Hangin’ in there (again)Take off (II)PortraitEastern Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica)Even more Trout LillySong Sparrow in motionMarsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)Lots of Trout LillyRuby-crowned Kinglet
Couple nice shots of Mourning Cloak butterfly along the Tom’s Point trail:
Red-winged Blackbird @ Lake ChautauquaSparrow @ morning light
Light frozen rain and snow flurries Monday evening in Erie County, PA, turning to light snow Tuesday morning – enough for 2-3+ cm accumulation on the grass. Making for unhappy spring flowers!
White Trillium (species unknown) in spring snowOrnamental magnolia w/ spring snowSnow on budding maple leaves
Somewhat abbreviated activities at Presque Isle State Park this weekend due to staff scheduling conflicts. But stay tuned this week for posts with great ex-Erie content from BirdingPI.com’s occasional guest roving correspondents on special assignment. (Spoiler alert: Piping Plover!) Until then, from Presque Isle, some shots last week of the always amazing Wild Turkey:
Another ‘epic’ post from various days this past weekend or thereabouts. First up, a flock of Bonaparte’s Gulls in a flooded field off French Creek Rd, south of Waterford, PA:
Bonaparte’s Gulls#more_gullsEastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus), near Union City Reservoir
Meanwhile, back at Presque Isle State Park:
Song Sparrow @ Long Pond TrailAmerican Tree Sparrow @ Long Pond Trail
Swallows are back, here the beautiful Tree Swallow:
More Long Pond TrailTree Swallow over Lake Erie
Long distance shot that’s somewhat blurry due to heat shimmer, but lots of Great Egret (8+) on Big Pond, as viewed from the main park road:
No regretsCommon Loon @ Graveyard Pond (The Lagoon)
Another ‘spring first,’ a lovely Wood Duck (male), in the pond by Sidewalk Trail east trailhead:
Not an everyday occurrence:
American Kestrel x Canada GooseKestrel @ Thompson Bay swamp/pondBlue-winged Teal (landing)
Long distance/blurry shots, but posting anyway to show Green-winged Teal colouration:
Green-winged Teal (m)Takeoff w/ white breast stripeOsprey/talons
Osprey over Thompson Bay swamp/pond with nesting material:
Nest flight INest flight IIGoose sentinel
And here’s the Osprey playing quidditch. Or maybe more nest gathering.
Quidditch?More ‘not seen every day’More quidditch
Finally, the first Caspian Tern of the year spotted flying over the lake from the bluff at Cranch Park:
Tern for the betterTern into spring
Coming up soon, more Kinglet, more Cardinal, more Bonaparte’s Gull, more Robin x Starling! #more_bird
Special ‘double post’ today to celebrate day no. 6+ of sunny weather in Erie, PA.
More content from Friday at Presque Isle State Park. First up, along the Dead Pond Trail (east end), first sighting this spring of Hermit Thrush:
Hermit Thrush I
ID: slight white eye ring, spotted breast, and red tail contrasting with brown back.
Hermit Thrush IIHermit Thrush IIIContrasting tail
First (identifiable) dragonfly of the year, the beautiful Green Darner (Anax junius):
Yet another (!) spring first, happy to see Ruby-crowned Kinglet again:
Kinglet v.2More rubyChin-up IChin-up II
ID tips: similar to Golden-crowned Kinglet except partial eye ring, lacks conspicuous yellow/gold head stripe, occasional hints of ‘ruby crown:’
Hint of ruby crown
The amazing American Kestrel‘s relatively common around the W. PA farmland down south, but here’s the first ever BirdingPI.com sighting at Presque Isle, in the woods adjacent North Pier:
American KestrelKestrel IIKestrel @ flight
Finally, lots of Turkey Vulture enjoying the sunshine in the woods adjacent Horseshoe Bay: