Lots and lots of birds on the Pine Tree Trail (& vicinity), from last Saturday.
Three of lovely Black-and-white Warbler:
Based on the buffy eye-ring and non-contrasting tail, possibly Swainson’s Thrush:
Partially blocked shot, but still great to get a decent photograph of Ovenbird:
Also very nice to see Cedar Waxwing back in town:
World’s worst hummingbird photo, but included here to show a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Most (all?) BirdingPI.com sightings previously have been, coincidentally, females.
Presque Isle honeysuckle season is in full swing:
Two of the always amazing Great Crested Flycatcher:
Four of the implausibly-coloured/beautiful male Magnolia Warbler:
Surprised the out-of-town summer tourists are back already:
Erie/Presque Isle weather news: unsettled Friday – windy, humid, partially cloudy; light, highly localized rain starting around noon. Saturday: thunderstorms Friday night followed by periodic heavy rain Saturday morning; very rainy. Good for the grass, not good for birding.
Presque Isle trail news: before Saturday, Marsh Trail remained very muddy but passable without wet feet.
Erie County bird news: recent “first for 2023” sightings of Red-headed Woodpecker (in woods adjacent Gull Point) and Scarlet Tanager (Asbury Woods)(no pictures). Here, very happy to finally see a Bay-breasted Warbler high in the trees on Ridge Trail:
Very cool sighting of a Lincoln’s Sparrow recently along Sidewalk Trail:
ID tips: gray face, well-formed eye ring, fine streaking on breast, hint of ‘buffy wash’ on neck and breast.
“Bonus” warbler content; shots taken recently along Ridge Trail and Sidewalk Trail, Presque Isle State Park:
Fun to see a female Baltimore Oriole gathering nesting material (cattail fluff). These shots taken fairly recently by the Long Pond Trail east trailhead, Presque Isle State Park.
Finally got someone back out to Gull Point @ Presque Isle State Park. Lots of complaining about the ‘long’ hike – “But there’s sand!”
Pine Tree Trail, Dead Pond Trail, Sidewalk Trail, etc. are easy – pick somewhere to stand and the birds flock around like Mary flippin’ Poppins. Gull Point takes effort – no pain, no (birding) gain.
Following’s a crop @ 800mm of the SW mudflat (approximately at the center of the picture above). Quality is awful, but it’s posted to show (i) Dunlin (x2 on right); and (ii) a gull at Gull Point! (Wow!)
Another awful crop @ 800mm, showing Dunlin and other shorebirds (Sanderling probably) in flight:
Still another awful crop, of what’s probably Sanderling:
Lots of Spotted Sandpiper out-and-about:
Blurry shots of what’s probably Cooper’s Hawk passing overhead on its way (apparently) to the ‘mainland:’
Very cool to see a pair of Yellowlegs! Based on the slightly upturned bill (see shot below), calling it as Greater Yellowlegs:
Lots of Killdeer activity:
A Killdeer nesting near the roped access trail to the observation platform:
The parent Killdeer temporarily left for its “lure predators away by pretending to have a broken wing” behavior:
Killdeer chicks and egg:
[Editor’s Note: BirdingPI.com Field Policy No. 12(b): “Upon encountering an active ground-level nest, vacate the area immediately in a calm and orderly manner. Quick photographs are permissible if possible without further disturbance.”]
On the back bay along the “outer old trail,” a pair of Lesser Scaups:
Following’s a bad crop @ 800mm, but including it here to show the purple iridescence. Normally hard to see w/o good lighting/right angle. ID tip: generally, male Lesser Scaup = purple iridescence; male Greater Scaup = green iridescence.
Special guest appearance of attractive mushrooms:
[Editor’s Note: BirdingPI.com management apologizes for use of the phrase “Mary flippin’ Poppins” in this post. Appropriate individuals have been referred to anger management training.]
Always a springtime favourite, a lovely Rose-breasted Grosbeak (m), the “Elegant Trogan of Erie.” [Editor’s Note: ???] Shots taken a couple weeks ago in a tree at the Budny Beach east parking area, Presque Isle State Park.
Bonus shots of a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak along the Pine Tree Trail:
Always a treat to see BirdingPI.com’s ‘official second favourite warbler,’ the lovely Black-throated Blue Warbler. Gorgeous blue/black/white colouration. All shots recently on the Pine Tree Trail, Presque Isle State Park.
Couldn’t ID the following bird in the field, but a dozen or two minutes of intensive research revealed it as a female Black-throated Blue Warbler. Another “first time anywhere” BirdingPI.com sighting. ID tip: white ‘wing square’ is distinctive.
More shots of the male Black-throated Blue Warbler:
Been remiss in delaying this year’s obligatory “goose babies” post. (Sans Ryan Gosling jokes.) Rough spring in Erie, with frequent cold snaps – back in April, saw at least two abandoned nests. Now, plenty of little ones at Presque Isle and elsewhere. (These closeup shots along the Long Pond trail.)
Family with juveniles (close to adult plumage) in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):
Same location/day, another family or two with younger, post-chick adolescents: