Redstart @ Scott

Recent shots of a beautiful male American Redstart at Scott Park, Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Scott Park – with its canopy of tall trees/mature forest, always a good spot for American Redstart through the summer.

Coon On The 4th of July

Dateline: 4 July 2023

3 hour tour

A rare daylight, “not road kill” sighting of Eastern Raccoon (Procyon lotor lotor) on July 4th along the Gull Point ‘outer old trail,’ Presque Isle State Park.

How these things usually turn out:

Fortuitously, this beautiful female re-crossed the trail in plain sight (yay!):

Back into the shrubbery

A Snack For Crow(s)

American Crow (or possibly Fish Crow*) carrion scavenging behavior x CIF (crow in flight), Colonial Nat’l Historic Parkway, VA:

*ID Note: both American Crow and Fish Crow positively identified on the recent ‘road trip’ in Virginia, via the great Merlin app:

Fish Crow (+ Carolina Chickadee)
American Crow


Two powerline corridors deliver electrical power from Surry Power Plant to Richmond, VA, etc. Both cross the Carlisle Tract (interior) portion of Hog Island WMA = a great space of open brush/shrubbery for birding.

These shots from the recent ‘road trip.’ First up, lovely Indigo Bunting, both male and female:

Indigo Bunging (m)
Indigo Bunting – takeoff
Indigo Bunting (f)

Lucky to see this beautiful Yellow-breasted Chat:

More male & female Indigo Bunting:

Flurry of activity w/ multiple species. Here, Carolina Wren (left), Blue Grosbeak (female – middle), Indigo Bunting (female – right):

+ Yellow-breasted Chat (bottom right):

Carolina Wren (right) + Yellow-breasted Chat (left):

Carolina Wren

Male Blue Grosbeak made a quick appearance:

More Indigo Bunting (m):

Yellow-breasted Chat

ID tip: Male Blue Grosbeak = chestnut wingbars + larger bill; male Indigo Bunting = black accents + smaller bill.

Location note: these shots taken at the designated parking area here (blue circle/arrow). Accessing this location does not require security check-in.

Bembix americana

Dateline: 4 July 2023

Celebrating US Independence Day with a bit of ‘americana,’ namely American Sand Wasps (Bembix americana spinolae). These recent shots at Presque Isle State Park @ ‘Pine Tree Meadows.’

Milkweed, probably Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
American Sand Wasp + unknown species of thread-waisted wasp

Plant note: several species of Milkweed in the eastern US look similar. This location (‘Pine Tree Meadows’) is sandy/dry/open = suggests Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) as opposed to, e.g., Sulivant’s Milkweed (Asclepias sullivantii) or Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), which prefer wetter conditions.

Hog Wild (II)

Part II of the recent ‘road trip’ visit to Hog Island WMA, Surry, VA.

Hog Island WMA – view SW towards Cobham Bay (James River)
BEIF (juvenile)
Hog Island WMA – view N towards Williamsburg
GBH in tree
Great Crested Flycatcher
Representative vegetation

Awful/blurry shot, but great to see/hear a Northern Bobwhite – a ‘first time anywhere’ sighting:

Turkey Vulture I
Turkey Vulture II

The Bald Eagle does not like being spied on:

Excellent to see both male and female Blue Grosbeak:

BEIF (mature)

Considering the location, this is likely Carolina Chickadee:

Coming up soon, Part III/final of Hog Island!


Been receiving complaints about the recent paucity of gull coverage. So, here’s a combination of recent and spring shots of Ring-billed Gull @ Presque Isle State Park:


Dateline: 24 June 2023

Shots from a quick visit to Chickahominy WMA, Charles City County, VA. Fascinating area of mostly woodland (pine/oak) with access to the Chickahominy River/tributaries, e.g., view of Morris Creek from the boat ramp:

Morris Creek
Morris Creek w/ Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) on right

Probably Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) dragonfly:

Brown-headed Cowbirds
Bald Cypress on Morris Creek
Bald Cypress “knees”
Acadian Flycatcher?

A highlight of the ‘quest for pelicans’ road trip = multiple sightings of lovely Carolina Wren:

3x “spikes” (young male deer)(Odocoileus virginianus)
Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans)

Closing it out with a great sighting of beautiful female Summer Tanager: