Season 3 (Vol. 1)

Budny Beach, morning view towards Gull Point

Currently enjoying Season 3 (Vol. 1) of ‘The Dowitcher’ at Presque Isle State Park. These recent shots all at Gull Point. Probably Long-billed Dowitcher. (Thoughtful bird ID analysis: “Those bills look pretty long…”)

2x Dowitcher
Least Sandpiper
Dowitcher (center) + Least Sandpiper (l; r)
Beautiful Dowitcher trio
2x Yellowlegs
Mixed shorebirds

Wrapping up this post with several shots of Yellowlegs wading x flight:

Coming up soon, Season 3 (Vol. 2)!

Feed Me/3

More great shots of juvenile/adult ‘begging/feeding’ behavior @ Eastern Kingbird. Complete with ‘exploding’ bugs! This is east of Budny Beach along the Gull Point Trail.

Weekend Preview

Thunderstorms forecast for Erie County Saturday, but mostly clear and moderate temps Sunday. Should be a nice day for birding Sunday at Presque Isle State Park!

Heavy thunderstorms this past Wednesday = tree damage at Presque Isle including human injury and eventual park closure. Based on a quick reconnoiter out to Budny Beach early this morning, things seem back to normal. Trail conditions: damp.

By the beach, a few ‘summer regulars:’

Yellow Warbler
Gray Catbird! I
American Goldfinch (m) I
More Gray Catbird!
American Goldfinch (f)
Too much Catbird!
More Goldfinch (m)

Have a nice weekend! #more_nature

[Editor’s Note: Recommend avoiding forested areas at Presque Isle during heavy wind situations – falling trees are a regular occurrence.]


Almost as exciting as the famous bigfoot film, it’s bonus video clips of five Great Egret at Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park.

Also, bonus Stilt Sandpiper at Gull Point. Note the heavy underside baring, yellow-green (but not bright yellow) legs, and long/slightly dropping bill (longer than Yellowlegs, shorter than Dowitcher).

Weekend Update/2

More from Presque Isle State Park on Sunday, at Gull Point/trail.

Great Egret symmetry

eBird did not ‘believe’ there were five Great Egret at Gull Point on Sunday, but 100% true. See, e.g., all five egrets together:

Five Egrets – view towards Beach No. 11
Four Egrets
One DCCIF (Double-crested Cormorant in flight)

No one disbelieves the hundreds of Double-crested Cormorants:

Many cormorants

Only a quick stop at the observation platform (w/o a spotting scope), but still saw two Piping Plover chicks:

Piping Plover chicks x2

Several shots of three of the Great Egret as they moved further away from the observation platform due to human presence:

Beautiful American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) are starting to bloom on ‘turtle pond’ (pond/lagoon adjacent to the entrance of the roped-off observation platform corridor):

Lotus blossom
Eastern Kingbird I
Eastern Kingbird II
Yellow Warbler in shade

This was a tough one, but research indicates it’s a juvenile Spotted Sandpiper. (“Tough” = lack of spots.) Note the white underbelly, relatively plain/brown back, and partial spectacle. (Plus yellow-green legs which aren’t easy to see in this view. Also exhibited characteristic ‘bobbing’ behavior.)

Spotted Sandpiper on Gull Point bay side
Green Heron @ tree
Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
Lake Erie, thunder clouds towards Canada

Feed Me/2

More juvenile ‘begging’/feeding behavior, here with Red-winged Blackbird @ the grassy area at Thompson Circle, Presque Isle State Park.

Red-winged Blackbird (adult male: left; juvenile: right)

Weekend Update/1

Dateline: 23 July 2023

Yet another beautiful weekend in Erie County, PA: high temps around 27 deg C, mostly sunny; very humid with a slight breeze Saturday, warmer/dryer Sunday, moderate rain overnight into Monday.

Presque Isle State Park trail conditions remain good; typical ‘problem spots’ vary based on recent rain, e.g., Gull Point ‘inner old’ trail at one point flooded/impassable, later muddy/traversable.

Head of Thompson Bay, view from Gull Point ‘inner old’ trail

Plenty of summer bird activity. With the recent/unusual shorebird activity, personnel dispatched to Gull Point multiple days. These shots from Sunday late morning:

American Goldfinch (m), Gull Point Trail trailhead
European Starling (juvenile) + bugs/web
Least Flycatcher, Gull Point ‘outer old’ trail

Very excited about this “first time at Presque Isle” sighting of a beautiful male Indigo Bunting, along the Gull Point ‘outer old’ trail:

Bunting I
Bunting II
More Bunting

Song Sparrow

Very happy to finally see a Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) butterfly this season (see “ID Tip” below):


One of the sunflowers in the Helianthus genus, perhaps Stiff Sunflower (Helianthus pauciflorus):

Probably Summer Azure (Celastrina neglecta)
Another Song Sparrow
Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus) on Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
Herring Gull

Great Egrets: reasonably common at Presque Isle generally, less so at Gull Point specifically. Total of five individuals in the pond/lagoon:

Great Egret x2 by observation platform trail
GREIF (Great Egrets in flight)
+ landing
Four egrets
Another landing

ID Tip: Viceroy butterfly has a cross-stripe (see red arrow) along the hindwing, which Monarch lacks; Viceroy forewing (green arrow) has different pattern vs. Monarch; Viceroy body lacks most of the Monarch’s white speckling.

Coming up soon: more Gull Point, more Gull Point Trail, more Great Egret, more Piping Plover! Also bonus Egret video #more_bird

Happy Times

Dateline: 22 July 2023

Exciting news at Presque Isle State Park this week: happy to report the successful hatching of four Piping Plover babies at Gull Point! Really amazing occurrence generally, plus bonus points for an actual sighting/photo or several.

Piping Plover (adult: r; chick: l)

These @ 800mm shots suffer from the distance + heat shimmer; still fun to see. All from Saturday morning @ observation platform, looking generally south and to the left (east) of the nesting enclosure. (See location note at bottom of post.)

Adult + chick II
Adult + chick III

Adult (far right) + chick 1 (middle) + chick 2 (far left):

Adult + 2 chicks

Three chicks (far right, right middle, and far left):

3 chicks

Adult (far right) + 3 chicks (middle right, middle left, and far left):

Adult + 3 chicks
Adult + 3 chicks (II)
By the water
3 chicks

Uncropped view @ 800mm (aspect ratio changed to 16×9):

3 chicks (II)

Finally, all 4 chicks together! (Far right, right middle, left middle, and far left.)

4 chicks

Following two views are cropped from the same single photograph. First is Piping Plover chicks #1-3, the second #4 (to the left of the 3):

Chicks #1-3
Chick #4

Also seen Saturday: Yellowlegs, Dowitcher, Sanderling, Spotted Sandpiper and other sandpiper, Bank Swallow and other swallows, Canada Geese, Ring-billed Gull and other gulls, Caspian Tern, Turkey Vulture, Song Sparrow, GBH, House Wren, Baltimore Oriole, American Robin, Gray Catbird!, Red-winged Blackbird, Green Heron, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Yellow Warbler, Eastern Kingbird, American Goldfinch, American Crow, rabbits having breakfast, etc. – report to follow. (Also lots of Killdeer. Can’t forget the Killdeer.)

Location note: from a different day, wide-angle iPhone shot of where the Plovers above were seen – nest enclosure to right of center, Plovers sighted approximately on the lagoon far shore at very center:

Misc Bird/5-7

On a beautiful Saturday in Erie County, PA (report on Gull Point to follow), a “data dump” of misc bird from May-July 2023. #more_bird

American Goldfinch (f) @ nest, Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”)

Following shots all Presque Isle State Park:

Common Grackle
Yellow Warbler (m)
Yellow Warbler (m) II
Wet Red-winged Blackbird (f)
Splashing American Robin, Gull Point Trail
Northern Cardinal (m), Ridge Trail
Baltimore Oriole (juvenile)?, Marsh Trail
Probably Yellow Warbler (molting), Marsh Trail
Common Yellowthroat (m), Long Pond Trail, I
Common Yellowthroat (m), Long Pond Trail, II
Eastern Wood-pewee
Tree Swallow in flight
Eastern Kingbird in flight
Chipping Sparrow

More Yellow Warbler @ Misery Bay:

Warbling Vireo @ Misery Bay:

White-crowned Sparrow @ Misery Bay:

Coming up soon, more exciting news from Gull Point!


On the bird side of things, please enjoy Green Titmouse special report.

Due to small size/erratic movement, very tough to capture DIF (dragonflies/damselflies in flight). Happy to see this beautiful Spot-winged Glider (Pantala hymenaea) in ‘hover mode’ out at Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park. All shots @ 560mm + cropped:

ID Note: Per Wikipedia, “It looks very similar to the wandering glider, with the addition of a dark basal spot on the hindwing.” From the shots above, an example of the ‘dark basal spot’ (red arrow):

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