To the Point and Back Again, Pt. II

A trio of Gull Point views, from wide to narrow:

View north towards Gull Point, from Erie Correctional Facility guard tower no. 3
Panorama looking south from “first pond/mud flat”
Gull Point mud flat, mostly uncropped @ 500mm

Lots of interesting happenings out at Gull Point from the bird species grab bag perspective. All these shots from a very long distance = rather awful as photographs, ok for ID.

First off, Yellowlegs. Seemingly not that many at Presque Isle this year, but fairly active recently. With a slightly upturned beak (see second shot below in particular, bird on the right), calling these as Greater Yellowlegs. (Lesser Yellowlegs: no upturned bill.)

One Yellowlegs
Two Yellowlegs

Extreme crop from the shot above = Semipalmated Plover:


Back to more Pectoral Sandpiper. Note the delineated streaky breast on the bird on the left. Also more in line with typical body size.

Front and side views
Duck scale

(Ducks are probably Teal of some sort.)

Canada Geese/beach landing

Thought this might be a Wilson’s Snipe at first, due to how the eye seemed placed in certain shots. Lacking buffy strips on the body, however, and considering the long bill and chunky body, calling this as Long-billed Dowitcher:

Dowitcher/lower left
Muddy reflection/Dowitcher
Dowitcher/foot view

Time for the Erie weekend weather forecast: “mostly sunny and warmer,” “pleasant with clouds and sun,” “intervals of clouds and sun,” max high temp 27 deg C, max chance of rain 8% on Sunday. (Source: Looks like an excellent weekend for birding/nature!

To the Point and Back Again, Pt. I

White-breasted Nuthatch, Budny Beach

Out to Gull Point (Presque Isle State Park) again. Mud flats, shoreline, swamp, forested/brushy interior – a veritable potpourri of habitat for interesting birdlife!

Here in Part I, what was seen on the way, and on the way back. Tomorrow, more bird!

Common Yellowthroat (m, juvenile) @ Budny Beach
Rear view

With the gray head, white eyering, and yellow throat, first thought the bird below was Nashville Warbler. Further digital forensics, however, shows white coverts, two white wing bars, and black-streaked sides – all indicating female/immature Magnolia Warbler. (Nashville lacks wing bars and black streaking, and has yellow coverts.)

Magnolia Warbler? Yes
Crappy photo better showing black streaking and wing bars
Another such view

Belted Kingfisher in ‘hovering’ behavior above a pond:

Sky king

Black-and-white Warbler taking advantage of a spider web:

Snack catcher
Gray Catbird!
Eastern Wood-pewee, probably
Budny Beach birds

Nothing says Lake Erie like gulls and dead fish! Gull below probably juvenile Ring-billed Gull. (Could also be juvenile Herring Gull, but close up review of the in-flight pictures suggests Ring-billed.)

Gull and Crow
Gull I
Gull landing

Lovely Common Merganser on Budny Beach:

Enjoy more peaceful floating:

Bonus Wood Ducks on the Thompson Circle swamp/pond:


Tomorrow, reasonably interesting birds at Gull Point!

NW PA/Hinterlands

Dateline: 10 September 2022

Saturday, the team headed south to check in with Erie National Wildlife Refuge and environs. Not a lot of bird activity, but a nice day for nature.

Woodcock Reservoir. Double-crested Cormorants on the water, and a seagull or two, otherwise very quiet. … Adjacent Bossard Nature Area, centered on a pretty, forested ravine – mature conifers and mixed deciduous – was more active.

Bossard Run

Cardinal, Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, etc. Highlight: Black-throated Green Warbler. Following two shots are female/immature:

Juvenile male:

Also groundhog/woodchuck, and here, a chipmunk:

Fields of goldenrod

Erie Natl Wildlife Refuge headquarters area. Cedar Waxwing, various sparrow, Black-capped Chickadee, etc.; fairly quiet overall. White-breasted Nuthatch:

Highlight: beautiful fields of blooming goldenrod + copious Monarch Butterfly and honey bee:

Must be a “float like a butterfly sting like a bee” joke in here somewhere… [Editor’s Note: No team members stung by bees. #500mm_lens]

State Game Lands No 69. Random area of mature mixed forest and forest ponds. Little bird activity other than Belted Kingfisher:

Erie Natl Wildlife Refuge, Seneca Block – fascinating area centered around portions of the French Creek watershed. Little bird activity mid-day. “Mental note:” visit again in early fall.

Weekend Update/Wow

Dateline: 10-11 September 2022

Squirrel @ PI

Greater Erie, PA weather. Saturday: mostly sunny, moderate temps (warmer in the afternoon), humid. Sunday: overcast with rain tapering off by mid-afternoon; moderate temps, humid.

With “Beast on the Bay” Saturday and the Erie marathon Sunday morning, team consensus was to avoid the congestion – trip to Erie National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday (report to follow), and Presque Isle State Park later Sunday after the rain. (Would have run the marathon, but too difficult carrying a giant camera…)

Sunday afternoon, with overcast and periodic light sprinkles, surveyed the Pine Tree Trail/Budny Beach/Pine Tree Meadows loop. First up, Fox Squirrel w/ snack, + cute video:

Second-guessing going out in poor weather conditions? Second guess no longer. Amazing sighting of the amazing Ovenbird, along the Pine Tree Trail. Official Birding Rule Book, “Rule 37: Any outing with a confirmed sighting of Ovenbird is an unqualified success, absent major bodily injury.” Spotted Ovenbird several times in the spring, but only briefly. Here, perched on a branch with obvious/raised crest and well-delineated markings = non-ironic wow!

Tomorrow, elsewhere in Pennsylvania, featuring honey bees!

No Cactus/Wren

Cactus Wren without a cactus. Feels weird. But can’t pass up on a preening wren, plus erratic video clips.

All content from back of the Regional Desert Southwest (BIRDS) field station in Tucson, AZ.


Dateline: 3 September 2022

Checking in with the team out at Lake Chautauqua. First up, always great to see Bentley Nature Preserve – excellent spot for woods/birds/nature.

Hairy Woodpecker (m)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Black-capped Chickadee
Eastern Wood-pewee
Mystery warbler

More Black-capped Chickadee:

Following could be juvenile Yellow Warbler (unlikely), maybe juvenile Common Yellowthroat. Hard to tell.

More mystery warbler

Now over to Tom’s Point:

Almost fall
Juvenile Wood Duck
Double-crested Cormorant
Juvenile Magnolia Warbler?
More mystery warbler

Wrapping it up with a nice view of what appears to be juvenile or female Blackburnian Warbler:

Blackburnian Warbler (f or juvenile)

Tomorrow, more BIRDS field station content from Arizona! Later in the week, strange happenings at Gull Point!


Presque Isle State Park

General reminder that Saturday, 10 September 2022 is the annual Barber “Beast on the Bay” obstacle race at Presque Isle State Park, starting at 8:30AM. Expect congested traffic conditions and delays until mid-afternoon.

In the recent post entitled “Point/Peeps,” a yellow-legged sandpiper was identified as Least Sandpiper. Upon further analysis, it is believed that this might instead be Pectoral Sandpiper. As evidenced, for example, by a streaky breast neatly bordering a white belly. Relatively small size could be attributed to juvenile status. apologizes for any inconvenience.

Weekend Update

Dateline: late August-early September, 2022

The western Pennsylvania Wild Turkey migration is off to a strong start – huge flocks taking to the sky:

Wild Turkey

Ha! A bird funny. Obviously those are Canada Geese.

Appears the squirrels might be meddling again.

Obey the squirrel

More seriously, on the entomological side, lots of Monarch Butterfly at Presque Isle State Park this past weekend:

Flutterby example

Active waterfowl/shorebird migration: see yesterday’s post re. swans; also (not shown) Canada Goose, Double-breasted Cormorant, & Blue-winged Teal. … Following perhaps juvenile or female Mallard Duck:

Focus on one duck

Also female/immature Common Merganser, off Budny Beach:

Uncommonly lovely

Please enjoy peaceful surf floating:

Duck surf

As usual, plenty of Wood Duck on the Thompson Circle swamp/pond (southern side):

Wooden decoy

Some misc bird, first – male Downy Woodpecker:

Upside down you’re turning me

Found a snack:

Spidey sense

Gray Catbird!

Bears repeating: Gray Catbird!

Probably an Eastern Wood-pewee:


The very yellow American Goldfinch (m) @ Headwaters Park, Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Lemon tree

Everyone’s favorite red-headed woodpecker, a duo of Red-headed Woodpecker:

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Millcreek Twp

Back to Pine Tree Trail with a mystery bird. Could be immature Common Yellowthroat?

Does not compute

Tomorrow, back to Bentley Nature Preserve in western New York State – there will be birds!

[Editor’s Note: bad bird humor is against policy. The management apologies for the leading content above, which is obviously European Starling. Example of real Wild Turkey:

Turkey of a post

Bird Denizens/Ramsey

Dateline: August 2022

Bonus post – catching up on field reports with some misc bird from the Ramsey Canyon, Arizona area!

First up, Mexican Jay at Carr Canyon:

Next up, the irrepressible Acorn Woodpecker/utility pole:

Plenty of Black-headed Grosbeak (f) in Ramsey Canyon, at least by feeders:

Awful picture. Nevertheless, highlight of any outing is Scott’s Oriole:

Similar species Audubon Oriole and the rare (in US) Black-vented Oriole = fully black tail. Probably.

Highlight of Ramsey Canyon: Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. And lots of them.

Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher call: “squeaky toy.” Thanks to the kind folks at the Nature Conservancy Ramsey Canyon Preserve visitors’ center for the apt characterization. Example from on-site:

More Acorn Woodpecker. Very social, very busy, very beautiful.

[Photo Editor’s Note: Those are some nice shots of Acorn Woodpecker. Just sayin’.]

[Editor’s Note: No affiliation with The Nature Conservancy. Please consider donating to this very worthy cause #nature]

On the Pine Tree Trail

Dateline: 5 September 2022

Not a good beach day

Back on the Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park, on a rainy Labor Day Monday. On-and-off rain in the morning, heavy rain by mid-afternoon. (Nearby Budny Beach shown above.) About a 45 minute ‘dry window’ for cloudy/shady photography; lots of bird activity – woodpecker, nuthatch, flycatcher, Blue Jay, Black-capped Chickadee, Gray Catbird!, etc. Plenty of warblers, but difficult to see in the tree tops.

Red-eyed Vireo

A bit shady, but still an excellent shot of Common Yellowthroat:

Common Yellowthroat (f)
Common Yellowthroat (f)
Eastern Towhee
Gray Catbird!
Eastern Wood-pewee
Part II
Downy Woodpecker (f)
Magnolia Warbler?

Awful picture, but still illustrative of a male Redstart:

American Redstart (m)
Pewee, Part III

Next time, back to the Weekend Update with a fall migration report!

Special preview – two Swans spotted Saturday in the French Creek swamp at the junction of Interstate 86 and Ashton Rd:

Swan @ long distance

Couldn’t verify if Tundra Swan or Trumpeter Swan, but still very interesting to see this time of year.