Veery, Veery Nice

Yes, an entire post just for a ‘Veery’ pun. (At least it’s not more Canada Goose…) Another “2023 Presque Isle first,” a lovely Veery from this past Saturday by the Dead Pond Trail east trailhead. ID tip: thrush with white underside, slight/light brown chest spotting, overall cinnamon color.

Veery @ Dead Pond Trail east trailhead

Not amused by thrush puns

Bird Of The Weekend

Amazing weekend at Presque Isle State Park. Saturday weather: sunny, mild. Sunday: highly localized heavy rain, overcast/humid, turning partly sunny by late afternoon. Greatly increased warbler activity esp. Yellow Warbler. “New for 2023” sightings: Black-and-white Warbler; Common Yellowthroat; Northern Waterthrush; Baltimore Oriole; White-crowned Sparrow; more Gray Catbird!

Skipped the planned Gull Point trek on Sunday due to possible rain. team re-positioned for a lengthy stakeout around Long Pond, resulting in catching a beautiful (and uncommon at Presque Isle) Northern Waterthrush!

Northern Waterthrush

ID note: white eyebrow of this individual looks akin to Louisiana Waterthrush, but note the small throat spots and ‘buffy underwash’ = Northern Waterthrush.

More on this lovely warbler at All About Birds.

More from around Long Pond on Sunday:

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (m)
Yellow Warbler (m) I
Yellow Warbler II
Brown Thrasher @ tree

Went from ‘zero to 60’ on the amazing White-crowned Sparrow over the weekend, with multiple sightings of multiple individuals at multiple locations:

Singing Song Sparrow

Coming up soon: lots more from the weekend! #more_bird


This post brought to you by WEPAGAS (Western Pennsylvania Goose Appreciation Society), Greater West Millcreek & Fairview chapter.

“Top 10 Tips – Tip #7: When all else fails, Canada Goose.” Miller, N. (1994). Miller’s Modern Handbook of North American Bird Photography, 2ed. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Happy Weekend

Nice weather Friday in Erie, PA, with sunshine and cool/mild temps. Looks like more sun for the weekend – happy times for birding/nature!

Here, the “pre-shot of the weekend,” lovely Chipping Sparrow on flowering tree, Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park:

Happy to report the Gray Catbirds! are back, e.g., here off the Sidewalk Trail:

Gray Catbird!

Anecdotally, with the nicer weather, receiving reports of increased warbler activity at Presque Isle, at least re. Palm, Yellow-rumped, and Yellow:

Yellow Warbler (m), Long Pond Trail

Wishing everyone a nice weekend!

Bathing Beauties

Rain finally eased up in Erie, PA on Thursday, but everything’s still plenty wet. So, time for more Killdeer in a puddle.

Bonus House Sparrow @ Budny Beach east parking:

More With Herman

After a Wednesday of incessant rain, time to revert to a recent sunny day with shots of a beautiful Hermit Thrush off Dead Pond Trail between A Trail and B Trail, Presque Isle State Park:

“Weekend” Update

With all the bad-ish weather in Erie, PA (Monday weather: on-and-off heavy rain), hard to keep track of “what’s what.” Following’s a mixed bag of recent shots of birds + mammals from Presque Isle State Park + environs.

Great Egret + snack @ Thompson Bay swamp/pond
Mallard escape I @ South Pier
Mallard escape II
Balancing act (Canada Goose)

Red-winged Blackbird (m) @ South Pier:

Not a great shot, but #beautiful_Purple_Martin – somewhere over Presque Isle or vicinity. Great to see these lovely birds back in the area!

Barn Swallow
Blue-winged Teal (f, m). Thompson Bay swamp/pond
Alvin redux, Pine Tree Trail
American Pekin @ Picnic Shelter 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher @ Leo’s Landing
European Starling @ Leo’s Landing
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher @ Long Pond Trail
Red-bellied Woodpecker @ Long Pond Trail
Great Egrets @ Long Pond

Eight Turkey Vulture @ the beach on Thompson Bay:

On The Sidewalk

Invasive Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

Unsettled weather this past weekend in western Pennsylvania – periodic overcast, rain, temperature swings, etc. Bird activity at Presque Isle State Park somewhat subdued; plenty of things to see nevertheless. These shots from Saturday along the Sidewalk Trail, east end, before the rain moved in.

Banded American Robin

Bit of Palm Warbler activity along where the Ridge Trail parallels the Sidewalk Trail at the east end:

Good luck so far this year with Eastern Towhee, here, really nice shots of a beautiful female (brown head instead of black):

Probably Song Sparrow
Eastern Phoebe