See, Duck

Recent shots of a very cute, immature Long-tailed Duck, probably male, off North Pier @ Presque Isle State Park. This individual has been seen in the channel between N/S Piers for several days now.

“The long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis), … formerly known as the oldsquaw, is a medium-sized sea duck that breeds in the tundra and taiga regions of the arctic and winters along the northern coastlines of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is the only member of the genus Clangula.” Per Wikipedia.


It’s reasonably colourful fall/winter birds all at Presque Isle State Park. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas!

All shots male Northern Cardinal (as above), American Robin (immediately below), & female Northern Cardinal foraging on the beach (two below).

S. Pier Punisher

If South Pier (Erie, Pennsylvania) wasn’t entertaining enough with its stinky chemical toilet and “What are those people doing in that car?” aesthetic, try doing bird photography in a full-on lake-effect snowstorm:

South Pier, view east
Ducks in snow
Male Mallard
Scaup ducks
Snow covered male Mallard
More ducks in snow
Ducks, almost white-out
Red-breasted Merganser
Mallard takeoff
1 Scaup
Mallard flying in snow
West end of South Pier
American Pixie Gull
West end of North Pier (looking towards Perry Monument)
Common Goldeneye in snow
Goldeneye II
Bird outline
Goldeneye III
Merganser in flight
North Pier (l), South Pier (r), kind of snowy

The Flats (re-post)

After finding an errant file of iPhone snapshots, re-posting this content from last summer @ “Santa Cruz flats,” northwest of Tucson, AZ, with more environmental context:

Sunrise over the fields
Telephoto view of top of Ragged Top

Lots of Greater Roadrunner activity:

Red-tailed Hawk on power pole
Roadrunners II
Hint of rainbow w/ White-winged Dove
Roadrunners III
Roadrunner IV
Roadrunners V
Picacho Peak
Roadrunner VI
Roadrunner in tree
Probably Cooper’s Hawk w/ nest in background
Yellow-breasted Chat along Santa Cruz River
Great-tailed Grackle (f) ?
Let’s Chat

Sequence of beautiful Inca Dove:

Here’s the view west along E. Sasco Road out of Red Rock, at the crossing w/ Santa Cruz River. (The puddle is the riverbed.) Good spot for birds w/ riparian vegetation, e.g., the Chat above.

“Bird of the day,” a surprise/great sighting of Bendire’s Thrasher:

Black-throated Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow II
White-winged Dove
Another view west towards Ironwood Forest Nat’l Monument

White-winged Doves @ power line:

Western Kingbird
Lark Sparrow
Spotted Sandpiper at the feedlot
Lark Sparrow II

Return PI/7

First day of winter 2024/2025 yesterday did not disappoint: cloudy, windy, annoyingly cold, & light PM snow. Rough conditions for outside birding, but the highlight of the day at Presque Isle State Park = 9 Purple Sandpiper on the breakwater off Sunset Point. Not the best pictures (camera equip was freezing up by this point), but still nice to see:

More Purple Sandpiper, etc. pending photo editing. In the meantime, back to the final “post-Snowpocalypse” content from the other week at Presque Isle:

Lake-effect snow over N/S Piers

Long-distance but nice sequence of Canada Geese landing in lake-effect snow @ head of Presque Isle Bay (Scott Park bluff in background):

Rapidly changing conditions at Leo’s Landing, e.g., hint of blue sky:

And incoming snow:

An unusual amount of Northern Shoveler activity, e.g., a flock of 21, a record for most seen at one time:

Bald Eagle flying in snow
View @ Leo’s Landing towards head of PI Bay
Bald Eagle flying in snow II
View @ Leo’s Landing towards N/S Piers (entrance to PI Bay)
Bald Eagle flying in snow III
A final Ruddy Duck

Coming up soon, more birds in snow!

Final Wesley

Wishing everyone in the northern hemisphere a happy first day of Winter. (Solstice at 4:50AM this morning or something like that.) In celebration, it’s the final post of beautiful Wilson’s Snipe seen on the day of Presque Isle State Park post-Snowpocalypse 2024 re-opening:


Bird Count: The Sequel

Much earlier on Christmas Bird Count day, there was time for informal, chilly astrophotography in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Almost full moon
Jupiter & moons
Setting red moon

Later, at Presque Isle State Park:

Gull curling 🙂
Blue Jay w/ frozen food
Poorly lit White-throated Sparrow
Frozen food II
Another group of Tundra Swans
Sparrow II
Foraging White-throated Sparrow
Female Northern Cardinal
White-throated Sparrow IV
Female Cardinal II
Sparrow V
Female Cardinal III
Ducks in flight w/ Bald Eagle (lower left)
Sparrow VI
Ducks & Eagle

Distant but fun sequence of startled gulls, perhaps due to passing Bald Eagle(s) – see above:

Mallards (foreground) & gulls (background) @ Marina Lake
American Black Ducks in flight (lower left)
Icy East Pier picnic tables
Gulls on ice
Sparkly gull
Goodbye to Christmas Bird Count w/ Tundra Swans on ice

Bird Count

One advantage of rising early Saturday morning for the annual Christmas bird count = seeing a red setting almost-full moon:

Not on Tatooine

Another advantage: clear, sunny day. Disadvantage: very cold w/ fresh snow on the ground.

View east towards entrance to Presque Isle Bay

Bird activity overall was modest, but still plenty of birds to see.

Male Northern Cardinal

Including over a hundred Tundra Swans off Leo’s Landing:

Lots of Swans
Cardinal II
European Starling
Another view of many Tundra Swans
Cardinal III
Gulls on ice w/ Perry Monument in background
Cardinal IV

Not the best viewpoint, but still fun to see incoming Hooded Mergansers (w/ Scaups in foreground) on outer Lake Erie:

Scaups on outer Lake Erie
Hooded Merganser in flight
Scaup and Mallard(s)
Lots of Red-bellied Woodpecker activity
Fisher Drive bridge Eastern Screech-Owl
Downy Woodpecker @ pecking
Under view of immature Bald Eagle
Duck Pond Trail – snowed over and still muddy
Tundra Swans in flight behind screen of trees
More wood pecking
Bald Eagle II
Hawthorn (?) berries w/ fresh snow

3 Ducks & 1 Grebe

Time for an Erie County waterfowl/waterbird break with recent content of 3 species of duck + 1 of grebe, starting with lucky (i.e., relatively close) shots of a beautiful/amazing female Hooded Merganser on Presque Isle Bay:

Horned Grebe in non-breeding plumage off South Pier:

Female or immature Red-breasted Merganser in flight between North and South Piers:

Male Mallard on a pier at Presque Isle State Park:

Horned Grebe II

Female or immature Red-breasted Merganser on the breakwater off the east end of South Pier:

Two Red-breasted Merganser in flight:

Male Mallard takeoff, rear view:

Hooded Merganser (f) II
Horned Grebe III
Mallard (m) in flight II
Hooded Merganser (f) III

Female Mallard takeoff, rear/side view:

2 Mergansers in flight II

Another view of the Merganser @ South Pier breakwater. Note the Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) (invasive) on the vertical rock surface below the duck:

Mallard (f) in flight II

Finally, while many birds take flight when startled, diving ducks have another option, as captured in this fun sequence of female Hooded Merganser off the Waterworks pier area:

Coming up soon, under a blood red moon!

Return PI/6.2

More shots from the other day just after Presque Isle State Park re-opened from Snowpocalypse 2024.

Northern Cardinal (f)
Tundra Swans
American Pipit

Here’s a lengthy sequence of Canada Geese landing on Presque Isle Bay, w/ Tundra Swans & misc. ducks:

White-throated Sparrow