Bonus Heron

As forecast, a cloudy Saturday morning here in Erie County, PA. Good trail conditions at Presque Isle State Park, but today’s the Barber Institute’s Beast on the Bay obstacle race (starting 8:30AM, presumably from the Budny Beach area, ending at Waldameer Amusement Park), so expect busy conditions and some trails either in-effect closed (e.g. Dead Pond) or hard to access (e.g., Gull Point).

While waiting for more warbler or shorebird sightings, here’s recent content, off Long Pond, of’s “favourite heron regularly seen at Presque Isle.” (Sorry, GBH.)

Green Heron

“Word of mouth” reports indicate significant, if someone sporadic/variable, bird activity over the week at Presque Isle. Happy birding!


Not quite a warbler ‘wonderland’ last weekend, but the activity’s picking up; current “September warbler count” = 9 species.

These are recent sightings at Presque Isle State Park. First up, following’s likely all Cape May Warbler along the Pine Tree Trail; anecdotally, unusual amount of CMW activity this year.

Beautiful Palm Warbler in non-breeding plumage:

Another surprise, great to see this beautiful female Tennessee Warbler:

Beautiful Black-throated Green Warbler:

Moving away from Pine Tree Trail, here’s a Wilson’s Warbler (m) by Leo’s Landing:

Yellow Warbler at that same location (different days/times):

Finally for this post, a low-light shot of female Common Yellowthroat near Marina Lake:

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On a cloudy Friday, the Erie County forecast calls for continued cloudy conditions over the weekend. Happy birding nevertheless!

Patagonia (I)

A great area for birding in southern Arizona: the little town of Patagonia. Paton Center for Hummingbirds, Patagonia Lake State Park, Borderlands Wildlife Preserve, etc. And here, The Nature Conservancy’s Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve, a beautiful parcel of mixed woodland and grassland centered along a permanently-flowing section of Sonoita Creek.

Field/woods + visitors’ center (back left)
Entrance sign
Visitors’ center
View from visitors’ center towards creek
Sonoita Creek

Great spot for local mammals (e.g., deer and javelina/peccary both seen), insects, flowers, plants, and plenty of birds like Gray Hawk. (Gray Hawk spotted several times on this outing; sadly, no good pictures.)

Vermilion Flycatcher (m)
V. Flycatcher II
Flood plains parallel to Sonoita Creek

Lots of beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail (a.k.a. Blue Swallowtail)(Battus philenor):

Another view of Sonoita Creek

Probably Dusky-capped Flycatcher:

More hawk/tree @ Cooper’s Hawk:

Javelina (Peccary) in a mud wallow in the woods

Fremont Cottonwood (Populus fremontii)

Bird of the day (besides Gray Hawk), the lovely not-a-parrot Western Tanager (m):

Broad-billed Hummingbird adjacent feeders at the visitors’ center (‘cheating mode’ – feeders cropped out):

Violet-crowned Hummingbird in walnut tree

Highly recommend a visit; closed on Mon/Tues. Entrance fee required with discount for TNC members.

No affiliation, but please consider supporting The Nature Conservancy and its important mission + great spots like this.

@ Headlands/Mentor (Part 1)

ABA Warning: This post Rated PG-13 for fish gore, bird-on-fish violence, and smoking. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dateline: 3 September 2023

A special report from’s occasional adjunct team in NE Ohio with a trip last Sunday to remarkable Lake Co, Ohio. Specifically, a great visit to Headlands Beach State Park and adjacent Mentor Marsh, Mentor, OH.

Zimmerman Trail trailhead

North end of Mentor Marsh (closest to Lake Erie) is Shipman Pond – great for Egrets, etc. (Tip: for easy access to Shipman Pond and SW end of Headlands Beach Park, park at the Zimmerman Trail lot off Headlands Rd and follow the blue-blazed trail across the road and through the park maintenance yard.)

Shipman Pond, view from road
Great Egret @ Shipman Pond
Beach @ Headlands Beach State Park, view SW
Ring-billed Gull
Beach @ Headlands Beach State Park, view NE towards lighthouse
Lots and lots of gulls

Main beach at Headlands Beach is unremarkable (wide open and flat), but worth it for adjacent Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve = great mix of beach, grassy dunes, & woodland border.

Grassy dunes
Least Flycatcher

Couple nice shots of Cape May Warbler, showing a bit more typical colour:

Probably female/immature Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Gulls off Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Light
Headland Dunes State Nature Preserve, beach view SW from lighthouse
Beach view NE towards lighthouse
View SW of outer beach adjacent lighthouse at end of trail

Other than gulls, etc., no shorebird activity. But lots of Osprey, including this beautiful bird and its fish lunch:

Double-crested Cormorant + gulls @ Fairport Harbour breakwater

Coming up soon, more Osprey x fish plus a “first sighting ever!” Wow.

The Rim (& Beyond)

Bonus post of content from the Mogollon Rim, Arizona area (& beyond!), back in August.

View SW from Mogollon Rim (from Rim Lakes Vista)

Appropriate for pine forest, a great sighting of a beautiful male Grace’s Warbler:

Pygmy Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch (rear view)
Another view from the rim

A bit off the Rim, on another day, @ Fort Apache Historic Park:

View (generally west) from Fort Apache museum

Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay @ Fort Apache:

Phainopepla (f)

Way far away, but similar environment @ Mt. Lemmon:

Common Raven

And a very cool sighting of Zone-tailed Hawk. Dark colouration like a Turkey Vulture, but note hawk beak, white band on tail, + underwing shading: light interior (w/ barring) and black/dark edges.


Introducing SquirreltraitureTM,’s new squirrel photography service for NW Pennsylvania and surrounding areas!

Meet “Sir Edward,” pet Fox Squirrel of Mr. & Mrs. James St. John-Smythe of Girard, PA:

Such a handsome lad!

If interested, please e-mail as per the “Contact Us” section of this website! Reasonable rates.

[Editor’s note: does not endorse keeping wild animals as pets.]

On Point (Sat)

ABA Warning: This post contains two pictures of a cute snake. Parental guidance is suggested.

Dateline: 2 September 2023

Gull Point, north-side beach

Partially sunny, warm, and humid this weekend in Erie County, PA. Saturday morning, nice day for a hike out to Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park; not many folks out.

Lots of Sanderling activity along the beach trail:

Everyone loves the beach!

Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis)
More snake

Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile) + Sanderling
Sanderling I
Sanderling II
Gull Point, looking generally south
Turkey Vulture (l) + American Kestrel (r)

The star of the day, another excellent sighting of lovely Whimbrel! (All shots at a distance from the observation platform.)

Hard to see

Coming up soon, weekend warbler wonderland!

PI Bird Alert (CMW)

Multiple recent regional sightings of Cape May Warbler, including these from Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park, on Saturday. (By the mud flats just inside the tree line on the ‘outer old trail.’)

ID notes: tough to ID due to fall juvenile or non-breeding plumage. Olive crown, gray cheek patch, dark eye line, black streaking from throat down onto breast and underside, yellow on face, throat, and breast, and white undertail coverlets. In comparison to this Palm Warbler at the same location, note its yellow undertail coverlets and brown streaking:

Palm Warbler


Sanderling + rock

Slow day yesterday (Saturday 2 September 2023) at Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park, people-wise at least. Also not a ton of bird activity, but still some nice sightings including one very special guest. More on that later. In the meantime, it’s shorebirds from last weekend, and lots of them, along the Gull Point ‘beach trail’/outer beach.

Mixed shorebirds I

In shot above, Sanderling on far right + left of center, Semipalmated Plover second from left, and Semipalmated Sandpiper second from right and center (bird facing left).

Semipalmated Plover
Mixed shorebirds II
Semipalmated Plover (rear) + Sanderling
Mixed shorebirds III
Plover (right), Sanderling (left)
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Semipalmated Plover
Plover x Sanderling I
Plover x Sanderling II

Semipalmated Plover running on beach:

Lots of Sanderling (juvenile plumage = black and white):

Semipalmated Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper (rear) + Sanderling

A-SNF/2 (In The Forest)

Another epic post from A-S NF back in August. And even if a bit blurry, can’t help but lead off with this lovely shot:

Shot above + following shots probably all Broad-tailed Hummingbird:

Black Phoebe

More hummingbird:

Say’s Phoebe

Still more hummingbird:

Several particularly-nice HIF shots:

Lesser Goldfinch (m)

Too many hummingbirds!

Broad-tailed Hummingbird + Pine Siskin on Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)