors activities today (Sunday, 24 July 2022), but fear not! Enough of a mostly- dry window for another trek out to Gull Point in the AM! Stay tuned for some very cool photography and video, featuring birds! Once the camera equipment dries out, that is.

[Editor’s note: The camera equipment is fine. #waterproof bags.]

Wren, Don’t Walk

Dateline: 17 July 2022

Recent House Wren shots, square-cropped, from off Thompson Circle, Presque Isle State Park.

At least three very busy wrens at this location last Sunday AM.

On Turtle Detail

Dateline: July 2022

Recent detail turtle views from the turtle detail. Along the Gull Point Trail, Presque Isle State Park. Likely either Northern Map Turtle or Painted Turtle.

Hi, I’m Sandy

Side elevation view, turtle
Front claws
Rear claws
Skin detail
Turtle portrait
Sandy again
Bringing up the rear

Erie weather forecast indicates humid, warm conditions both Saturday and Sunday, with a 60% chance of significant t-storms Sunday PM. Sounds like nice conditions for getting out early for birding! Have a nice weekend.


“BIF” = birds in flight. (Used if either too busy or too cool to spell it out, like the staff of Also a Hardy Boys’ character.

Anyway, some recent BIF!

First, RTH over Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). (RTH = Red-tailed Hawk. Twp = Township.)

Next, what appears to be GC over PI! (GC = Gray Catbird! PI = Presque Isle.) Taken at a very long distance over TCS/P (Thompson Circle swamp/pond) = not super sharp, still cool.

Where are those Catbirds

going? Only the Catbirds

know with certainty.

Lots of EKB (Eastern Kingbird) at PI this year. Shots of feeding behavior over Thompson Bay – fly, then flap to ‘hover’ over a spot until catching an insect: