Some Nice Birds

Well, it’s back to the mountains of east-central Arizona, with some nice birds from August in Apacheā€“Sitgreaves National Forest outside Pinetop/Lakeside. First up, the ‘bird of the day’ (or the bird of any day, really), a ‘first sighting ever’ of the literally amazing Red Crossbill:

The offset beak facilitates seed extraction and maybe even shearing through immature/green pinecones = really cool adaptation.

Three shots of beautiful Mountain Chickadee:

Dark-eyed Junco (red-backed)

For variety, three birds “at a distance” (hint – each bird is at the center of the shot):

Western Bluebird
Acorn Woodpecker
Lazuli Bunting

Western Bluebird (juvenile)

Two of lovely Northern Flicker (red-shaft):

In eastern North America, of course, it would have a yellow feather colouration. Hence ‘yellow shaft’ (feather shaft) in the east and ‘red shaft’ in the west.

More Acorn Woodpecker
Common Raven, rear view in flight
Some sort of flycatcher
Hepatic Tanager (m) in ‘hop mode’
House Wren @ pine tree
Plumbeous Vireo
Dark-eyed Junco (red-backed) on post

Snow/Point (II)

Dateline: 10 November 2023

Back to Gull Point, with ‘part 2’ from last Friday – in which a post contains way too many Dunlin & Snow Bunting!

Dunlin in sunshine
Gull Point mudflats, view generally north
Gull Point mudflats, view generally east
Snow Bunting trio
Quadruple Dunlin
Line of Snow Bunting
More 4x Dunlin
Dunlin duo
Another Dunlin duo
Even more SBIF
More Dunlin in sunshine
Never enough SBIF
Return of Dunlin duo
Too much SBIF
Ducks over Gull Point (probably Red-breasted Merganser)
SBIF backlit
Lots of ducks (species unknown)
Yes, another shot of SBIF
Mixed flock – Snow Bunting, etc.
Horned Lark (r)
At last, the last SBIF

Finally, a very long distance and unsatisfying shot of Lapland Longspur (on far right and left of middle; Horned Lark on far left). Still, very cool to see!

Lapland Longspur x2

@ Pymatuning (I)

Dateline: 11 November 2023

Mallard (m)

Photographing birds at Pymatuning Reservoir spillway (Crawford County, PA) is the birding equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel. Except the birds aren’t captive. And there’s no violence or bloodshed. Ok, maybe not so similar. … Anyway, it’s a popular spot for ‘feeding the ducks’ = local Canada Geese, Ring-billed Gulls, & Mallards, all used to human presence. Rather nice, actually, to enjoy things up close for a change.

Feeding birds @ Pymatuning spillway
Pymatuning Reservoir, view west
Ring-billed Gulls

Partially cloudy/gloomy conditions not conducive to photos. Thank you, Nikon spot metering mode. … Except where noted, following shots are all Ring-billed Gulls (the white ones), male Mallard (green/blue head), and female Mallard (mottled brown):

House Sparrow (f or juvenile)

Coming up soon, more Gull Point! More Pymatuning Reservoir! #more_bird

Snow/Point (I)

Dateline: 10 November 2023

Despite partially cloudy conditions, a rather epic day Friday at Gull Point – Presque Isle State Park – with ducks, Dunlin, and an amazing trifecta of Snow Bunting, Horned Lark, & Lapland Longspur!

View towards Gull Point
Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)
Snow Bunting over Lake Erie
Red-breasted Merganser
Horned Lark (!)
More Horned Lark
Horned Lark @ ground
Snow Bunting w/ dirty beak
3x Dunlin
Snow Bunting duo
More Dunlin
Another view of Snow Bunting
4x Dunlin @ Gull Point
More duo
Break in the clouds
In flight
More Red-breasted Merganser

Coming up soon, more Gull Point!

El Rio (III)

Dateline: 5 August 2023

The Greatest Roadrunner

While waiting for more Dunlin content from Presque Isle State Park, it’s back to Marana, AZ in August for’s final epic installment (for now) of birds @ El Rio Preserve.

Verdin (juvenile)

Lucky to have plenty of time with this beautiful Greater Roadrunner in a tree – such an amazing/cool bird!

Ash-throated Flycatcher
More Flycatcher
In a tree
American Coot
Crest down

Not quite sure, but some sort of juvenile or female flycatcher probably:

Crest up
Bullock’s Oriole (f or juvenile)
Vermillion Flycatcher (f)
Tail down
Roadrunner portrait
Common Ground Dove
Another view of Vermillion Flycatcher
Head-on perspective
Red-tailed Hawk (+ unknown swallows or swifts)
More tree
Another portrait
Red-tailed Hawk (l) + Cooper’s Hawk (r)
Full view, crest down
Turkey Vulture
Tail up
Moon set at sunrise w/ Turkey Vulture
Running on air

Blurry Reunion

Forgot to switch back to a fast shutter speed for most of these shots = overexposed white plumage + blurry. (#2 Rule of Photography: check your camera settings. #1 Rule of Photography: remember the batteries and memory cards.) Nevertheless, very cool to see (and hear = distinctive whooping/hooting) Tundra Swan last week back at Presque Isle State Park the first time this fall:

Blurry Swans over Presque Isle Bay

Two Tundra Swans landing by four already in the water (hard too see, but on the right-hand corner of this shot):

Foolish perhaps to ascribe human emotions to birds, but everyone seemed very happy with this reunion! See also recent, very interesting research showing geese (and by extension, presumably, Tundra Swans) recognize each other socially.

More Dunlin & Friends

Still lots of Dunlin activity at Presque Isle State Park. Recent sightings at Thompson Bay, head of Presque Isle Bay, and Leo’s Landing. These shots from the other weekend at Gull Point.


And lots and lots of flocks of Dunlin in flight:

Gull @ Gull Point
Hermit Thrush along Gull Point Trail

Coming up soon, more Dunlin! #more_bird

More Duck Escape

Overcast with periodic light rain Saturday; very gloomy. Sunny Sunday – lovely day. Lots of ducks spotted evacuating Presque Isle State Park ahead of today’s start of duck hunting season. Stay safe, duck friends!

Duck escape – Green-winged Teal @ Gull Point
Mallard (m) w/ purple colouration; + American Coots x2
More duck escape – Green-winged Teal @ Big Pond
Mallard (f – left; m – right) in sun, Big Pond
Green-winged Teal (m) in water; + Mallards
More Mallard male – Niagara Pond
Hooded Merganser (m – left and right; f – center) @ Thompson Bay
Wood Ducks @ Long Pond
Ring-necked Ducks in flight @ Long Pond
Even more Mallard @ Long Pond
Green-winged Teal landing @ Gull Point

On Niagara Pond, perhaps the world’s blackest American Black Duck?

More blue Mallard
Female Mallards
Ruddy Ducks @ Presque isle Bay