Back to winter weather Wednesday, with snow later in the morning then rain in the afternoon/evening. Enough cold temps overnight for significant icing on trees, shrubbery, and lawns.
The third and final entry in coverage of recent Bald Eagle activity off Long Pond, Presque Isle State Park. After the other two eagles departed, this third eagle perched where the other was previously, then flew off west. Lighting wasn’t ideal for the BIF (bird in flight) shots, but still fun to see.
In major Presque Isle State Park trail news, DCNR recently replaced the old/funky trail signs with new/updated signs. While the old signs will be missed, no denying the new versions look clean/streamlined and appear to accurately convey trail information:
On the Pine Tree Trail Sunday afternoon for the Great Backyard Bird Count: 2x American Crow; 1x Canada Goose, i.e., almost no bird activity. (Weather: cool, mostly cloudy, windy.) On the other hand, an off-trail detour = two juvenile Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) retreating to nearby nest holes:
You were promised cute squirrel pictures; delivers.
Over on Thompson Bay, lots of Canvasback, and smaller numbers of American Wigeon, Redhead, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, etc.:
More on the weekend (Saturday) coming up soon!
Bonus shots of Common Goldeneye off East Ave boat launch area:
Finally, from the other night, a bonus shot of Jupiter @ 800mm (+cropped) with four of its moons in a different orbital position:
After all that unfortunate goose nonsense, time to ‘right the ship’ with some hard-hitting nature journalism, in this case, an epic post of Nature vs. Nature! First up, Dog vs. Gull!
Scenario: Presque Isle State Park, Beach No. 11. staff member in the nearby dunes, calmly enjoying gull photography. Suddenly, startled gulls; culprit: dog-off-leash #violation_state_park_regulations
Certain times of year out at Gull Point or elsewhere, might be a concern. Here, dog vs. gull: gulls win.
Next up, Rabbit vs. Mink! Scenario: Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”), morning neighborhood bird survey. Sudden screeching in the nearby woods, critters running amok. A rabbit bursts forth, crossing the street into a nearby gully. Soon thereafter: a pursuing mink. The rabbit skedaddles out the gully through a nearby housing complex. The mink pursues, apparently not fast enough.
This video picks up with the mink attempting to catch the rabbit’s trail. Very unusual to see a mink out in the open this long #nature
Winner: rabbit.
Next, American Crow vs. Red-tailed Hawk! Scenario: Erie County, Pennsylvania, US. A Red-tailed Hawk flies overhead. American Crow zooms in to harass. Aerial hijinks ensue.
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming, with two mature Bald Eagle departing Long Pond, Presque Isle State Park:
Meanwhile, GBBC weekend continues. Very little activity on the Pine Tree Trail Sunday afternoon – two American Crow and some squirrels. (Stay tuned for cute squirrel pictures.) Plenty of duck activity on Thompson Bay, however – 600+ Canvasback counted on Saturday!
Following shot, males center and right, female on left:
Online news service reported Saturday a “cyber incident” involving unauthorized access of several of its offshore servers. Apparently the work of “overzealous goose enthusiasts,” Chinese or Russian “bad actors,” and/or a disgruntled former employee, the incident resulted in the unauthorized posting or modification of several online news articles, in an attempt to spread misinformation and so-called ‘fake news.’ A source at the company, speaking on condition of anonymity, was quoted as saying, “Seems like these people really like geese. Geese are ok, I guess, but it’s pretty weird. Also, way too many exclamation points.”
With at least one server remaining down Sunday morning, the articles in question remained online and apparently “locked” from IT access. The company did not provide a timeline for when the offending content would be removed and service returned to normal.
Regardless of Erie, PA weather, the Great Backyard Goose Count is off to a great start! (Sightings this morning included Canada Goose, the only bird that matters.) Wishing everyone a fun and productive Friday-Monday counting and admiring Canada Goose!!!
Compelling video of spectacular Canada Goose to brighten the weekend!
Stay tuned this week for – what else? – more Canada Geese!!!
Some recent, rather lovely shots of Black-capped Chickadee in the woods off the Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park:
Weather Friday: mostly overcast, cold, light wind, and light snow all day. Supposed to be warmer over the weekend, which hopefully portends well for GBBC day 2!
With a return Friday to wintery weather, theGreat Backyard Bird Count’s off to a slow start in Erie, PA. (Sightings this morning included American Crow, Canada Goose, Northern Cardinal, Black-capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, American Robin, European Starling, Mourning Dove, various unidentified woodpeckers, etc.) Nevertheless, wishing everyone a fun and productive Friday-Monday!