The Osprey

Lots and lots of Osprey activity currently at Presque Isle State Park, and so much the better for it!

Osprey nest @ PI comms tower

As promised, Sunday at Gull Point, a bathing beauty:

Earlier, over by Marina Lake, Osprey x fish snack:

And that same day @ Long Pond:

Might have been 5-6+ Osprey on Long Pond at one time!

Finally back on Sunday, along the Gull Point Trail near where the ‘outer old’ trail meets the beach, 2x Osprey:

Weekend Plover?

Dateline: 26-27 August 2023


Weekend plover? Plover update? Whatever the case, a beautiful weekend at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. Partly sunny, warm, humid on Saturday, windy and cooler Sunday. Very subdued bird activity inland (e.g., Pine Tree Trail). With the wind, activity on Gull Point mid-morning Sunday rather sporadic – things flying in and out, relatively few shorebirds.

Semipalmated Plover

On the other hand, after what’s been a slow season, finally (!) had some good shorebird activity along the outer beach. Thank you, surf/wind. (“Outer beach” = beach to the east of Budny Beach up to the Gull Point ‘closed for the season’ sign/fence.) Plover, Sanderling, sandpipers, etc. – more on that later in the week. Here, a beautiful/cute/solitary Semipalmated Plover + surf/sand.

Etymological note: sem·i·pal·mat·ed. ADJECTIVE. Used in names of wading birds that have toes webbed for part of their length.

Bird feet (detail)

Coming up soon, bathing Osprey, a fishing Tern, hairy spider macros, and lots and lots of shorebirds! Plus more exciting hummingbird content from the team in Arizona.

Great Scott

Not Scott’s Orioles or Scott Park, rather Scott Reservoir outside Pinetop/Lakeside, AZ. Great, medium-elevation (2100 meters) spot with scrub oak, juniper, pines, open field, lake, etc.

Scott Reservoir, view from dam
Northern Mockingbird (?)
Volcanic juniper forest
Northern Mockingbird
Old growth Alligator Juniper (Juniperus deppeana)
Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay (juvenile) I
Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay (adult)

Interesting article on the current state of Scrub Jay species delineation.

Beautiful Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata) dragonfly:

Ash-throated Flycatcher I
Ash-throated Flycatcher II
Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Western Bluebird (juvenile)
Cassin’s Kingbird

ID note on Cassin’s Kingbird: very dark gray chest and head, yellow belly, and strongly-contrasting narrow white throat.

Another juvenile Western Bluebird
Dusky Flycatcher (?)

Weekend Preview

What better way to celebrate the forthcoming Erie weekend than with bad bird photos from last weekend? OTOH, it’s Ruddy Turnstone at Gull Point from Saturday! Not necessarily uncommon, but still a first at that location! Very nice.

ID tips: medium shorebird (smaller than Killdeer); orange legs (visible in 5th shot below); short but slightly upturned bill; wide black ‘bib;’ unique white top wing stripes/pattern visible on flying birds (e.g., see bottom shot below).

[Note: smaller BIF in shots above probably Least Sandpiper. “BIF” = birds in flight.]

Erie County weather forecast: Saturday and Sunday, moderate temps and partly sunny, should be nice.

Presque Isle State Park trail conditions: with recent rain, locally very muddy. Gull Point “inner old” trail potentially muddy/flooded. Long Pond Trail (west end) very muddy.

Bird migration forecast: radar activity and AI models suggest ‘medium’ Erie migration activity this weekend.

#More_Insect (PI)’s entomological team is back from August holiday with this fine set of recent shots along the Gull Point Trail, Presque Isle State Park. #more_insect. Also seen: lots and lots of biting flies. Bleh.

First up, a great sighting of lovely Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella), close to the Gull Point mud flats tree line:

Next up, Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae) on Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria):

Probably Eastern Tailed-blue (Cupido comyntas)

Possibly Marsh Bluet (Enallagma ebrium) @ mating behavior

Lovely Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme) butterfly on what’s probably Common Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum):

A paler Orange Sulphur

Still plenty of Common Eastern Bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) activity:

What better way to conclude a post than Monarch (Danaus plexippus) butterfly on Queen Anne’s Lace or Wild Carrot or whatever it is?

En La Escuela (II)

Back at La Cima Middle School outside Tucson, AZ, early Saturday, with birds x chain-link fence.

Vermilion Flycatcher (m)

Lovely Cooper’s Hawk, in for a landing, then departure:

Gila Woodpecker

Following are all juvenile female Vermilion Flycatcher. Happy for the distinctive plumage to ID both sex and age.

And, lots more hummingbird, probably female Anna’s Hummingbird:

Yes, here it is. A hummingbird engaging in “excretory system behavior:

Only brings you hummingbirds engaging in excretory system behavior! #nature #heavy_hitting_nature_journalism