In breaking news, several Canada Geese were spotted yesterday in a park outside Jamestown, New York. When queried about this unusual event, an anonymous passerby stated, “Well, they’re here pretty often.” assessment: unlikely story (!)
Only brings you the hard-hitting nature photojournalism!
In other bird news, what appears to be a migrating Red Knot was recently spotted on the mudflats at Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park, Millcreek Twp, PA (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). Following shots are relatively mediocre due to the long distance, but good enough to get the idea. This individual not as red (e.g., in the face/feathers) as a full breeding adult, so could be in plumage transition.
Not a holiday weekend here at – it’s all hands on deck Sat-Mon for nature photojournalism in the greater Erie area. Kicking it off with “bird of the day” – Common Yellowthroat @ Presque Isle State Park, Gull Point Trail.
Highlighting immature male Common Yellowthroat. Note the bright yellow throat, but splotchy black cheeks interspersed with hints of gray. (Fully mature male: fully-delineated black face with upper, gray bordering band.)
Following shots have a more even brown/gray face, so could be female Common Yellowthroat.
Back to a final shot of what’s clearly an immature male, but the gray upper face band is better formed than above.
Wishing everyone a great weekend! Be sure to nature!
So much content from Arizona, so much content from Presque Isle, can’t keep track of it all.
Today, a special report from Scott Reservoir outside Pinetop/Lakeside, AZ. Volcanic, high-alt pine and alligator juniper territory. With water. Excellent spot for birds.
First up. With water, expect an Osprey:
Here, might be female Vermillion Flycatcher (!):
Worth a visit just for this amazingly beautiful male Western Tanager. Part of the cardinal family – who knew? (Obviously folks more well informed than here.)
Female Vermillion Flycatcher on a stick:
Backlit/Turkey Vulture:
Flight outline, Osprey style:
Lots of great birds so far, but then it got crazy. What appeared to be three juvenile or female American Kestrel in a dead pine tree, playing tag with a couple Steller’s Jay. Non-ironic “wow” on that one.
These shots at a very long distance and challenging conditions against an overcast/backlit sky, but amazing to see nevertheless.
Back to a closer distance with great shots of lovely Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. An Erie favorite, so great to see it here.
Finally, a modest denouement – might be Solitary Sandpiper:
Weekend update part II/Saturday morning out to Gull Point. Humid, moderately warm, partially cloudy. On the shorebird side, four Semipalmated Plover spotted on Budny Beach; Dowitcher and juvenile Sanderling out at the point.
Fairly calm, but enough surf for a little wave action with the plover and Ring-billed Gull.
Not the surf, but might as well enjoy the Dowitcher, too:
It’s hard to pry folks away from Presque Isle. Finally motivated a team member into “NW Corner” duty with a couple Jacksons from petty cash and a shopping list for the rather wonderful Peggy Gray Candies and Gifts in N. Springfield, PA – yum! Also, Bald Eagles!
First up, took all summer, but finally some decent shots of the beautiful Tiger Swallowtail. Probably Eastern (Papilio glaucus), possibly Canadian (Papilio canadensis). #Better_late_than_never.
Bonus shots from this same location (corner of Childs Rd and State Line Rd) of Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele):
Not a lot of bird activity in the dense underbrush. Did spot what appears to be a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak:
Yes, Bald Eagle, at least five at one point.
Following sequence at a very long distance (moderate crop @ 500mm), but still fun to see a successful fishing maneuver:
Fairly excellent weekend in Erie County for bird activity and other activity, e.g., Tall Ships Weekend. Hope everyone enjoyed a tall ship or two. (“Tall ship:” 2 parts dark rum, 5 parts club soda, 1 part fruit juice of choice, floater of overproof, e.g., 151 proof, rum.)
Rain towards Canada
Friday: mild, humid, partially cloudy with intermittent/localized t-storms; Saturday: mild-to-warm, humid, partially cloudy in the morning, mostly clear by afternoon; Sunday: clear, warm, humid, very summer-like, highs 27-29 deg C.
As previously reported, big news over the weekend: increased warbler activity – going from a one (“Yellow-only”) to a seven or eight on the species hit count. Still very sporadic/localized.
Starting off with a first – always a happy occasion! – an amazing female Prothonotary Warbler. In the woods between east Budny Beach parking and the beach/lake.
Next up, obligatory/lovely Yellow Warbler:
Followed by female Common Redstart:
Rather awful shot of a female Common Yellowthroat, for the record:
This looks like a Yellow-rumped Warbler:
Probably female/immature Magnolia Warbler:
Following two shots probably also immature/molting Magnolia Warbler:
Following two rather are difficult to ID. Black streaking suggests not Palm Warbler. First could be Magnolia Warbler and the second Yellow-rumped Warbler? Or?
Magnolia Warbler?
Wrapping it up with a special section on what could very well be a female/immature Cape May Warbler! Yellow throat and neck line, gray cheek patch, olive/gray cap, black streaking, white under-tail coverts, yellow/dark wings with a fairly large white patch/bar. If so, puts the count at eight warbler species over the weekend – really great for late August.
Next up: checking in from “The Corner” – a special report.
[Editor’s note: does not endorse the consumption of alcoholic beverages. #caffeinated_coffee.]
Mystery bird on the bridge. Conspicuous blue feathers suggest either jay or bluebird. Bill seems much to fine for jay (e.g., Scrub Jay), so we’re going with bluebird. Overall coloration is juvenile. Could be juvenile Western or Mountain Bluebird. Heavy streaking/spotting down entirety of breast/chest suggests Western Bluebird.
Tomorrow’s post: Presque Isle weekend update, part I. Yes, there will be warbler.
With the Erie team out scouring Presque Isle State Park for more warbler, time for an epic roundup of recently sighted birds in the White Mtns near Pinetop/Lakeside, Arizona. (Note: no birds actually rounded up.)
View from Mogollon RimRed-Tailed HawkHouse Wren outside Greer, AZCommon Raven, Timber Camp Recreation AreaRavens are awesome
Could this be an Olive-sided Flycatcher?!? Gray “vest” is very delineated with a strong/contrasted white center-breast = more like Olive-sided than Western Wood-Pewee.
Let’s go with Olive-sided FlycatcherExcellent! Pine Siskin!Hairy Woodpecker/upside downProbably female/immature Yellow-rumped WarblerSteller’s JayDe-tail
In a first, a really bad shot of a really amazing Lewis’s Woodpecker:
Too dark
Following crop is augmented to show detail – dark back, pink belly, red face, black head, and white/gray collar:
Turning the color knob to 11
Following three shots all Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed form), a local favorite:
Dateline: 25-26 August 2022, Presque Isle State Park
Black-and-white Warbler
Urgent field report from the team in Erie. Anecdotally, sharp uptick late this week of warbler activity. Confirmed sightings along Pine Tree Trail, Marsh Trail, Budny Beach, etc. included Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and Prothonotary Warbler. Possibly Magnolia Warbler and other TBD.
Black-and-white Warbler along the Pine Tree Trail (east end) shown here.