PI Bird Alert

With the recent spell of good weather and warm temps, things are heating up at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. Bird-wise that is. Recent “first of 2023” sightings: Great Crested Flycatcher; Rose-breasted Grosbeak; Ruby-throated Hummingbird; American Redstart; Black-throated Green Warbler; Magnolia Warbler; Black-throated Blue Warbler; at least a vireo or two (Red-eyed Vireo or Warbling Vireo?); etc.

Of special note, a recent, first ever anywhere BirdingPI.com sighting of an amazing Hooded Warbler (m) along the Pine Tree Trail! (Literally amazing – wow.)

Stay tuned for more birds, including gulls eating dead fish in Lake Erie!


Another “new for 2023” Presque Isle warbler, the lovely Chestnut-sided Warbler! Recent shots from very high up in the trees on the east end of Long Pond Trail:

Chestnut-sided Warbler
w/ snack
Long Pond Trail, east end

Very tough conditions shooting that high up into the trees. Two photos above were the best out of several dozen. Other “ok” shots:

BirdingPI.com 2023 warbler count currently at 7! A slow but steady start. (Yellow-rumped, Palm, Yellow, Black-and-white, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Waterthrush, & Chestnut-sided.)

(More) Weekend Update

Dateline: 6 May 2023

More from the weekend @ Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA.

Pine Tree Trail
Chipping Sparrow/flowers

Another BirdingPI.com “first for 2023,” the always beautiful Eastern Kingbird, in a tree @ “Pine Tree Meadows:”

More Chipping Sparrow/more flowers

Very happy to see a BirdingPI.com favourite back for 2023, the lovely Black-and-white Warbler along the Pine Tree Trail:

Vision of totem birds
Kinglet @ flower tree

At Thompson Circle, not sure what bird this is (!):

Mystery bird

Perhaps an immature Brown-headed Cowbird?

[Editor’s Note: bird above is a female Brown-headed Cowbird]

White-crowned Sparrow
GBH @ Thompson Bay swamp/pond
Turkey Vulture on the beach, Thompson Bay
View of main park road by Thompson Bay swamp/pond. Also, Great Egret.

B Side

Not a bee at all, rather a very cool sighting of adult Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) sphinx moth, at Presque Isle State Park (@ “Pine Tree Meadows”) this past Saturday.

Veery, Veery Nice

Yes, an entire post just for a ‘Veery’ pun. (At least it’s not more Canada Goose…) Another BirdingPI.com “2023 Presque Isle first,” a lovely Veery from this past Saturday by the Dead Pond Trail east trailhead. ID tip: thrush with white underside, slight/light brown chest spotting, overall cinnamon color.

Veery @ Dead Pond Trail east trailhead

Not amused by thrush puns

Bird Of The Weekend

Amazing weekend at Presque Isle State Park. Saturday weather: sunny, mild. Sunday: highly localized heavy rain, overcast/humid, turning partly sunny by late afternoon. Greatly increased warbler activity esp. Yellow Warbler. “New for 2023” sightings: Black-and-white Warbler; Common Yellowthroat; Northern Waterthrush; Baltimore Oriole; White-crowned Sparrow; more Gray Catbird!

Skipped the planned Gull Point trek on Sunday due to possible rain. BirdingPI.com team re-positioned for a lengthy stakeout around Long Pond, resulting in catching a beautiful (and uncommon at Presque Isle) Northern Waterthrush!

Northern Waterthrush

ID note: white eyebrow of this individual looks akin to Louisiana Waterthrush, but note the small throat spots and ‘buffy underwash’ = Northern Waterthrush.

More on this lovely warbler at All About Birds.

More from around Long Pond on Sunday:

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (m)
Yellow Warbler (m) I
Yellow Warbler II
Brown Thrasher @ tree

Went from ‘zero to 60’ on the amazing White-crowned Sparrow over the weekend, with multiple sightings of multiple individuals at multiple locations:

Singing Song Sparrow

Coming up soon: lots more from the weekend! #more_bird


This post brought to you by WEPAGAS (Western Pennsylvania Goose Appreciation Society), Greater West Millcreek & Fairview chapter.

“Top 10 Tips – Tip #7: When all else fails, Canada Goose.” Miller, N. (1994). Miller’s Modern Handbook of North American Bird Photography, 2ed. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Happy Weekend

Nice weather Friday in Erie, PA, with sunshine and cool/mild temps. Looks like more sun for the weekend – happy times for birding/nature!

Here, the “pre-shot of the weekend,” lovely Chipping Sparrow on flowering tree, Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park:

Happy to report the Gray Catbirds! are back, e.g., here off the Sidewalk Trail:

Gray Catbird!

Anecdotally, with the nicer weather, receiving reports of increased warbler activity at Presque Isle, at least re. Palm, Yellow-rumped, and Yellow:

Yellow Warbler (m), Long Pond Trail

Wishing everyone a nice weekend!