Turkey v. Car

Nature shows no mercy in this, the fiercest of battles at Presque Isle State Park: Wild Turkey v. passenger car!

(License plate redacted for public safety)

In the struggle for survival, the car is no match – Wild Turkey always wins!


Continuing to keep a ‘close’ eye on the recent infrastructure improvements at Gull Point. This first shot last week from East Ave boat launch of what looks like repairs to the old observation platform (on right); new observation platform on left:

Another view of the old and new platforms, from Cranch Park:

Meanwhile, mostly windy/cloudy/cool conditions again this Sunday. Following shots from a sunnier Sunday three weeks ago (1 October 2023), on the Gull Point Trail:

Yellow-rumped Warbler
More warbler

Finally, some nice ‘open wing’ shots of Orange Sulphur butterfly (Colias eurytheme):

Song Sparrow I
More sparrow
More butterfly
Eastern Phoebe @ Lake Erie in background

Birds @ Sunset

Another cold/windy/rainy weekend here in Erie County, Pennsylvania. These shots from mid-week of sunset over clouds over the South Pier area (+ birds) taken at Cranch Park.

[Editor’s note: Cranch Park is next to Lakeside Cemetery on the ‘mainland’ bluff across outer Thompson Bay from Gull Point.]

[Editor’s note: birds = Double-crested Cormorant, GBH, and misc. gulls.]

Big Wet Day

Dateline: 14 October 2023

Nothing to do on a rainy “Big Day 2023” but get outside and suffer in the cold/wet. These shots mid-day at Presque Isle State Park before conditions turned even worse.

Song Sparrow in drizzle (Sidewalk Trail)
Bald Eagle over Presque Isle Bay
Great Egret (the white one) + American Coots, Presque Isle Bay
Another view of the Bald Eagle
White-crowned Sparrow (immature)
Eagle, part 3/3
MIF (Mallard in flight) @ Long Pond

Lots of Wood Duck activity on and above Long Pond:

Pied-billed Grebe
Song Sparrow
Unknown sparrow in drizzle
More Song Sparrow

Sequence of Wood Duck (m) takeoff shots from Thompson Bay swamp/pond:

Stay tuned for the next BirdingPI.com post, featuring varmints!

@ Paton II

Second/final part of select birds @ Paton Center for Hummingbirds, Patagonia, AZ, August 2023:

Anna’s Hummingbird (m)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (f)
Shady Violet-crowned Hummingbird (adult)
Broad-billed Hummingbird (m, immature)
Phainopepla (m)

More Broad-tailed and other hummingbirds:

Not a Brown Creeper, but rather a great sighting of Bewick’s Wren:

More Broad-tailed Hummingbird (m)

Lovely Lucy’s Warbler:

@ the feeder

@ Paton I

With cold temps + rain in Erie County, PA, time to head back to southern Arizona in August, this time at the amazing Tucson Audubon Paton Center for Hummingbirds in Patagonia. A ‘must stop’ spot for easy birding, featuring, yes, lots of hummingbirds.

Anna’s Hummingbird (m)

Just outside Patagonia, beautiful Blue Grosbeak (m):

This is probably female Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Note the speckled throat and tail with rufous, black, and white tip:

Yellow-breasted Chat (adult)
Violet-crowned Hummingbird (adult)
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Broad-billed Hummingbird (m) by flower
More Broad-billed Hummingbird
Another view of Broad-tailed Hummingbird

Nice shots of male Anna’s Hummingbird:

Possibly female Anna’s Hummingbird
Possible female Broad-billed Hummingbird

Coming up soon, the cavalcade of generally acceptable bird content continues with more from Florida, Arizona, and, of course, Presque Isle State Park! (With ducks, and lots of them!)